Growing Up Blonde

Ep 3. Champagne Is Not Your Friend

Ilah Watson & Charlie Hosking Season 1 Episode 3

Merry Christmas!!! In this weeks episode, as the girls come to the end of their 21st season, they reminisce on their do's and don'ts to make it through the 365 days of "endless" partying. You'll find our about Ilah's HATRED of heels and Charlie's hacks for making the most out of your outfits, because clothes for 21st are feckin expenny. After this, you'll hopefully come away with an informative guide on making the most out of the year - after this you get to look forward to your friends Weddings... Hope you all party hard this new years and we will see you in 2023! 

We seriously appreciate any reviews you guys leave us, you're the best! 

Find us:
IG: @growingupblondee

Chosk's IG: @charliehosking

Ilah's IG: @ilahwatson

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