Story Planet's Podcast

Story Planet Podcast Ep.2: The journey continues.

March 08, 2022 Story Planet
Story Planet Podcast Ep.2: The journey continues.
Story Planet's Podcast
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Story Planet's Podcast
Story Planet Podcast Ep.2: The journey continues.
Mar 08, 2022
Story Planet

The journey of the imagination continues! The Story Planet Podcast is an auditory adventure made by kids for kids (and the adults who love them). Come along as we share stories, songs, and interviews. This time with guest appearances by: Chris Hadfield (Colonel, Astronaut ret’d), Kevin Williams from TDSB, and Julia Swaigen from Attuned Families. Follow the unpredictable travel antics of our 11-year-old co-captains, Arthika and Ali. Will they get to Story Planet this time? What stories will they gather along the way?

This podcast is a co-production between Story Planet and CJRU 1280 AM.
Hosted by: Ali and Arthika
Written and produced by Marel Alemany, Quinton Bradshaw, and Liz Haines.
Story Transmissions by Zahra, Savanna, Peter, Adrian, Dante, Kiyona, Gaylsay, Ricky, Swathica, Christine, Angelina, Amwar, Mohammad, Philemon and Ali.
Theme Music by Marel Alemany 
Podcast’s cover art by Harmeet Rehal

Technical support and editing were done by Quinton Bradshaw

Funded in part by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Community Radio Fund of Canada.

Special thanks to the teachers, the TDSB,  and Sistema Toronto for their support.

Sound Credits

Sound FX.

“Deep Space Ship Effect” by hykenfreak
“Button 24.wav” by bubaproducer
“Blood analyzer” by sindhu.tms
"Radio, Noise, Long-Wave, 01-01 LOOP.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“Static_Radio.wav” by kMoon
“Notification2-freesound.wav” by Thoribass
“Mechanical Keyboard Typing” by GeorgeHopkins
“Spaceship whoosh 2” by steshystesh
“Bus arriving and departing” by bone666138 of
“kids laughing” by xtrgamr of
“Walking on plastic grass planet” by of
“Found in Space - 14” by Speedenza of
“Welding and Hammering” by destin_yyy of
“161978 basketball-exterior” by marionblonk of
"Ambience, Children Playing, Distant, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“Childrens’ classroom” by abcopen of
"Pencil, Writing, Close, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“iPhone_Texting” by MATRIXXX_ of
“Whoosh.Spaceship Asteroid Vehicle Flies by(7 lrs).wav” by newlocknew of
“Fast Flare Whoosh 1(6 lrs).wav” by newlocknew of

Chorus and extra kids voices by: Lucia Alemani.

Show Notes Transcript

The journey of the imagination continues! The Story Planet Podcast is an auditory adventure made by kids for kids (and the adults who love them). Come along as we share stories, songs, and interviews. This time with guest appearances by: Chris Hadfield (Colonel, Astronaut ret’d), Kevin Williams from TDSB, and Julia Swaigen from Attuned Families. Follow the unpredictable travel antics of our 11-year-old co-captains, Arthika and Ali. Will they get to Story Planet this time? What stories will they gather along the way?

This podcast is a co-production between Story Planet and CJRU 1280 AM.
Hosted by: Ali and Arthika
Written and produced by Marel Alemany, Quinton Bradshaw, and Liz Haines.
Story Transmissions by Zahra, Savanna, Peter, Adrian, Dante, Kiyona, Gaylsay, Ricky, Swathica, Christine, Angelina, Amwar, Mohammad, Philemon and Ali.
Theme Music by Marel Alemany 
Podcast’s cover art by Harmeet Rehal

Technical support and editing were done by Quinton Bradshaw

Funded in part by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Community Radio Fund of Canada.

Special thanks to the teachers, the TDSB,  and Sistema Toronto for their support.

Sound Credits

Sound FX.

“Deep Space Ship Effect” by hykenfreak
“Button 24.wav” by bubaproducer
“Blood analyzer” by sindhu.tms
"Radio, Noise, Long-Wave, 01-01 LOOP.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“Static_Radio.wav” by kMoon
“Notification2-freesound.wav” by Thoribass
“Mechanical Keyboard Typing” by GeorgeHopkins
“Spaceship whoosh 2” by steshystesh
“Bus arriving and departing” by bone666138 of
“kids laughing” by xtrgamr of
“Walking on plastic grass planet” by of
“Found in Space - 14” by Speedenza of
“Welding and Hammering” by destin_yyy of
“161978 basketball-exterior” by marionblonk of
"Ambience, Children Playing, Distant, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“Childrens’ classroom” by abcopen of
"Pencil, Writing, Close, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of
“iPhone_Texting” by MATRIXXX_ of
“Whoosh.Spaceship Asteroid Vehicle Flies by(7 lrs).wav” by newlocknew of
“Fast Flare Whoosh 1(6 lrs).wav” by newlocknew of

Chorus and extra kids voices by: Lucia Alemani.

Ali and Arthika 00;00;10;15 - 00;00;13;03
Come join us on this journey of imagination.

00;00;13;03 - 00;00;16;21
With the Story Planet Podcast

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Episode two:

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The journey continues

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Welcome back to the Stone Planet podcast.

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Our travels today will take us through the galaxy as we collect more stories

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to bring to Story Planet If we can find our way back.

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I've been practicing my steering.

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There'll be no problems this time.

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Oh, yeah?

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We're so excited to have you on board for today's trip.

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We're Co-captains, Arthika, and Ali.

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And even if we do get lost sometimes, the universe is filled

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with amazing kids stories.

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And we always find plenty to share with you.

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What's going on?

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Look, it's an asteroid field.

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Are we in danger?

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I just need a little music to help us steer through it.

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What about that song from the Kids at Sistema Toronto?

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Want to introduce it Ali? For sure.

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Here's The Elf by Galsay, Dante

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Kiyona, Peter and Adrian

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Where could the Elf be?

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The Elf could be on the land.

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The Elf could be in Hawaii.

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The Elf is always creepy to me.

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The Elf could be on the Plane, doing the Hulla Hulla saying...

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ribit ribit

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Hey, how did I get here?

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I'm going to get in huge trouble

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with the Humans. Yeah, Huge.

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trouble with the humans.

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Such a catchy song.

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I love Sistema Toronto.

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It's one of the best

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music programs in the galaxy, and we made it through the asteroid field.

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Music makes everything better

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Incoming, Incoming transmission!

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Our first thing, incoming transmission

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Incoming, Incoming transmission!

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It must be from the asteroid field we just passed.

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What is it?

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It's a story from Anwar

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Called Late for School.

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Late for school.

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By Amwar

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This year, my mom said we were going to a doctor's appointment in downtown Toronto.

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We went to find a bus

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then the bus led us to the train station.

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I went on the train and I was exhausted.

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I asked my mom, Mom, are we actually going to a doctor's appointment?

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And all she replied with was a laugh.

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I was not trying to ask so many questions

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because I was also looking out the window.

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We weren't even going the right way to the doctor's appointment.

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If some of you guys didn't know, there are lots of lines on the train

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line one, two, three, four and five.

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We were supposed to get off at one line, but we didn't.

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I told my mom, We're supposed to get off here.

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And she said, Nope,

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(Station Announcement) "Please stand clear of doors".

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At this point, I started to get confused.

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I started taking notes in my brain.

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So far, all she had done was left, and we didn't get off on the right train line.

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I figured out I was getting something.

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You might be going somewhere fun or just somewhere to relax.

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Like ROM or AGO.

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Ripley's aquarium.

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Or maybe even Harbourfront.

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I still didn't know where we were going.

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Moving forward,

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we were about halfway to our destination where a friend I know lives.

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Then suddenly

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I saw some people running fast, and luckily they made it onto the train.

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And those people were my friends.

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At this point, my mind was blown.

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We said, hello, hi.

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And, you know, we talked with it.

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Then I asked them, Where are you guys going?

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They said, We are going with you.

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And at that point, my mind was getting tired and tired and tired.

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First I saw my mom laughing, talking to someone "random".

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Then she laughed when I asked her, Where are we supposed to go?

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Then we were supposed to get off the train to go to our appointment but we didn't.

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Then we saw our friends on our exact train.

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We got off at the same station.

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I thought they were joking.

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But they weren't.

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You walked to our "doctor's appointment",

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but where we actually went was with my friends to Ripley's Aquarium.

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My mind was insanely blown.

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You may think I'm overreacting, but I wasn't.

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We went inside, watched to see animals, and played some sea games.

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There and we had a lot of fun

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I love surprises.

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I usually do too, except when it comes to our mission.

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Are you sure we're on the right track

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this time Ali? Of course we are.

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And, hey, speaking of surprises, we're expecting a transmission

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from Zahra with an extra special guest today.

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Really? What's it going to be about?

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Well, I don't want to spoil it.

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Come on.

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At least tell me who the guest. It's okay.

00;06;01;02 - 00;06;01;24

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It's the Canadian astronaut, Chris Hadfield.

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OMG! Maybe he can help us to destroy Planet.

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I mean, not that we need help or anything

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Incoming! Incoming transmission!

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Oh, a transmission from Savannah.

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She's in grade 5.

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So she asked two experts what you can do to prepare for middle school.

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Great topic.

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When I started middle school, I was a little nervous.

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Everyone is.

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This will be interesting.

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Let's hear what they have to say.

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Hi, I'm

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Savannah I'm ten years old, and I'm in grade five.

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I will be going to middle school next year,

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and I would like to know more about it so I feel more prepared.

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I don't be interviewing Julia Swaigen

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A child and family therapist and Kevin Williams

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an educator in the TDSB about some of my concerns.

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Let's get started

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So, Julia,

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what are some things that I can do to help me be prepared for Middle School?

00;07;18;23 - 00;07;20;03
That's a good question.

00;07;20;03 - 00;07;23;20
Well, I think starting to think about it

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as a transition, a big change.

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Starting to think about all of the things that you're grateful for,

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that you're leaving with from the school that you're at.

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I think finding out who you will know or how many people

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you will know who are going to the same school,

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doing some research about the school, what the schedule is going to be like.

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And then, you know, other than that, I think it's a lot about processing

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your feelings about it because a lot of kids experience

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a lot of what I would call anticipatory anxiety.

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So something's coming up and you're feeling anxious about it

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because largely because it's unknown.

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So there can be a lot of what ifs.

00;08;06;21 - 00;08;08;02
Thank you very much for that.

00;08;08;02 - 00;08;10;14
That is definitely something I will be taking notice.

00;08;10;29 - 00;08;13;00
What are your thoughts, Kevin?

00;08;13;00 - 00;08;16;18
One of the things that I always stress to students is to make sure

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that you are prepared to have different teachers,

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because depending on the middle school that you go, you may not have one teacher

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that you have out there like you would in elementary school.

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You may have different teachers for different subjects.

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And so each of them may have their own expectations.

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The second thing that I would say to you is make sure that

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you try and connect with the teachers

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and with students at your new school as quickly as possible

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by you making connections

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with teachers and students or

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adults within the building.

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It will help you to provide support for you in case you end up

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with being in situations where you feel uncomfortable.

00;09;07;10 - 00;09;08;07
Thank you very much.

00;09;08;07 - 00;09;11;27
That was really helpful information and actually taking note of that right now.

00;09;12;05 - 00;09;13;15
Okay, good.

00;09;13;15 - 00;09;17;03
My next question is what are some things that I can do

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to start overcoming the fear of going to middle school?

00;09;20;25 - 00;09;23;00
That's a very good question.

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Well, I mean, the first thing is

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I think there needs to be some acceptance around that fear.

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I think that fear is well-founded.

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So our bodies make us feel scared in order to protect us.

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And so I would say if that fear

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is motivating you to make a plan

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so that you feel more prepared, then that fear is actually healthy

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and or anxiety, whatever emotion you're experiencing is actually healthy.

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Just knowing that, just knowing that, okay, you know what?

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This feeling is normal.

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I'm supposed to feel this way can actually help you feel a lot better

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overall, because oftentimes it's us fighting against

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or trying to get away from our feelings that actually causes us the most problems.

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If those feelings are overwhelming you, we're making it harder for you

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to make a plan That's when I would talk it through with someone.

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Journaling can be really helpful.

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Breathwork can be really helpful.

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There are a lot of different resources Some of our favorites are hand

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breathing, where you take a breath in while you move the finger.

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For example, your right hand up to the top of your left thumb and then breathe out

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while you move your right finger down the other side.

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You kind of trace your hand while you breathe in and out.

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It can help slow your breathing down.

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Having a mindfulness like you can find mindfulness recordings

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to listen to very easily with it. Google Search.

00;10;54;29 - 00;11;00;09
I recommend having an adult supervise you searching for those kinds of things

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and moving your body exercise in whatever way feels good for your body.

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To make sure that you have time to play

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and to be around the people who help you feel better.

00;11;13;13 - 00;11;14;10
Thank you so much.

00;11;14;10 - 00;11;16;04
That's a really good answer.

00;11;16;04 - 00;11;20;05
Because I like I never thought of it as a double

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kind of perspective, like where there's a good fear and a bad fear.

00;11;24;15 - 00;11;25;03
So thank you.

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That definitely gives me a new perspective.

00;11;27;20 - 00;11;28;13

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One of the things that I would also say to you

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is you have a great personality and a great attitude

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because you sound excited about going into middle school.

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So keep up with that enthusiasm as much as possible because middle school

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is a wonderful opportunity to learn a little bit more about yourself.

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And so it will help you to develop

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who you are even more as you get into middle school.

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The second thing that I would say to you is to do your research.

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So if you know that there's a specific middle school

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that you're interested in going to that, I was actually start doing

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a little bit of research to learn a little bit about the school.

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If the opportunity presents itself.

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Try and visit the school

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even if it's to walk

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from your home to the school with your family.

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So that way you have a pretty good idea about

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how long it will take you to get to school.

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What are some of the things that are around

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the school that there's a park that's close by?

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Is there a library that's close by?

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So that way you feel a little bit more comfortable

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and find out if any of your friends are going to school

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the same school as you, because then you may be able to walk with them.

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Lastly, if you still have fears, then don't

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keep them inside of conversation with trusted adults in your life.

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And they will be able to help you navigate through

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this important milestone in your life.

00;13;00;14 - 00;13;02;23
Thank you very much and thank you for the compliment.

00;13;02;23 - 00;13;03;18
As well.

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And I will definitely try to do all of those things that you've told.

00;13;07;19 - 00;13;10;23
I feel more prepared and ready to go off to middle school.

00;13;11;03 - 00;13;12;05
Thank you.

00;13;12;07 - 00;13;15;00
You're very welcome and I wish you all the best

00;13;15;00 - 00;13;18;05
in your transition to middle school and to anyone listening

00;13;31;03 - 00;13;32;24
Such good advice.

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When I was about to start middle school, I was so excited for the new lockers

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and the new teachers, although I was kind of nervous

00;13;39;25 - 00;13;43;11
because there were multiple students from other schools that I didn't know.

00;13;43;21 - 00;13;46;04
But now I have so many new friends

00;13;48;28 - 00;13;50;16
What are you doing?

00;13;50;16 - 00;13;55;11
I'm practicing that mindfulness exercise that Julia mentioned to help me focus.

00;13;55;19 - 00;13;57;10
Great. I'm going to try it to

00;14;03;21 - 00;14;05;21
wow. So relaxing.

00;14;06;04 - 00;14;08;05
I feel much calmer.

00;14;08;23 - 00;14;10;24
Let's keep going

00;14;11;01 - 00;14;13;07
Incoming, Incoming  transmission.

00;14;13;07 - 00;14;16;10
What is the story about Co-captain?

00;14;16;10 - 00;14;17;21
This one is from Philemon

00;14;17;21 - 00;14;19;28
It's called I Met a Friend when I was younger.

00;14;20;11 - 00;14;21;26
Let's hear it

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I met a friend when I was younger, and then a new friend called Jaberl

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So it was in kindergarten.

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There were a lot of people there.

00;14;35;01 - 00;14;37;04
Sometimes Jaberl and I played ball outside.

00;14;39;18 - 00;14;42;02
We were both Black and both African.

00;14;42;02 - 00;14;46;10
We both understood each other and liked the same sports—basketball, soccer, and track.

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He was good and became faster in grade 6, but he wasn’t so good in kindergarten.

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We started trusting each other. We did sports events together.

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If I was doing something new, I'll call him.

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He knew my parents and I knew his parents.

00;15;00;29 - 00;15;03;24
and sometimes he’d come to my house and we’d play on my Xbox.

00;15;07;26 - 00;15;09;06
We like FIFA,

00;15;09;06 - 00;15;11;23
NBA, Fortnite, GTA and football Madden.

00;15;12;10 - 00;15;16;05
He got his PS4 in June and we finally got to play games online

00;15;16;05 - 00;15;17;19
with different consoles.

00;15;17;19 - 00;15;19;14
We made so much trouble in school.

00;15;19;14 - 00;15;22;14
They put us in different classrooms. If there was a supply teacher.

00;15;22;14 - 00;15;24;06
We would be loud. Standing up.

00;15;24;06 - 00;15;27;00
we would cause fights with other people, not listen, and be rude.

00;15;27;17 - 00;15;29;19
We were kids who wanted to do things our way

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and we would get mad and upset if we couldn't.

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It would have been good if they put us in the same classrooms

00;15;35;03 - 00;15;37;15
but at the end of the day, it wouldn't have been so good

00;15;37;15 - 00;15;40;16
because we made so much trouble and not follow the instructions.

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COVID 19 online school was when we changed.

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We were more mature and weren't doing bad things.

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Want to do good things, doing bad things, going to get us to nowhere.

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So we decided we needed good grades.

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My parents said To even do sports, you still need good grades.

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So we actually changed and became better students.

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Jaberl and I are still close friends,

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But then we moved to Orangeville and we couldn't play with each other

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like how we used to when we were in elementary school. Also,

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Now he lives far, so he hasn't come to my house ever since he moved.

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But I still talk to him through Instagram and other social media. As well,

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as games too.

00;16;17;15 - 00;16;18;06
My advice:

00;16;18;06 - 00;16;20;27
Being bad is not going to get you anywhere but being good

00;16;20;27 - 00;16;24;11
you can experience a lot of good things

00;16;24;28 - 00;16;27;00
That story reminds me of you, Ali.

00;16;27;07 - 00;16;29;16
Why you learned so much.

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Look, the intergalactic map shows that we're on the right track and we should be

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At Story Planet soon.

00;16;35;14 - 00;16;37;15
I've learned from the best Arthika.

00;16;37;15 - 00;16;40;04
aw! Thank you

00;16;41;02 - 00;16;41;27
what now?

00;16;41;27 - 00;16;43;20
We were doing so well.

00;16;43;20 - 00;16;46;10
Looks like we hit a rainbow! In space?

00;16;46;18 - 00;16;48;16
Is that even possible?

00;16;48;16 - 00;16;51;06
Anything is possible in space.

00;16;51;06 - 00;16;54;25
And speaking of space, Has Zahra's transmission come through yet?

00;16;55;07 - 00;16;57;13
I want to hear what Chris Hadfield has to say.

00;16;57;29 - 00;16;58;25
Not yet.

00;16;58;25 - 00;17;01;13
But look, we're inside the rainbow.

00;17;01;27 - 00;17;03;23
We have the perfect song for this.

00;17;05;13 - 00;17;08;22
Yes. Deep Inside the Rainbow by Angelina

00;17;08;28 - 00;17;11;08
Ricky, Swathica and Christina

00;17;17;25 - 00;17;19;05
The Kid is bored

00;17;19;05 - 00;17;21;26
The rainbow is a plainbow. The rainbow is beautybow.

00;17;21;26 - 00;17;25;14
The rainbow is uncatchable Only one person knows 

00;17;25;14 - 00;17;26;22
The rainbow is snatchable.

00;17;31;07 - 00;17;32;19
The dragon snores

00;17;32;19 - 00;17;34;28
The Rainbow is a coolbow The rainbow is a mailbow

00;17;34;28 - 00;17;38;04
The rainbow is invincible Only one person knows,

00;17;38;04 - 00;17;40;06
The rainbow is beatable.

00;17;41;29 - 00;17;44;08
Deep inside the rainbow,

00;17;44;08 - 00;17;49;01
there is a treasure that is worthy of its measure.

00;17;52;16 - 00;17;54;28
Deep inside the rainbow,

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There is a dragon That guards the golden wagon

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The dragon’s name was Maxthon

00;18;10;00 - 00;18;11;07
The wagon has a golden gem

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That turns into a golden hen.

00;18;12;17 - 00;18;15;02
The dragon is flyable Only one person knows

00;18;15;02 - 00;18;16;23
The dragon is tameable. 

00;18;19;09 - 00;18;21;19
Deep inside the rainbow

00;18;21;19 - 00;18;27;07
there is a treasure That is worthy of its measure.

00;18;29;28 - 00;18;32;10
deep inside the rainbow

00;18;32;10 - 00;18;38;08
there is a dragon That guards the golden wagon

00;18;46;11 - 00;18;47;24

00;18;47;24 - 00;18;50;05
That gave me a whole new perspective on rainbows.

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And we made it out of the rainbow.

00;18;52;07 - 00;18;56;02
Or was that a supernova for two space adventurers...

00;18;56;11 - 00;19;00;04
We sure have a lot to learn about this beautiful universe

00;19;01;22 - 00;19;03;14
Incoming, incoming transmission!

00;19;04;12 - 00;19;05;29

00;19;06;16 - 00;19;08;24
Incoming, incoming transmission!

00;19;09;10 - 00;19;12;01
It's a character from this story that just came in.

00;19;12;11 - 00;19;13;21
Let's find out more.

00;19;13;21 - 00;19;15;18
Here's an alien stuck on Mars.

00;19;15;18 - 00;19;17;10
By Muhammad

00;19;23;28 - 00;19;24;22

00;19;24;22 - 00;19;27;09
stuck on Mars by Muhammad

00;19;29;17 - 00;19;30;11
one day,

00;19;30;11 - 00;19;33;07
an alien named Balloony that has oval eyes

00;19;33;19 - 00;19;37;12
four arms, two antennas, a tail and three legs.

00;19;38;03 - 00;19;40;18
Ballooning was merrily flying to his home

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when suddenly its spaceship parked on Mars.

00;19;43;24 - 00;19;44;29

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The poor alien spaceship was broken.

00;19;50;07 - 00;19;52;27
He was walking lonely on the planet.

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And when I was walking,

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it found one of the pieces that looks like one of the pieces of the broken ship.

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He was looking for more pieces

00;20;01;07 - 00;20;05;02
so he could fix the spaceship to fly it to his home.

00;20;05;02 - 00;20;07;26
Balloony found one of the pieces on a small rock.

00;20;08;09 - 00;20;11;23
It found another on a big rock it had to climb.

00;20;11;23 - 00;20;13;03
But eventually Balloony

00;20;13;03 - 00;20;16;00
got the two pieces

00;20;17;02 - 00;20;17;17

00;20;17;17 - 00;20;21;26
You saw the last one, but it was too high and the alien couldn't climb on.

00;20;22;23 - 00;20;25;22
Then it found some rock, so that it could use to make

00;20;25;22 - 00;20;27;00
a tower

00;20;28;29 - 00;20;31;24
He stacked the blocks and the alien got the piece successfully.

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Balloony managed to assemble the parts successfully.

00;20;35;26 - 00;20;39;17
The alien fixed it with the tools

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Then the alien flew happily to its home planet

00;20;47;01 - 00;20;50;08
and got to see its loved ones.

00;20;54;03 - 00;20;56;16
Now he knows another planet, Mars.

00;20;56;23 - 00;20;58;23
For his new adventure!

00;21;00;24 - 00;21;01;17
We've collected

00;21;01;17 - 00;21;05;26
so many great stories, but to be honest, I'm really looking forward

00;21;05;26 - 00;21;09;01
to getting home to Story Planet. Wish no more.

00;21;09;05 - 00;21;10;15
Look ahead.

00;21;10;15 - 00;21;11;23
We did it.

00;21;11;23 - 00;21;13;03
I'm so thankful.

00;21;13;03 - 00;21;16;14
Which reminds me of something I found this morning.

00;21;17;03 - 00;21;19;17
It's a song by Ali. Wait!

00;21;19;29 - 00;21;23;08
Is this your song, Ali? Maybe

00;21;24;11 - 00;21;26;12
if it wasn't for the gigantic

00;21;26;12 - 00;21;29;29
please play me side I probably wouldn't have found it.

00;21;30;09 - 00;21;33;19
I didn't know you could sing and rap and write.

00;21;34;26 - 00;21;38;07
Talented and humble too

00;21;38;11 - 00;21;39;21
come. I just play it.

00;21;39;21 - 00;21;40;29
Of course.

00;21;42;18 - 00;21;45;17
Here's a song by Ali called I'm Thankful

00;21;49;12 - 00;21;52;03
I am thankful for my brain So I can learn and read

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I'm thankful for my ears so I can hear the beat.

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I'm thankful for my eyes.

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So I can see the light.

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And I'm thankful I've been given everything in life.

00;22;00;22 - 00;22;03;12
I'm thankful for my shirt

00;22;03;12 - 00;22;05;23
I don’t care about its brand

00;22;05;23 - 00;22;08;15
I am thankful I can touch 

00;22;08;15 - 00;22;11;00
nature wit my hands.

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And I'm thankful to be alive so I can enjoy my time

00;22;16;23 - 00;22;19;25
to see this beautiful world

00;22;23;06 - 00;22;25;06
I'm thankful to be alive

00;22;25;06 - 00;22;31;04
so I can enjoy my time to see this beautiful world

00;22;46;03 - 00;22;48;17
I'm thankful for my brain so I can learn and read

00;22;48;17 - 00;22;51;04
I am thankful for my ears So I can hear the beat

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I am thankful for my eyes So I can see the light

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And I am thankful I’ve been given everything in life.

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I'm thankful to be alive

00;22;59;03 - 00;23;03;00
so I can enjoy my time to see this

00;23;03;00 - 00;23;05;01
beautiful world

00;23;08;11 - 00;23;12;29
I'm thankful to be alive so I can enjoy my time

00;23;13;07 - 00;23;16;05
to see this beautiful world

00;23;41;08 - 00;23;43;15
I'm thankful

00;23;46;17 - 00;23;49;03
Are you O.K. Arthika?

00;23;50;03 - 00;23;51;15
Are you crying?

00;23;51;15 - 00;23;54;04
I didn't know my song would move you like that.

00;23;54;21 - 00;23;58;15
ah! no! the air is just so dry in the spaceship.

00;23;59;16 - 00;24;02;24
But the song is really good and I am thankful to be your friend Ali.

00;24;03;19 - 00;24;05;22
Oh, I'm thankful to be your friend too,

00;24;05;22 - 00;24;07;18

00;24;08;27 - 00;24;12;14

00;24;12;20 - 00;24;13;13
Incoming, Incoming transmission.

00;24;13;13 - 00;24;14;29

00;24;14;29 - 00;24;15;29

00;24;15;29 - 00;24;18;12
And just in time for our story delivery.

00;24;18;22 - 00;24;20;14
Oh, I'm so excited.

00;24;21;26 - 00;24;24;14
He was our final transmission from Zahra

00;24;24;26 - 00;24;27;09
interviewing Chris Hadfield.

00;24;37;10 - 00;24;38;22
Hi. My name is Zahra.

00;24;38;22 - 00;24;41;21
I'm 12 years old, and I've always wanted to be an astronaut.

00;24;42;01 - 00;24;44;09
There's one person I really wanted to talk to,

00;24;44;09 - 00;24;46;22
and I recently got the chance to ask him some questions.

00;24;47;02 - 00;24;50;07
His name is Chris Hadfield.

00;24;52;20 - 00;24;54;29
I Zahra, it's Chris Hadfield.

00;24;55;07 - 00;24;56;14
Hi, Chris.

00;24;56;14 - 00;24;58;15
Why did you choose to become an astronaut?

00;24;59;20 - 00;25;01;21
I just thought it would be the most interesting

00;25;01;21 - 00;25;05;06
and challenging and fun thing I could imagine in my whole life.

00;25;05;18 - 00;25;09;06
And it got my heart beating faster and I still feel the same way.

00;25;09;08 - 00;25;10;11
Wow. Okay.

00;25;10;11 - 00;25;14;08
So my next question is how different do the sun,

00;25;14;08 - 00;25;17;19
moon, earth and stars look from space?

00;25;18;01 - 00;25;21;27
Because there's nothing to reflect the light The sun looks like a light bulb,

00;25;22;02 - 00;25;27;08
incredibly bright, hanging in an enormous gymnasium where it's black around.

00;25;27;13 - 00;25;28;21
So that's different.

00;25;28;21 - 00;25;30;27
And the moon looks about the same.

00;25;30;27 - 00;25;34;01
But because you have the earth and the moon sometimes next to each other,

00;25;34;01 - 00;25;37;14
you can see just how relatively small the moon is.

00;25;38;05 - 00;25;40;22
The earth looks wildly different because you're right

00;25;40;22 - 00;25;43;29
next to it, and it's huge and bulging and colorful.

00;25;43;29 - 00;25;45;04
And the angle between

00;25;45;04 - 00;25;48;04
you and the sun and the earth is changing because of your speed.

00;25;48;04 - 00;25;50;06
So the shadows are different.

00;25;50;06 - 00;25;54;10
And the earth is just so instructional and gorgeous, like a three dimensional

00;25;54;10 - 00;25;57;21
kaleidoscope that only gets better and better if you look at it.

00;25;58;00 - 00;26;00;21
And the stars they don't twinkle

00;26;01;02 - 00;26;03;26
because there's no little bits of air and dust in the way.

00;26;04;04 - 00;26;07;00
The stars are tiny, perfect points of light.

00;26;07;01 - 00;26;09;07
Wow. I didn't think that be true.

00;26;09;07 - 00;26;13;27
And my last question is, what degree did you need to be accepted in the CSA?

00;26;14;07 - 00;26;18;05
You just need an advanced technical degree, probably at least a master's

00;26;18;24 - 00;26;21;08
in some sort of technical field.

00;26;21;08 - 00;26;23;09
And that will change with time depending.

00;26;23;09 - 00;26;28;11
But, you know, medicine or engineering or math and physics or something like that.

00;26;29;01 - 00;26;32;05
The best way to check those go to the Canadian Space Agency website

00;26;32;09 - 00;26;36;15
and double check for sure under which ones they accept for astronaut application.

00;26;36;23 - 00;26;40;04
And I wish you great success in your own dreams.

00;26;40;23 - 00;26;42;14
Thank you so much, Chris.

00;26;42;14 - 00;26;44;18
It has been a pleasure to hear your answers.

00;26;44;21 - 00;26;46;11
I can't wait to be an astronaut

00;26;54;24 - 00;26;56;18
That was awesome.

00;26;56;18 - 00;26;59;27
A big reminder to really take a look at our amazing universe.

00;27;00;11 - 00;27;04;02
Once we get back, it'll be fun to reflect on everything we've seen and heard.

00;27;04;09 - 00;27;05;25
So inspiring.

00;27;05;25 - 00;27;08;28
I'm sure the next crew will have just as much fun as we do.

00;27;09;09 - 00;27;10;24
I'm sure they will.

00;27;10;24 - 00;27;13;27
I'm looking forward to taking a break and listening from home.

00;27;14;05 - 00;27;16;06
That sounds like a plan Arthika!

00;27;27;16 - 00;27;29;01
If you like this podcast.

00;27;29;01 - 00;27;30;13
Don't forget to subscribe

00;27;30;13 - 00;27;33;26
and continue listening wherever you listen to your podcast.

00;27;34;02 - 00;27;36;22
And if you have a poem, story or interview.

00;27;36;22 - 00;27;39;19
You would like to share checkout

00;27;39;20 - 00;27;42;21
For all the details on how.

00;27;43;17 - 00;27;46;25

00;27;48;08 - 00;27;53;01
This podcast is a co-production between Store Planet and CJRU.

00;27;53;02 - 00;27;54;26
1280 A.M.

00;27;54;26 - 00;27;59;08
It was hosted by your two and only Ali and Arthika and written

00;27;59;08 - 00;28;04;15
and produced by Marel Alemany, Quinton Bradshaw, Tracy Humphrey.

00;28;04;15 - 00;28;07;08
and Liz Haynes. Marel composed our theme song,

00;28;07;08 - 00;28;10;22
and the podcast's cover art was done by Harmeet Rehal.

00;28;11;01 - 00;28;14;26
Story Transmissions by Zahra, Savanna, Peter,

00;28;15;04 - 00;28;21;06
Adrian, Dante, Kiyona, Gaylsay, Ricky, Swathica, Christine,

00;28;21;14 - 00;28;25;23
Angelina, Amwar, Mohammad, Philemon and myself.

00;28;26;04 - 00;28;28;09
Thanks to Sistema Toronto.

00;28;28;09 - 00;28;30;17
Julius Ragan Attune Families.

00;28;30;26 - 00;28;35;09
Kevin Williams from the TDSB Chris Hadfield, Colonel, astronaut,

00;28;35;14 - 00;28;37;10
retired, and all the teachers

00;28;37;10 - 00;28;39;21
who supported their students and Story Planet. 

00;28;40;00 - 00;28;44;03
Technical support and editing were done by Quinton Bradshaw.

00;28;44;03 - 00;28;48;04
And this show was funded in part by the Ontario Trillium Foundation,

00;28;48;04 - 00;28;50;24
and the Community Radio Fund of Canada.

00;28;58;22 - 00;29;00;17
The end!