Humans in Health

Dr Bec Jenkinson: Holding space in the Consumer Researcher divide.

October 19, 2023 Brooke Bullock & Jessica Weatherall Season 2 Episode 10

It was a pleasure to have Dr Bec Jenkinson on the podcast who is a maternity consumer advocate and researcher. After more than 10 years of volunteer work as a maternity consumer rep, Bec completed a PhD exploring refusal of recommended maternity care. She went on to co-lead the development of Queensland Health’s Guideline for partnering with the woman who declines recommended maternity care. 

Bec shared with us her personal journey as a consumer of obstetric and midwifery care: an experience many of our listeners will resonate with in some way, shape or form. We also heard of Bec's journey to find where she fits which has found her currently in her first "real research job" as a Qualitative Research Fellow with the Australian Women and Girls Health Research Centre at UQ. Bec provides clarity around how we can best have consumers as part of our conversations: an important viewpoint we must always seek to hear.