Pod King Bible Study

Ep. #326: Partakers of the Light, Col. 1:9-12

Donnie King Season 1 Episode 326

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Today, we study only 4 verses, but there are so many wonderful things to go over within them. We looked at how Paul prayed for the Colossian believers to be filled with knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual understanding. That they might walk worthy of the Lord, be fruitful in all of their works, and increase in their knowledge of God. That they might be strengthened with might, by His glorious power, with all patience, longsuffering, and joyfulness. Paul gave thanks to the Father because he has made us all to be partakers of the inheritance with the saints in the Light.
In our Q&A segment, we were asked: Could you please explain Rom. 12:18, and the part about living peaceably with all men? When people try to take advantage of me, should I surrender to them… and what constitutes peace?
This episode has something for everyone, so come on and listen in today!