Austin Baptist Church
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Austin Baptist Church
Let Them Hear | Light the Way | Jonathan Spencer
Austin Baptist Church
Light The Way is a two-year generosity initiative designed to accelerate and expand the mission and ministries of Austin Baptist Church.
Our Goal: Raise $5 million above general fund tithes and offerings to eliminate our debt, expand our mission, and extend our message.
Joshua 8:30-35
1. BATTLES are lost when we do things OUR way
2. VICTORY is found when we do things GOD’S way
3. God’s Word is the KEY to a VICTORIOUS life
4. God’s Word must be COMMUNICATED where people can HEAR it
Media Ministry…
-Ministers to those who are: SUFFERING
-Informs those who are: SHOPPING
-Reaches those who are: SEARCHING
5. Our generosity EXTENDS the reach of God’s Word