Growing Up Blonde

Ep. 7 Life After High School, Part One

Ilah Watson & Charlie Hosking Season 1 Episode 7

Hello, hello and happy Wednesday! This week Ilah and Chosk look back on how much their lives have changed since high school. From making new friends and losing olds ones to the massive emphases and pressure put on us to attend Uni (coming from two girls that dropped out). They both share their experiences on how their mental health took a bit of a hit and how they're constantly working on feeling more comfortable in their own skin. As usual, this eppy is full of sleep-deprived ramble and unsolicited oversharing... you know, the things you've grown to love about us. Hope you enjoy and we'll see you next week for part two!

We greatly appreciate any reviews you guys leave us, its helps us heaps!

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IG: @growingupblondee

Chosk's IG: @charliehosking

Ilah's IG: @ilahwatson

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