CTM Community Voices

Voices of unpaid carers: a creative spoken word piece


Voice 1

I used to look forward to work. Sometimes we’d see a show

afterwards. My time was my own and I never felt bad about it.

Voice 2

It’s great when mum’s doing well, it makes dad happy too. It feels

like the worlds spinning right. I’m excited to see where life takes


Voice 1

Now caring is my job, where’s my annual leave? Where’s my

overtime? I’ve given up my life so that she can have hers. I’m

exhausted, they say I’ve lost my zest. I was happy before I was a

carer, and I feel guilty saying that. I don’t know what my role is. I’m

doing more than ‘just being a dad’. I care for others but nobody

cares for me.

Voice 2

Today is not so good. It could be a while until things change. I

worry about my brother and sister. I know people can help, I just

don’t know where they are. Earth’s not spinning today.

Voice 1

But tomorrow will be better. I’ll be leading my team, and they’ll

listen to me. I’ll have my life back, friends around me, I’ve got the

afternoon free!. I’ll proudly tell people ‘I’m a carer’, but it won’t be

my whole life. We’ll think about the future, mine and my son’s, and

maybe even look forward to them.

Voice 2

Tomorrow, help will be in front of me. I’ll know where to find it, and I

won’t have to fight for it. I’ll take on what I can, but when I need

help I’ll just pick up the phone. I know my team and they know me,

we’re in this together, an extended family. And I talk to other carers

sometimes, it’s still a bit lonely but at least we’re alone together.