The Rubber Biskit Road Show: With The GYPSY

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "A Lot Of Catching Up To Do"

The GYPSY Season 2 Episode 35

The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presents: "A Lot Of Catching Up To Do"

In this episode of The Rubber Biskit Road Show, titled "A Lot Of Catching Up To Do," The GYPSY climbs upon his soapbox to tackle American and world affairs. With his characteristic candidness and wit, he shares his perspectives on a range of pressing issues, including environmental activism gone wrong, election deniers, democracy destroyers, and the war in Ukraine.

The GYPSY doesn't shy away from controversial topics, offering his unique take on each subject and inviting listeners to engage in thoughtful discourse. Whether you agree, disagree, or agree to disagree, this episode promises to provoke reflection and conversation.

Join The GYPSY for a dynamic and thought-provoking episode, where no topic is off-limits and every opinion is welcomed. Engage with his insights, challenge your viewpoints, and explore the complexities of today's world through the eyes of an intrepid artist and commentator.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rebroadcast of a podcast episode from 10/27/2022. I stopped podcasting to help my wife through her battle with stage 4 breast cancer. My wife recovered and I am now ready to start podcasting once more. Over the next couple of months, I will repost my past podcasts and start new episodes in 2024.

I'm The GYPSY and You're Not and This Is The Rubber Biskit Road Show Presented By Artist Alley Studio Featuring The Artisan, Handcrafted and Branded Creations of The GYPSY and Mad Hatter. Visit Us At

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Season2RBRSEpisode35 - Podcast.mp3


From the episode 35 of the Rubber Biscuit Roadshow, I am your host, the Gypsy. Well, it's been a while since I got on here and shared wild piece of myself with you. So I thought, what the heck, I had a few minutes today. I might as well do that. I really, really do want to keep up on these podcasts. But my schedule has been really crazy. Plus, I got another. Concern my wife Rachel is suffering from stage 3 breast cancer. So. So I spend a lot of time with her making sure that her needs are met and making sure that she feels loved, which she is, and that she don't feel loved a lot of times I know she feels that way and she feels like she's in this battle by herself, but I need to make sure that she knows she's not in this by herself. So if you're listening to this, do me a favor. Say a prayer for her that she will beat this stage 3 breast cancer. She beat a Stage 2 breast cancer. She can beat the Stage 3 breast cancer as well. So please say a prayer to God that my wife Rachel beats the stage 3 breast cancer and that she will go on living a wonderful and full life because she is a wonderful and. Old person. Thank you so much. Anyway, what shall we talk about today? Well, I just turned 66 years old. That's right. 66 rotations around this. I can't believe it. I. I'm kind of shocked actually, that I made it this far, I. I got up this morning and I got ready to come into work and come to the studio and that's where I'm at right now. I'm in the artist Valley studio recording this and I thought, you know what, this is a pretty wonderful world. I've I've been really blessed to have 66 years. They they weren't all easy and they weren't all wonderful. But I've learned a lot in those 66 years. I've received many blessings. I've received more blessings than I've received non blessings, and I know that's because God kind of smiles down. Who looks at me and says, you know what, you know, you've given me a million reasons not to love you and none of them have changed my mind. So you know, I I have to try to do the best I can to to make God proud of me and to show that I care to other people. One of those ways I show I care. It's through my art. I love doing my art. I love sharing my art. I'm giving free art lessons on Facebook live right now every Wednesday. But hey, if you're so inclined, you know, check them out. They're they're underneath the artist's life. And if you have problems finding that the extension is art of the gypsies. So that's the page you're on. Come check them out. Maybe you'd like to do a pre art lesson with me? That'd be. Anyway, art is one way that I share. It's one way that I reach out to the world. It's one way that I express my emotions and that I try to touch the world and try to make the world a little bit better place. My art isn't great art, but it is my art and I know that sometimes it makes people smile. With that being said. I I saw this news article back here a couple of weeks ago that really disturbed me and really upset. Two very uninformed and very ignorant teenagers in England trying to make a bold statement about climate change. Proceeded to Daws Van Gogh, sunflowers with tomato soup. I was just. Shocked, I didn't know what to say. They make these comments about you care more about protecting art than you care about protecting our world. And I thought to myself, how ignorant you two are. Have you not read? Have you not looked? Have you not studied who Van Gogh was? Fortunately, the painting was behind glass, so they they didn't really hurt the painting and they were rested and hopefully they're going to learn their lesson and maybe somebody will educate them about who Van Gogh was. They talked about climate change, they talked about caring. You know about they talked about feeding people. They obviously never ever in their entire life read anything about Van Gogh himself.


Van Gogh was really concerned with the environment even 140 years ago. He was concerned with the environment. He was concerned with how the world was changing, how man worked, how he harvested food, how he made his daily living. He was concerned with these things, potato eaters. Does anybody show these girls the painting, potato eaters and potato eaters? He makes a bold statement here, these people. Who farmed the land and grew these potatoes with their own hand are now sitting down to dinner to eat these potatoes. Yes, Van Gogh was concerned about hunger. He he did sketches of coal miners. He was really concerned about that when he was a minister. It's what caused him this ministry because he was more concerned about being with the people. Than being the elite. See the powers of being thought that he should set himself above the general populace. Then go understood that he was one of the general populace, and that in order to connect with them he had to be one of them. He had to be there. He had to suffer as they suffered. He had worked as they worked, he had to starve. As they started, he had to eat as they eat. These two very ignorant girls in England that doused that painting with the tomato soup. They apparently knew nothing about dango, not a thing. A quick education for them, of all the silly things in the world is somebody please show them the Doctor Who episode where Van Gogh wasn't part of that episode. Show them the very end where the curator is talking about what Van Gogh and his art meant to the world. Maybe. Just maybe these two very uneducated girls will get a clue. I don't fault them for wanting to protest climate change. Don't get me wrong, they should protest it. But they should protest it in the right way, not the wrong ways. I mean, if you want to be kind of tongue in cheek about this, shouldn't they have really doused a painting of Andy Warhol's Campbell tomato soup with Campbells tomato soup? No, they shouldn't have. They shouldn't have doused any painting with tomato soup, but they do have a right to protest. But just do it in the right ways, not the wrong ways. Don't try to damage property because when you damage property, you're no better than those that you protest against. The idea is a peaceful protest that means no damage. No violence, no hatred, just love. And getting your message across. I mean, it's really that simple. So let's move on to other things. Got a whole lot to discuss here today because I have not been with you in a while and. I am just really glad that I can sit here for a moment and spend some time with you talking about the state of the world and its affairs. I would really like to talk before the election hits about election deniers. People like this gal lake out in. Arizona. If she becomes governor, we're going to have all sorts of trouble. You thought we had problems with Trump. She is a whole nother can of worms now. There are ways to keep her from blocking the elections. There are ways to keep her from, you know, denying elections. But it's it's. A whole long. Legal process and hopefully our Supreme Court. To do. The right thing. So hopefully people like her will not get into office. It's really a sad state of affairs in America when we have to be concerned with the nut cases with the fringes, with the conspiracy theorists, with the wannabe dictators and the wannabe powermonger. And people that just apparently never took a civics class in their entire life trying to get into office, trying to be in power, trying to destroy our democratic system. This system has been strong, real strong for over 200 years. They can continue to be strong, but we as a people have got to stand up to these people on the fringes that are trying basically to take over our government. That is exactly what they're doing. They're trying to take over our government. A lot of them. It's all a power trip, like Donald Trump, for instance. That's a power trip, but some of them, they're just ignorant. A lot of. The people that stormed the capital on January 6th. Ignorance. Ignorance. They they let themselves be manipulated by people that wanted power, and they use these people on January 6 and storm the capital to try to keep and gain that power. I'm sorry, folks, please wake up before it's too late. You've been used by those. And want to use. You want to remain in power and want to have all the power over you. They're not concerned about you. They could care less about you. They spout that off. Ohh. I'm really concerned about about the working man. No, they're not. No, they're not. They're concerned about their own position. So please wake up before it's too late. Vote these people out of office. I'm not saying that you have to vote Democrat. But please please. Vote someone other than these people in the GOP that want to take over our government because that's what's happening right now. And I'm sorry. I just. I'm dumbfounded by people that changed their priorities. Or dropped their part. Claiming that, for instance, the Democrats are exactly what the Republicans are, when in reality all they're doing is they're spouting Republican talking points. So please folks, go to the polls, vote out these GOP extremists that are trying to destroy our country. Vote GOP if you want. Two, please. Do you got that right? It's. It's your freedom to do that. But vote GOP. That's actually. Cares for our country, not the extremists, not the conspiracy theorists, not the election deniers. Not the people that want to take over our government. Vote for actual GOP representatives that are actually going to represent you and not represent their own self-interest. Vote for Democrats that are going to represent you and not represent their own self-interest. Really, study these people you're voting for and really understand what they're about. It's very important you have a right to vote. You have a right to your vote and nobody has a right to take that vote away from you. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now, but I that had to be said. I had to say it. School shootings. Let's cover school shootings real quick since we. Haven't talked in a while. Wife. Why? Why are there still school shootings? Have we not learned how to control this? Have we not learned how to block these shooters from coming into our schools from coming in our classrooms? And what about cops that just stand around and do nothing? White shooters like in Uvalde take out a whole classroom full of kids. What about that female DPS trooper that said, hey, if my kid was in there, aren't being there in a heartbeat, who cares if it was your kid or someone else as your job was to be in there in a heartbeat. I'm sorry. You. Did wrong and you deserve whatever punishment you get. You do not deserve to have a position of authority. Or to be on any Police Department or even in a security position anywhere go collect garbage for all I care. But you should have been in there, whether it was your child or not. We need folks, we need to have comprehensive gun control laws. I'm not talking about taking away guns. I I own guns. I by no means do I want us to take away guns, but we have to be have more thorough background checks. We have to check the mental stability of people. We should up the age to own our firearm. 21 years, not 18. OK, 18. They're still teenager. They're still in this little fantasy world of whatever video game they're playing. 21 is an adequate age to have a gun, but again, there should be more thorough background checks, not only from the law enforcement side, but also from the mental health side. If you have anything in your background that even suggests violence in any way, you should not be allowed on the firearm. And while we're talking about that, let's talk about these gun shows. It seems like Topeka has a gun show every other month. That's where I'm from Topeka, KS. And it seems like we have a gun show here every other month. Why does not the same? Laws applied to the gun shows that apply to, you know, gun shot, and I don't care whether you're purchasing a handgun or whether you're purchasing a rifle. You should still have a background check if nobody staying away. You're right to own that gun. They are taking away your right to own that gun if you're violent, or if you have a history of mental illness. That is a right. You do not have if you fall into that category and these background checks ought to go for gun shows as well as gun shops. Nobody needs an assault rifle. Nobody for any reason. You're not going to go hunting with an assault rifle. There is no reason for you. To have it. You spout off personal protection. What are you going to take out an army? Is that what your idea is? That's not personal protection. Not at all. A handgun is personal protection. An assault rifle. That's overkill. And let me emphasize the word kill. Here it is overkill. There is no reason for you to have an assault rifle. None whatsoever. You're not going to go out and hunt Jack rabbits with it. You're not going to go out and hunt deer with it. That weapon is made for one reason and one reason only. To take out man. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry. There's a difference between personal protection. And wanting to assault individuals, you know, most of the school shootings that take place, they're with assault rifles. So we really need to start doing something about salt rifles. If we ban any type of weapon, that's the weapon that needs to be banned as assault rifles. And that's just my opinion on it. Whether you agree or not makes no difference here. I have the freedom of choice and the freedom of right and the freedom of speech to state what's on my mind. And that's what's on my mind. OK, so I'll put it into a nutshell. We need to make sure the shooters do not get into schools, we need to have better security, we need to make sure that guns do not get in the hands of criminals or the mentally ill and we need to put a ban. On assault rifles. You can agree or disagree with me. I don't care. But there you have. It. All right, so let's talk a little bit more. About things that are going on in the world that are a little bit on the brighter and cheerier side. OK for me right now, brighter and cheerier is the fact that Ukraine is pushing back. Russia, Russia and their illegal annexation. Of the Ukraine and their illegal salt on the Ukraine altogether, it does my heart good. Every time that I hear that the Ukraine has pushed back. So that's a bright spot of the world. I'm not going to get into the whole Ukraine Russian warfare thing. We all know that Vladimir Putin is mentally insane. We all are well aware. That he's on this power trip. We all are well aware that we could be on the fringe of nuclear destruction. But what we have to do is we have to take the grains from that, we have to put that to one side and look at the positive side, look at the strength of the Ukrainian people as they have fought back as Americans would we fight back the same way I would hope to think so. We would, you know, I would hope to think not. That we wouldn't, you know, this, this whole Ukraine war don't have many bright spots. But when you talk about the Ukrainian people pushing back against against Putin, well, that's a bright spot. That definitely is. Arm. Recently this fall. It has been really pretty out. It's been really gorgeous out. We've had some really outstanding colors in the trees this year, I've. Every morning I kind of wake up and I'm curious to see what the trees are going to look like today. When the sunlight hits my backyard and it lights up the trees in the backyard, it just totally just totally makes my whole day. It makes me so happy to. See all that? This has been a really pretty fall and I'm hoping that we start getting some more rain because I know there's a lot of people that need rain to be can finally got rain the other day, but I hope we get some more rain for those people that really need in the drought areas. Of the United States here a couple. Weeks ago, my wife and I took a trip to western Missouri. Weston. Is where I graduated high school at. I've always loved Weston and.


Some wonderful city. Wonderful little. You know, I would move there in a heartbeat if I could afford to. My wife knows this too. Love that little town. I I wish I could open up a shop there. I wish I could open up a studio there. If I won the lottery and I didn't have to worry about money, I might do that just to have a shop there just to have a home there. If I won the lottery, I wouldn't have to be worried about making money. The only thing I'd have to be worried about is practicing my art and sharing it with other people, which I do like to share my heart with other people. I mentioned that at the top of this. Podcast it's one of the things that I really, really enjoy doing. A lot of my art you can view on my website at That's where I post a lot of it at. You can also find the tutorials, the art tutorials. I have them there on that website if you want to check them out and maybe you do it. But sharing my heart is something that I really enjoy doing more than anything else. I have an apprentice here not too long ago with some most and she is working on finishing her license. She's getting right. Take her clinical for the third time. There's a whole lot of things that she wasn't taught by her. This trainer, unfortunately, but we went over. It all the other. Day, so hopefully she'll get through that and she'll get a chance to share her because I know that's something she really, really wants to do is to share her art. But, you know, sharing is important if you have something that. You can share with. The world you really should do it because honestly. People want to see what you have to share. They want to know what you have to share. It's in this world. All too often we try to keep things to ourselves, we. Try to kind. Of covered them. Honestly, isn't it better to share our talents and to share what we have to give the world than to keep it hid away? The Bible says if you hide. Your light under a bushel. You have lost something that is really crucial if you hide your talent. Then you've lost something that's really crucial, and that's the gift and the blessing of being able to share it. With. The world so. Use your talents. Use them wisely and share them with those that you can, and you'll make the world a happier and better place, I guarantee you. You know. I see a lot of examples of people sharing their talent all the time in the studio. We have YouTube on for music, for our clients. One of the most frequent channels on YouTube that we listen to is postmodern jukebox. Now. If you haven't listened to Postmodern jukebox, I would strongly advise that you find their top tracks. Grab a bucket of popcorn, grab your drink and sit back and listen for a while, because once you start listening, you really don't want to stop. There are a lot of talented people. People in postmodern jukebox, it's a wide range of different musicians, different singers. Postmodern Jukebox is owned by a guy by the name of Scott Bradley and he does all their musical arrangements. He's the guy that's on the piano in. Case you start watching. It he extremely talented individual who is sharing his talent with the world through YouTube. All the artists that performed with the Postmodern jukebox, so they too are sharing their talent with. Earl. They get paid for their talent. You know, they they have a talent, they get paid for it, but they are still sharing even though they're getting paid, they're sharing what they love. It's like me. I have a talent. I'm a tattoo artist. I'm an artist. I share that talent. I share that talent. With the world. I get paid for what I do but. I share it, but I also. Try to give back wherever I can. So I'm always giving back. I'm always. Just. Giving of myself and giving away of myself whenever I can, because it's a way of returning the blessings that God has given to me, I can return my blessings to others by doing that so. I don't mean to. Sound like a broken record here. But you know, get paid for what you do for your talents. You definitely need to get paid because you have to live. You have to make a living. You have to feed yourself and your family. You have to clothe your children and put a roof over your family. Said. But whenever you can give back some of your talent to others, and I'm telling you what right now, you'll be much happier and you'll be much more blessed if you do that. Well, that's almost it. There's just a couple more things I want to touch on real quick before we get off here. My first wife recently lost her husband, Chris. Very sad thing and I my heart goes out to her, goes out to my children, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. Who knew him. He was in their lives their entire lives, so they all knew him. I feel really bad and. Prayers please for my first wife. Just her name is Raven. And just say a prayer for her that she finds comfort and peace in this, you know, very sad and trying time for her and that she is able to go on and, you know, have fond memories of their time together, but that she's able to live her life without sadness and without remorse and without regret. Also also my wife'll aunt Mary Lou recently discovered that she's got lung cancer, colon cancer in her lung. I've never heard of that, but I guess it's a thing anyway. Say a prayer for her too, you know that she gets well. I know I'm asking a lot of you to pray for my wife and to pray for my first wife and to pray for my wife's aunt. But what's it all about? You know, if you cannot pray for others and ask, you know, God to help others. You know, they'll come a time when you need prayer to and people will pray for you. So I'm asking you to pray for them. Anyway, that's about it for this episode of the Rubber Biscuit Roadshow. I know I'm not getting into here as much as I should, but I'm definitely going to try to do a lot better about that, so please bear with me. Please continue to come back and visit with me because I like visiting with you and I will definitely try to be back here again next week. That time same BAT channel, but until then, this is your friendly neighborhood, Gypsy. Say May God bless and keep you and yours. Raider Gators. Bye bye now.

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