Go Native! Good Natured Ways to Prep Lawns and Landscapes for Spring

Guests: Amy Roskilly and Alec McClennan Episode 6
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Spring is right around the corner and Eco Speaks CLE is here to help you get ready.  In this episode, we speak with Alec Mclennan, the founder and president of Good Nature Organic Lawn Care and Amy Roskilly, the manager of conservation education for the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District. This episode is jam-packed with eco-friendly spring cleanup and planting tips for lawn, landscape and garden. Our experts share ways to maintain a healthy, safe and beautiful yard without harmful chemicals and ways to create pollinator-friendly habitats using native plant species. Order your native plants, seeds and garden kits now through the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District and learn how easy it is to incorporate them into your outdoor space.

Alec McClennan, Good Nature Organic Lawn Care
Amy Roskilly, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District

CSWCD Native Plant Sale
Benefits of Micro Clover
Benesafe Solutions Chemical-Free Pest Control
Home Grown National Park

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