
The visibility monster

Meteor: scicomm with impact Season 2 Episode 15

First, a reminder - applications are open for the first cohort of SciComm STEP! Listen to this episode for details and visit our website to apply! 

Visibility can mean influence, access, and power, which can lead to a sort of visibility monster issue (cue the Genie in Aladdin). 

Basically, visibility is often shorthand for credibility. 

But, we think there should be more to it than that. 

So this week, we tackle things like: 

  • Name recognition and credibility 
  • Balancing the need to uplift new voices with the need to vet someone before handing them the microphone 
  • Power imbalances 

Dig in for yourself: 

  • What’s your gut feeling about the pros and cons of visibility? 
  • And, if you had a mega platform, what’s an issue in scicomm or social justice that you’d tackle head-on? 

Thanks for listening! Meet us on stage. We’re going for a sold-out show and encores at!