Humans in Health

Dr Jeremy Howick: The science of Wellness and how empathy actually heals patients (for real).

April 10, 2022 Season 1 Episode 15

Episode 15 and Humans in Health has gone international with an interview with Dr Jeremy Howick.

Jeremy Howick is an Oxford researcher who uses philosophy and medical research to look for ways to find better evidence for things that make us happier and healthier.

Jeremy shared with us his personal experiences which have influenced his decision to focus his life’s work on evidence based wellness. How incredible to hear Jeremy's own journey to winning a silver medal at the World Rowing Championships  after first being asked to join the rowing squad at University having never seen a boat and with no objective reason to be good at it.
What a pleasure is was to hear about Jeremy’s work around the science of placebos, the importance of empathy and mind body healing. We heard about Jeremy’s book “Doctor You: introducing the hard science of self-healing” which hit #1 on Amazon, and has been published in 7 languages. Not only did we get some insight into how this book came about and what can be found inside, but we were able to delve deeper into the book writing experience itself.

Jeremy generously shared many of the techniques he recommends for optimizing mind body health so don’t mind our audible deep breaths as we were guided through some easy, evidence-based techniques which can be incorporated into your daily routine.

For more information including links to Jeremy’s book and Doctor You 8-week wellbeing course, head to