The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "We Versus I"

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 21

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "We Versus I"

Welcome to Season Two of the Rubber Biskit Road Show! In this inaugural podcast episode, The GYPSY takes us on a journey through three interconnected subjects that have captured his attention and sparked his contemplation.

Firstly, The GYPSY dives into the absurdity of a recent assertion by the Catholic Church. He discusses the notion that the use of "We" instead of "I" by a priest during the sacrament of baptism could invalidate thousands of infant baptisms. This perplexing interpretation highlights the intricacies of religious doctrine and the potential implications of language in matters of faith.

Moving on, The GYPSY sheds light on a troubling development within the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. He brings attention to a proposed seminar that unfairly targets Romani People, commonly known as Gypsies, as criminals and provides guidance on how to identify them. This practice underscores the importance of confronting and challenging stereotypes and prejudices within law enforcement.

Lastly, The GYPSY addresses a pressing issue that has become increasingly prevalent in the United States: the lenient sentencing of police officers involved in unjustified shootings. He offers insights into the systemic factors at play and calls within the criminal justice system to address this troubling trend.

Join The GYPSY for a thought-provoking discussion that delves into the complexities of religion, prejudice, and justice in today's society. He challenges listeners to confront difficult truths and engage in meaningful dialogue on issues that affect us all.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 02/28/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

“Like a Rubber Biskit, I have spent my life bouncing from here to there and back to here again.”  -The GYPSY-

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I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season1RBRSEpisode21 - We Versus I


Welcome to Season 2, Episode 21 of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show. I am your host, the Gypsy. Now, before we go on with the podcast today, I do need to apologize to you. You may hear some dogs barking in the background. That is because it is a really. Nice day out. And I am sitting in my breezeway recording today's podcast. Across from us, actually on the other side of our fence line, our neighbor has about seven or eight dogs over there and our neighbor is extremely rude and she. Yeah, she refuses to, you know, train her dogs not to bark constantly. So you may hear them in the background if you do. You definitely have. My apologies if you were with us last time, you will recall that I finished up my novel. Never say never, an epic journey about my mother, Shirley Elizabeth Hummel. Who suffered from mental illness her entire life. And we will do volume to sometime in the future. But for now you know that's where we left it. Today's episode. I have kind of entitled we versus I we versus I is at times as different as night versus day but in some instances. We versus. I makes no difference whatsoever and the gap between them is extremely small. When my mother was growing up, she was always looking for acceptance. She wanted to be recognized, she wanted to be accepted. She continued that quest her entire life. She never felt that she had a worthiness. She never felt that. People really looked at her and thought she. Was worth anything? Things that happened in her life didn't help her any. Get past that point. One of those things was when she grew up in the Nazarene church, she was an actual card carrying member of the Nazarene Church. But she did a horrendous thing that caused them to revoke her membership. She became pregnant with me. She became pregnant. Out of wedlock. Heaven forbid that happened and they literally pulled her membership. However, they were generous enough to say, you know what, you can still come to church. Just don't consider yourself a full-fledged member. The we had made a decision for the I what was morally correct and what was morally right. And the we had decided that the I was not as important as the we. So therefore, my mom was ostracized. This happened time and time again during her life. To me, I don't see where it made a difference. If she believed in God, if she was saved, if she enjoyed going to church, why would they need to pull her membership? Now the same hand. Why do you need a membership to go to a church anyway? Things that had happened to the Nazarene church when I were growing up kind of scared me on organized religion for years and years and years. As a matter of fact for the. Majority. Of my life, it's just been within the past couple of years that I renewed my faith. I go to Topeka Bible Church now and they are a very, very. Welcoming. Church, and they don't care whether you have a card that says you're a member of the church or not. What they care about is that you believe in God. You believe Jesus Christ is your savior and that you come to church and learn and grow and love, love one another. Isn't that what it's all about? Anyway, the we at Topeka Bible Church is just as important as the eye, and the eye is just as important as we I wish my mother could have found that type of acceptance during her life. Maybe some of her mental issues would have. And if not altogether eradicated, at least lessened a little bit. But unfortunately it never happened before. Recently there was a story on the news about how some Catholic priest, when doing a baptism instead of using the word I Baptist that ties you in the name of Jesus Christ. Said we baptized you in the name of Jesus Christ, and now the Catholic Church has decided that all those baptisms, those thousands of baptisms, that these priests. Head. Are no longer valid. Why aren't they valid? Am I missing something here? Does it make a difference if we say I baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ or we baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ according to the Catholic Church, when you say I you are channeling Jesus Christ and he speaks through you. OK, but by the same token, if you say. We wouldn't. You still be channeling Jesus Christ? Would he still be working through you? Because after all, isn't Jesus three different entity? He's. Isn't he the father, son and the Holy Spirit? Isn't that a we and not an I see, I totally don't understand what difference it makes, whether it's I baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit or we baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit. It makes absolutely no sense because I don't think on judgment Day when you're standing before the gates of heaven. That Saint Peter is going to look through his. Book and say. Ohh, I'm sorry you cannot enter heaven. Yes, yes, yes, I know you're saved. And I know you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior. And I know that you love and believe in God and the Holy Spirit, but because your priest said we and did not say I. You just cannot enter the gates of heaven. You are unpure. I honestly do not think that is gonna happen. God wants us to come to him just as we are. Our baptism's a great thing. Baptism is a commitment. It is a commitment that you have dedicated yourself to God. Most of the people that were baptized in the Catholic Church were baptized as children, as babies. Babies come into this world bearing the sins of their father. So the Bible says. But I also believe that babies come into this world. And babies really have no say over whether they're going to commit themselves to God. That comes later on when they have thought, when they have feeling and when they are ready to do so. So the fact that a priest baptized a baby and said we instead of I is a total and complete waste. Of space and energy on the part of the Catholic Church to say ohh all these thousands of people need hereby baptized. It's just it's ridiculous and it's just like the same thing that happened with my mother. You had a church organization saying ohh, I'm sorry because you got pregnant out of wedlock. You're just not worthy anymore. The we versus the aye, very powerful thing. When used against an individual. Don't you think I had another instance with a we versus an eye recently? It turns out that the Kansas City Police Department was going to hold a training session to where gypsies. By people that vermani. And Yugoslavians and Romanian nationals and travelers and Roma. They were all going to be identified in the seminar as the criminals that they are. It listed things like Scrappers, fortune tellers, oh man. Delicious went on and on and on. The only thing I really didn't see in there was candy makers. But you know, I'm pretty sure that they would have delved into the candy maker part of it because after all, you know how evil candy makers are. Look how fat they make us right anyway. I and other Romani people had a fit. We came on glued because they had just basically Kansas City Police Department had just said that we were all criminals. Now when I contacted the Kansas City Police Department about this and I found out later I wasn't the only one that did come to find out that they tried to justify the training of saying that it was being given by a separate group. But if you looked at their advertising for this training, Kansas City Police Department not only endorsed the training, but they sponsored it. Now, if they claim otherwise, they better go back and look at those advertisements because those advertisements. Really show what the truth is and it showed that KCPD was sponsoring and endorsing a ethnic. Seminar taking an ethnic group the Gypsies and stating that they were criminals and this is how you can spot a gypsy criminal. Now I can help them out here. I mean, if you want to spot a gypsy criminal, it's really easy to do. They're going to go out, they're going to steal your babies. They're going to dance around campfires and hope you throw money at them. And why they're throwing while you're throwing money at the pretty Gypsy dancer. The men are going to sneak up behind you. And they're going to pick your pocket. Then they're gonna tell your fortune why they're telling your fortune again. The children that they have stolen will sneak up behind you and they'll pick your pocket. See, I just solved the whole thing, and I did it in what? Less than a minute. So they really didn't need the seminar. What I just said is just as ridiculous as the seminar that they were going to have this seminar. This to, you know, get the KCPD familiar with the criminal element of the gypsies. Was so horrendous that I contacted the Department of Justice and I sent them information on it and I put it underneath the civil rights violation because that is exactly. What it was. And what's funny is that is not the only civil rights violation that I've had to bring to the attention of the Department of Justice recently. Back here. Ohh, I guess been about a month ago. I was looking up some information to post on our Facebook group over Bonnie Gypsy Soul. It's a group for gypsies. To meet and talk and, you know, get to know each other. And I came across this reference material about gypsies, and basically it said that we were illiterate, unclean, that all of us were criminals, that we smelled bad, that we dressed funny, and that. We never brushed our teeth. You get the idea. It didn't actually say that, but it might as well have. And guess where that reference article was. It was on the Department of Justices Reference Library. That's right, the Department of Justice had a reference article to identify what gypsies wore so that law enforcement officials would be well informed. Well, I contacted the Department of Justice and basically I said what? No. And I said, I cannot believe, cannot believe that you would have such a racist reference article on your website. Now this article was posted in 1980. Makes no difference. Whoever their librarian is for this reference library should be looking at articles every once in a while. And. You know, updating them, it'd be a really good idea rather than just leaving it floating out there since 1980. They referenced the book and how did old Gypsies or some stupid title like that really cheap little paperback books? Anyway, I contacted them about it. Kind of raised a little hell over it and I received a e-mail from the Department of Justice and of course it had a legal jargon in about how, you know, this is a reference source and it can be found all over the Internet and in. Libraries blah blah blah. Blah blah. But yes, they agree with me and it is racist and we will be removing it from our reference library. Which? You did. See, I strongly believe that sometimes when the eye goes to the we and speaks loud enough that the we has to pay attention, they can't ignore it. I mean, let's look at Black Lives Matter. Let's look at all the horrendous things that law enforcement and that rednecks. Have done to our black citizens, to our to not just black citizens, but people of color, whether they be Hispanic, whether they be black, whether they be Native American. OK. Whether they be Asian, OK, if you have color your target and the weed goes all after the eye, OK. And sometimes the we. Gets put in check over going after the eye, and we've seen that. A lot recently. Now one place where we didn't see it was that nice little cop. That decided that she was going to go ahead and shoot the boy in the car after she yelled Taser, Taser, Taser and she grabbed her Glock and pumped around into it. Really that big yellow Taser on your hip looks exactly like that block. And then the judge crying and feeling sympathy for this poor officer. That had to endure the pain of killing. This boy gave her less than two years. So that's all. That's all. A man's life is worth. Less than two years. This fine officer that pumped around into. That nice young man that yeah made a mistake but didn't deserve to have a round pumped into him. He don't have a life. He don't even have two years. Now he has nothing. Meanwhile, she only has served two years that she has the rest of her life. This is a case where the we totally ignored the I and said basically spit in the eye's face and said we don't care. We don't care that this young man died. Feel sorry for the officer that killed him. I don't feel sorry for her and whatever she gets while she's in prison. I fully feel like she deserves it. The problem is unfortunately, is that in our world the we versus the I. Is more times than not more powerful. Than the eye. That does not mean, however, that the eye. Cannot stand up and fight back. That the I cannot say this is wrong for when the eye says this is wrong, other voices chime in. When this eye said this is wrong. He got his information on what the KCPD, the Kansas City Police Department was doing from another gypsy who had posted the advertisement for that training seminar about identifying gypsy criminals. So now I have that information and I write to the KCPD raising cane. The other gypsy. Her name's Alicia. She took it. She wrote to a raising cane, then others joined it. A lot of people, a lot of her money attacked the KCPD. For hosting the seminar and the Kansas City Police Department canceled the seminar. So in this case the I became the we and the we took the lesser we which was the Kansas City Police Department said no, we don't think. This is going to happen. And we ended up prevailing. You know. You may think that yourself as an I you have no power. But I guarantee you. Just like a prophet cried out in the wilderness if he yelled loud enough. Someone's gonna hear you. And they're gonna come along and say what's going on. And when you tell them, they're gonna say. How can I help? And then they're gonna cry along with you, and they're gonna. It's gonna be louder and more people are gonna hear it. They're gonna come, and they're gonna say, what can I do to help? And before long, you're no longer. And I you're we. And you're very powerful. We. So don't think just because you're an I. That you have no power because you have more power than you think. My mom had more power than she thought. She thought that she was just an I and that she didn't matter when the truth is, she mattered more than she even knew herself. So never be afraid to say something when you see a wrong. Never be afraid to, right? A. Wrong and never ever ignore wrong ignoring something that's wrong. That's probably the worst thing in the world that you could possibly. 2. Now, before we call it today here I just want to go back to the Catholic Church and the we versus the I you know what I was baptized once. As a matter of fact, was christened, but I was also baptized. The guy that baptized me was a guy by the name of the reverend biker Mike, the Reverend Michael Mike was a former outlaw biker who had almost died when his motorcycle. Hit the back of a gas tanker truck. The truck explode exploded and somehow biker Mike survived. He dedicated his life to God. He he was later murdered by his wife. But that's a different story for a different day, but. The river biker Mike. Had a church called gathering Place. And he baptized me and a whole bunch of other people that went to the gathering place in a Creek called Shoal Creek over Missouri. When Mike or Mike baptized me as he ducked me under. I still remember what he. Said we baptize you in the name of the Father, son, and the Holy Ghost, and he dunked me under. And then when he pulled me up, he said, I think he needs 2 dunks. Don't you, Lord? And he dunked me again. Now I don't know whether 2 dunks, you know, ensures my place in heaven. But there's one thing that I do know. Just because Mike and Mike said we instead of I does not keep me out of heaven. And the Catholic Church would be wise to learn that lesson. We in place of I. Does not keep people out of heaven, especially people that had no say as to whether they wanted to dedicate their life to God or not. At the time that they were baptized. I think that it's up to each individual to decide if they want to turn to Jesus Christ as their savior, dedicate their life to God. And do the good works that God wants us to do to not only make this place this our Earth a better place, our world a better place, but to also ensure our spot in heaven next to him. Well, that's it for this episode of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show, please tune in next time when I don't know what the subject matter will be, but I guess we'll find out. I'll come up with something, I promise. But before I sign off, I got one small favor to ask of you. My wife. Recently they diagnosed her with breast cancer. And she's going through a very hard time. Needless to say, I'm gonna ask you as an I. To say a prayer for her, say a prayer, not only for her healing, but also for her emotional and mental well-being, and you as an AI. If you join with other eyes that are hearing this podcast today, and pray for my wife that she is healed and that she gets through this emotionally mentally. And uh. Physically. Then. As you join with other eyes to. Pray for her health and her well-being. Then you will turn into a we and that we will be a lot more powerful than just the eye. I would deeply appreciate you to do that. From the bottom of my heart. So until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Gypsy saying. Please remember my wife Rachel and your prayers. May God bless and keep you and yours later, Gators. Bye bye now. 

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