Renegade Capital
Renegade Capital
“OK Boomer…”: Do GenXers and Millennials Invest Differently Than Their Parents?: Alyssa Greenspan, President and COO and Jessica Botelho, Director of Impact and CRA research at Community Capital Management
Season 2, Episode 4
Over the next 25 years, as much as $68 trillion in wealth will pass from baby boomers to their GenX and Millennial children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, studies show that this younger crop of investors place a much greater emphasis on values when it comes to money management than their predecessors. Will “The Great Wealth Transfer,” as it’s called, then disrupt Wall Street’s profit-first-damage-control-later approach? For some answers, we turn to Community Capital Management (CCM), a financial management firm that has studied the phenomenon in detail. We’re joined in this episode by Alyssa Greenspan and Jessica Botelho of CCM who, along with filling us in the The Great Wealth Transfer, share point-in-time stories from their visits to properties CCM played a role in financing.
About Community Capital Management
Community Capital Management, LLC (CCM) is a fund management firm founded in 1998 with a flagship impact bond fund, the CCM Community Impact Bond Fund. CCM’s earliest investors were banks looking to meet community development investing under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Given the growth in demand for impact and ESG investments, today the firm continues to specialize in helping their clients align their dollars with impact.
Alyssa Greenspan
As President and Chief Operating Officer, Alyssa Greenspan is responsible for strategic planning, human resources, and new product development. Alyssa began her career at Northern Trust Bank rising to investment officer before joining Morningstar, Inc. as a senior equity analyst covering the financial services sector. In 2003, Alyssa joined CCM as a portfolio manager and was promoted to chief operating officer in 2009 and president in 2015.
Jessica Botelho
As director of impact and CRA research, Jessica Botelho is responsible for overseeing all impact and CRA research and reporting at CCM. She develops measurement tools, aggregates and analyzes impact and CRA data, and contributes to the development and refinement of CCM’s proprietary impact tracking database.
Renegade Capital is proud and grateful to have Alyssa and Jessica on the show, as well as for CCM’s sponsorship.
Renegade Capital Tools & Tips
A renegade not only listens but acts. We've consolidated a few tips from this episode to help you invest in local communities.
- Start Investing for Impact Now: Whether you have a 401k or manage an endowment, you can start investing for impact now. Online platforms have increased access to customized investing at every asset level, making it easier to manage your own investments or find a values-aligned advisor. You can find some ideas to get started here.
- Listen to Next Gen Investors: As the wealth shift happens it becomes more important than ever for advisors to talk to their Gen Z, Millennial, and Gen X clients. Here are some tips for financial advisors to engage millennials in their practice.
- Join a Values-Aligned Community: There are many opportunities to get involved w
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