Ep. 11 - When Bowhunting and Engineering Meet - Arrow Dynamics with Iron Will Outfitters
The Bowtreader Podcast
The Bowtreader Podcast
Ep. 11 - When Bowhunting and Engineering Meet - Arrow Dynamics with Iron Will Outfitters
Jun 21, 2023

Bill blended two of his life passions - bowhunting and mechanical engineering - to create an incredible broadhead that is making waves in the archery industry. 

About Bill Vanderheyden  
Bill has been a bowhunter for 40 + years and a Mechanical Engineer for 30. He is extremely gifted in math, science, and physics; so much so that he actually graduated number one in his class of 1,232 at the University of Wisconsin's College of Engineering. He entered the professional field with an emphasis on mechanical design and materials science and became experienced in state-of-the-art engineering methods and tools. He is the Co-Founder and Lead Engineer of Iron Will Outfitters, famous for their broadheads that are "precision engineered to be as reliable as science allows."
Growing up Bill hunted whitetails in Wisconsin before moving to Colorado 24 years ago where he began focusing primarily on western big game and back country elk hunting. His passion for the sport of bowhunting is contagious and as you'll find in our conversation that he is extremely easy to talk to.   


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