The No Wet Fish Podcast
Here to help combat those Monday morning blues. A weekly installment of encouragement, ready for you to download and enjoy from 0600 GMT onwards. Every week you will hear from a different guest sharing some personal testimony about the goodness of God in their lives and also some Bible study. This first season we're going to be looking at the Gosple of Matthew
The No Wet Fish Podcast
Discipleship and Evangelism Part 2
Season 1
Episode 21
Part 2 of a serise of conversations that I'm having with Mark, one of the pastors at my church about discipleship and evangelism.
Want more information on the topics covered in this episode then please check out Dewsbury Evengelical Church website blog slot:
Big thanks to Lucy G for the artwork, find her insta here:
Also please think about giving the pod a follow on twitter and insta on these links: