The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "Save The Ducks"

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 32

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "Save The Ducks"

In this whimsical and lighthearted episode of the Rubber Biskit Road Show, The GYPSY passionately urges you to "Save The Ducks" as he explores the plight of one of nature's most misunderstood and endangered creatures—Rubber Ducks. Despite their popularity in bathtubs and pools, The GYPSY highlights their surprising inability to float upright and the various challenges they face in their whimsical world.

Amidst the duck-centric discussions, The GYPSY takes delightful detours to delve into the latest political antics, including Trump's ongoing attempts to overturn the 2020 election. He also teases a potential surprise candidate for the 2024 election, sparking curiosity and speculation.

Additionally, The GYPSY shares exciting news about his upcoming art project, promising a new creation that continues to capture his unique artistic vision. While the conversation meanders through politics, art, and unexpected twists, the focus remains on the humble Rubber Duck, celebrating its quirky charm and enduring legacy in pop culture.

Join The GYPSY for a podcast episode filled with humor, insights, and a heartfelt call to action for our rubber-coated friends. You won't want to miss this entertaining blend of serious topics and playful banter!

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 07/11/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season2RBRSEpisode32 - Podcast.mp3


Welcome to Episode 32 of the Rubber Biscuit Rd. show I am your host, the Gypsy. Well, it's a hot summer day. It's as they like to say. Hot in Topeka. If you have not seen that video or that cartoon, I strongly suggest that you go to YouTube and look up hot in Topeka. You will laugh your hot in Topeka **** off anyway. Just it's a wonderful day and beautiful out. It's hot in Topeka, of course, I. Otherwise I wanted to mention it, but other than that, you know, it is really nice out. Clear Sky and a little breeze blowing. My wife and I went out to the pool, had ourselves a really nice swim, turned into a cup of prunes. But that's OK. That's what swimming pools are for. Right. And Speaking of swimming pools, I really want to talk today about a creature that a lot of people don't ever really think about. The poor thing is probably not endangered, but if more awareness is not brought forth on this creature and about this creature, it could become an endangered species. Of course I'm talking about the rubber duck now, this humble little creature, this little humble rubber duck is a mainstay of American culture, probably culture all the way around the world. I cannot imagine anybody. That would have anything against a rubber duck. I can't even think of any revolutions that would start because one country wants another country's rubber duck. It's a symbol of peace. It's a symbol of tranquility, and it's just totally so misunderstood. Think about the humble rubber duck. It's a little yellow rubber toy. That when you squeeze it, it makes noise. Rubber duckies are your very best friend. It's true. Boopy Doo. Sorry I went into Sesame Street there for a second, couldn't help myself. But seriously, think about that rubber duck. Think about the near extinction of rubber ducks that are made that can't float. I mean, seriously, there are rubber ducks that you put into the water and the poor little things just do not float. Good example of this. My wife and I have 26 different rubber ducks. They line the outside of our pool. They're kind of like our pool guardians. You know, they they keep all the bad things away. And when I say we have 26 rubber ducks. I'm not kidding. We seriously have 26 rubber ducks around the outside of a pool. Out of the 26 rubber ducks, we have only two of them float upright. The rest of them go to their sides. We have to save them from drowning all the time. Their poor little heads go under water. They can't breathe when we pull them up out of water and we squeeze them all. This water comes out of them. It's just, it's sad. I think that more awareness needs to be given to the fact that some rubber ducks just don't float. Maybe. Maybe we can start a campaign forcing manufacturers to make rubber ducts that float rather than rubber ducts that turn on their side, I mean. Think about this for a second. You are a young child, a toddler with say, you're sitting in your bathtub full of bubbles. Mommy brings you in your little rubber ducky. You're so excited. You and your rubber ducky are going to take a bath in that bathtub full of bubbles. You put him in there to float and all of a sudden he turns on his side and he. Drowns. You got a dead rubber duck? How much fun is that for the toddler to be taking a bath with a dead rubber? I mean, seriously, do you think Bert or Ernie or Arnie's one that loves rubber duckies? Ernie from Sesame Street. Do you think he would be so happy with the rubber ducky if it just rolled over and drowned in his bath water? I don't think so. So. We need to start a campaign, save the rubber duckies, and we need to force these inconsiderate manufacturers that are not. Not, I repeat, are not making sure the rubber ducks float to make those rubber ducts float. So the next time you see a poor rubber ducky not floating in the water, make sure you turn it up right so that it don't drown because there's nothing worse than to have bathtubs all across the United States full of drowned rubber ducks. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's move on to. Some other things. Today's silliness. We're just going to be silly today with everything that's going on in the world. Why not be silly? I mean, I I can talk about political stuff and be silly about that. I mean, like Donald Trump going to the Wisconsin legislators and saying, hey, because your Supreme Court said that. In the future, ballot boxes are only limited to polling stations. Let's go ahead and overturn the 2020 election and make me the winner because we know I won by a lot. This guy is so delusional, so delusional. I'm thinking about running for president. He's so delusional that I'm actually think about running for president. The only problem is I don't want to paint my body orange or do a comb over, OK? And I look horrible in red caps, so I I I don't know if I'll run for president or not. Maybe I'll run for dictator. No, wait a minute. He's already trying to do that. Uh, never mind. I just. You know, honestly think about it a second. If I ran for President. Not painting my body orange or doing a comb over or wearing red hats. If I ran for President, would you vote for me? Would you? Well, if you would vote for me, you're out of your mind because I wouldn't even vote for myself. So I think you're delusional. I think you definitely need help. Go seek therapy. Because if you vote for me, you're crazier than I am. Seriously. Absolutely. Crazier than I am. What else is going on in my life? I mean, there's so many things we have some exciting stuff going on tonight. We are having tuna helper for. Tuna helper is great and I mean this brings us. Tuna helper brings us full circle back to rubber duckies. Where do tunas come from? They come from the sea. What do tunas do? They swim. Have you ever seen a tuna that was put into the water that turned sideways and upside down? No. But you see rubber ducks. That all the time. So think about the mighty tuna and how they can swim upright. And shouldn't rubber ducks have that same privilege of swimming upright? I know I digress here, but what the heck? Full circle tunas to rubber ducks. What can I say? Well, we're getting ready right now. Besides having tuna helper for supper, we're getting ready for family camp. What family camp is is our church. Topeka Bible Church has goes down to New Valley Ranch. Or is that right? Yeah. New Valley ranch. Why don't that sound right? That's not right. Uh, New life ranch God. I just I must got waterlogged out there in the pool. We go down to New Life Ranch, Flint Valley every year for family camp. It's four days of fun and fellowship and just a great time. And it's a beautiful place. If you've never heard of it, Google it. It's new life ranch. Flint valley. There's all sorts of pictures up there. Click on the pictures and check it out. Beautiful place. If if your church happens to do something like that, you are very fortunate because we find ourselves very fortunate. Rachel, my wife. She's been extremely busy getting together crafts for the Kittles down there. She has her very own craft Hut at family Camp and she takes the kids in and she gives them crafts to do. And all the kids love her. She's got this way with children. Like no one I've ever seen before in my entire life. And the kids just walked to her and they love her and she loves the children. And this. This is an exciting time for her. She she's very focused on making sure that the kids have a wonderful time while they're down there and. She will do it too. I'm telling you what I saw her in action last year when she had her craft Hut and the kids just absolutely love her kids. Kids still come up to her at the church and you know they come up and let her know that they really liked her and that they had fun there last year. And what's really nice is every single year she'll get a new group of kids. You know that she can that she can share crafts with and that she can share the word of God with. And her testimony is just the light that she that shines off of her people, people that hardly know us. Tell me that every time they see her she just. She's like this light. And it is amazing and I can't argue with them. I totally agree. Rachel is a light and she's just. She's a wonderful, wonderful person with a heart that's bigger than she is. The kids know it. And actually to be, if I was to be absolutely honest with you and don't tell her I said this, she's actually. Just a big kid at heart herself, so you know, just a kid. But that's OK because that's how she relates to the children and nothing wrong with that. As for myself at family Camp, I have every intention. There's a waterfall there that just fascinated me last year. She just came by and said something. I have no idea. What she said. But. She's a child, she says, anyway. There's a waterfall there at Point Valley. Absolutely fascinating. Me last year. It's not. It's not a big waterfall. It's actually man made one. What they did was they kind of dammed up one end of this Creek to create a lake in the center of this of this Flint Valley area. And they use like old concrete and what have you to, you know, dam it up. But it created a waterfall at the same time. And the waterfall is absolutely beautiful. It comes cascading over over these rocks. And these pieces of concrete. And it goes into this really pretty pool area that turns. Back into the Creek again and. Pretty amazing what they've done because you know, they've taken a Creek and they've turned it into a really nice lake in the middle of this ranch. This Flint Valley area. And this lake is fantastic. You can swim in it, you can fish in it. They have zip lines that go over it. They have monkey bars that go over big slide that goes down. Into it. One of those big inflatable bags that you can jump on and send your friend flying into the air, and it's just All in all, it's just a great time for everybody. You know, the way they made this lake, it's one of the big highlights of that. Of the camp. But for me, the highlight this year is going to be that waterfall because I'm taking my portable easel with me and I'm taking some paints and a canvas and I plan on painting the waterfall in person. Now, if you follow me on social media, if you follow like. Artist Alley, Studio and gallery. Or if you follow us on Instagram or anywhere. Excuse me or anyone. There you know that I post pictures of me doing my artwork or sometimes I post videos of me doing my artwork. I'm actually going to take a video of me painting by this waterfall and I will post it up online so that you can see it. I hope that you're as impressed as I am with the waterfall I like I said, I think it's beautiful and I think it's going to make a lovely. Painting and of course I'll post the painting after I do it, but I'm going to do what I call a down quick and dirty painting. It's kind of the way Bob Ross used to paint. You know, how he'd do something in 30. Minutes. Basically. That's kind of what I'm going to do. I don't know if I'm as fast as Bob Ross, but I'm going to do a down quick and dirty painting of this waterfall and hopefully turns out beautifully. We shall see, and I can guarantee I can promise you that when I do this waterfall, if I see any rubber ducks in there. You know, in the pool and they're laying on their side. I will definitely go into the waterfall and I will turn the Ducks up, right, so that none of them drown because, you know, we don't want to see any drowned rubber ducks at family camp. It might traumatize the children. Anyway, family camps going to be a whole lot of fun and after family camp, we're going to be starting looking, you know, and heading into the fall. Fall is an interesting time for us. There's a there's a lot of things we do in the fall. One of the things we start doing is, oh boy, we start getting ready for Christmas time and we start getting ready to buy presents for the family and all that good stuff. We also have to close down the pool. You know, the pool that we have 26 rubber ducks around the outside. We have to get that pool closed down for the winter and that's always a major. Major event I. I almost think that as I close down that pool that we need to speed up the action and have Benny Hill music playing. I really do because it is. It is a comedy routine like you've never seen before in your entire life. I I outdo the Three stooges when it comes to closing down that pool. 3 Stooges have nothing on me. I mean, I poked myself in the eyes while I'm closing down the pool. I knocked myself on the head. You know, I don't need two other guys to do it for me because it drives me crazy when I close the thing down. But once I quote, get the pool closed down. I go. Ah, he was a sigh of relief. But I'm not thinking about that right now because it's still nice out and I'm going to continue enjoy swimming every single day I can. I don't mind turning into a prune. Heck, it saves me from having to take a shower. You know, I just climb in the pool and I swim around and save the lives of rubber ducks and. Don't have to worry about showers. I'm lying. Nice shower or we have a salt water pool and with a salt water pool you really have to jump in the shower and rinse off after you go swimming. Otherwise you know your whole body tastes like salt, but you know. My skin is really soft. That salt water pool. Oh, man, my skin is super soft and you know sexy baby, sexy soft skin. But I I am going to enjoy that pool every single day that I can until. Until until it's time to close it down. I want to share something with you. OK. And you're going to think I'm crazy when I tell you this, and maybe I am a little bit crazy, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm actually giving away my artwork right now. That's right. I'm giving away free artwork now. What I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a link. Where you can go and you can check it out. OK, so I'm going to give you a second. Grab a pencil, grab a piece of paper and I'll give you this link and you can go. You can go check out this for your artwork. OK now. The thing of it is OK is that it is for you have to pay. You have to pay shipping and handling, OK, you can't get away without paying the shipping and handling, but the yard itself is free. And what's really cool about it is not only is the art free. Which is really cool. But also. I sign it and I date it. So it's signed and dated by me. So here's the link. Do you have your pencil? Do you have your piece of paper? You better get it. I'll. We'll do this. We'll do a countdown. This is your final countdown. To get a pencil and a piece of paper so that you can write down this web address. OK, here goes 10987654. 321 here's the web address. It's H. TT. PS. Colon slash slash. Or is that semi colon always give them confused. The double dots OK. So go back here, HTTPS. Semi colon slash slash WWW dot. Artist. ARTI ST-L EALEY. Dot net. Slash. Cart flows CARTFLOWS under score step. STEP slash. Gypsy Gy py. Dash. Art. Art. Dash 1. ONE. And that's it. So flows under score steps slash, Gypsy Dash art Dash 1. Go check it out. It's like I said, it's free. I sign them, I date them, and all you have to do is just go check it out and pick out what you want, and we will get some free artwork to you. You just have to pay the shipping and handling on it. That's. That's it. Now, in case you didn't write that down and you didn't get it, look on the description for this podcast and I will put, I'll put the link on the description so she can get it. So I hope you go check it out because I want to. I want to give away some free art. I actually want to get some artwork out there and if you. Take a look at it. You know, and like, it definitely definitely go ahead and add it to your shopping cart. One thing that I do want you to be aware of, OK, all the art that I'm giving away right now is Gypsy related. It's gypsy themed. OK? I don't know. It could be because I'm Romani that I made a gypsy themed, but who knows what my reasoning was, but I don't want you to go on there thinking that you're going to get. Free artwork of rubber ducks because I have no artwork of rubber ducks right now, so if you think that's what you're going to do in support of rubber ducks. Everywhere you're going to the wrong artist because I haven't painted any rubber ducks and I really have no future plans right now to paint any rubber ducks because I don't think the rubber ducks would appreciate it if I slathered them with a bunch of paint. So I'm not going to do that. So, but if you do want some free art, go check it out, OK? Well, let's see. Is there any other nonsense I can talk about today? I don't know what else I can talk about. I uh. I just. It's just a nice day and I really don't want to think about all the nastiness that's going on in the world right now. We think enough about it every day and we pray about it every day and we pray for, you know, some of this nastiness to go away and some of this to disappear. It's really, really a shame that we have to put up with tyrants. And wannabe tyrants and just. All the stuff that. Makes America. Sit and groan. Because we are American, we should be proud to be Americans. We're not. We're not blue Americans. We're not red Americans. We're red, white and blue Americans. We're all Americans. And to sit back and watch these, you know, these wannabe dictators and these wannabe rulers tried to take over our country. You know, it's upsetting. It really is upsetting, but I do have a solution to stop that from happening. OK. I think if each and every person in the United States would buy a rubber duck. And go to Washington, DC and present them to Congress and the Senate. I think this world would be a happier place and probably with that many rubber ducks filling up the Capitol building. We never have to see the congressman or the Senators ever again because there just be too many rubber ducks for them to get out of there. And then we could all be happy. What do you think? I think that's the plan. So for me. My wife, Rachel, my dog, Cato, my dog, Hannah, my dog Roo, my cat cricket, my fish fishy guy and the 26 rubber duckies around the outside of the pool. We wish you all all, each and everyone of you a wonderful, wonderful day full of fun, full of love, full of laughter, full of rubber ducks. Until next week. I wish each and every one of you. A very, very, very. Very, very. Very. Ducky Day until next time. This is your friendly neighborhood Gypsy. Sane. May God bless and keep each and one each and every one of you and you and yours later, Gators. Bye. Bye now.

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