Humans in Health

Cat Delany: The lasting impact of a whirlwind opportunity in Evacuee Nursing

January 31, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10

In episode 10,  we interview Cat Delanyy:  an Australian Emergency department nurse and retrieval services clinical nurse. 

We were excited  to talk to Cat about her emergency and pre-hospital work, but also her experience working in Humanitarian Aid through employment to the middle east in August 2021. During a whirlwind trip, Cat literally threw some belongings into her bags and jumped on a plane to work at a humanitarian aid hub in Dubai for 2 weeks caring for men, women and children who had  fled Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover.

Cat shared her experience arriving at the Humanitarian Aid hub to extreme heat, a whole lot of sand and half a shipping container shared between 4 Nurses for her first night's sleep (not to mention in the middle of a pandemic). What she came away with was more than she would have imagined, including a heightened appreciation of both working in Australia and also the resilience of the Afghan Evacuee's she was caring for.

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