Early Intervention Matters

Can Girls have ADHD?

October 15, 2021
Can Girls have ADHD?
Early Intervention Matters
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Early Intervention Matters
Can Girls have ADHD?
Oct 15, 2021

The short answer to this is Yes!
However, ADHD often presents itself in a different way in girls. In this episode, Dr. Takon discusses how ADHD shows up in girls and the signs to look out for.

If you have any questions or queries about this topic, send an email to eim@drtakon.com and your question could be answered in a future episode.

Show Notes

The short answer to this is Yes!
However, ADHD often presents itself in a different way in girls. In this episode, Dr. Takon discusses how ADHD shows up in girls and the signs to look out for.

If you have any questions or queries about this topic, send an email to eim@drtakon.com and your question could be answered in a future episode.