Humans in Health

Dr Christa Bell: More sparkly than the average human - talks medicine, mountain biking and the families who live on in her heart.

February 27, 2022 Brooke Bullock & Jessica Weatherall Season 1 Episode 12
In epsiode 12, we interviewed the vivacious Dr Christa Bell.

Christa is a dual trained and qualified Emergency Physician and Paediatrician in Australia and the UK, working as one of the clinical leads for the Gold Coast Health Childrens Emergency services.

But.. she's also ten times more than that!

It was pure joy to chat with Christa as she reflects on entering the final quarter of her career. Christa talks about the influence of her Dad on her becoming a Doctor (and looking through his gorey text books as a kid). We also hear about Christa's most memorable patients and start to understand the important bond she forms with them and their families during their hardest days.

Christa shares her love of nature and mountain biking and what her experience has been like as a working mum. There were tears shared as we ask about her wonderful family - her husband and 3 fabulous kids. We talk about how she maintains her energy, and what happens when she's not in the mood (insert bleep).

We're also humbled to hear about Christa's own experience as a patient when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and how this changed her as a person and a health care worker.

As her friend's would say - she's sparkly, energetic and caring! She'll light up your day!