
Grappling with our science wife identity

Meteor: scicomm with impact Season 1 Episode 8

Our last episode for this season will be an open Q&A. Send us your questions, ideas, puzzles and dilemmas by November 22, and we’ll fit in as many as we can for the December 2 episode! 

There’s a lotta baggage around being someone’s partner, especially a wife, especially in science. These issues leak over into scicomm for many folks, whether you’re a ‘science wife’ or navigating some other kind of partnership. 

This week, we tackle:

  • What we wish we’d known about being a science wife before started our relationships. 
  • Things about being married to scientists that we wish were common knowledge. 
  • The hardest thing for us in our roles as science wives. 
  • Ways that our science partnerships have positively shaped our careers. 
  • Navigating shared/overlapping professional identities and spaces. 

Dig in for yourself: 

  • Do you spend a lot of time calibrating for the people around you? 
  • Do you give yourself much just-you time? 

Take some time to yourself today, even just 5 minutes, to just be you.

[We know...this kind of assignment might feel like it’s for hoity toity people. But “taking 5 minutes for myself” could be just laying on the floor with the door shut against the kids, being unavailable for just a little while.

And making that time, just a little every day, can help us feel way more in control. More like we choose who we are and the role we play in the world.]

*** Join this conversation: follow us here and say hello (tell us how your unavailable time goes!) on Twitter with @MeteorSciComm (

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