Live Lounge Podcast Series by BritCham Shanghai

员工保留,你重视了吗?Staff retention — Is it getting enough attention?

September 10, 2021 Marketing Focus Group Chair: Kirsten Johnston Season 2 Episode 6
员工保留,你重视了吗?Staff retention — Is it getting enough attention?
Live Lounge Podcast Series by BritCham Shanghai
关于留任主题的开场(Kathy);小组成员自我介绍(Wendy)Opening on retention theme (Kathy); panelist self intro (Wendy)
小组成员自我介绍(Ludia) Panelist self intro (Ludia)
瀚纳仕关于中国员工平均离职率的调查统计(Kathy) Hays survey stats on China staff average turnover rate (Kathy)
中国员工的流动现状以及对员工留用的观点看法(Ludia) China staff turnover situation and employee retention viewpoint (Ludia)
中国员工在工作中有更高的敬业度,但同时也在寻找其他机会(Wendy) Employees in China have higher engagement rate at work, and can look for opportunities at the same time (Wendy)
如何根据公司需求设计留任计划?(Kathy) How to design retention program based on origination needs? (Kathy)
有效留任计划的示例和实用技巧分享(Wendy/Ludia)Examples and practical tips about effective retention programmes (Wendy/Ludia)
组织在发展和留住合适人才方面遇到的挑战(Kathy) Challenges organizations had experienced to develop and retain suitable talents (Kathy)
了解不同员工的真正需求是关键(Wendy) Understand different employees real needs is key (Wendy)
故事分享:一位在公司工作超过30年的员工及他的留任原因(Ludia) Story sharing about what makes one staff stay with a company for over 30 years(Ludia)
满足不同世代需求的创新留任计划(Kathy) Innovative retention plans to cater to different generation (Kathy)
量身定制的计划,对员工表现出更多的认可和尊重(Wendy/Ludia) Tailored program works, show more recognition and respect (Wendy/Ludia)
成功留任措施的衡量标准(Kathy)Retention program success measurement (Kathy)
主动离职率是关键绩效指标之一(Ludia)Proactive turnover rate is one of the KPI index (Ludia)
取决于公司战略和目标,“你想留住谁”是核心(温迪)Depends on corporate strategy and objective, ‘who’ you want to retain is the core (Wendy)
员工留任的建议(Kathy) Suggestions on retaining employees (Kathy)
 Tips on retention: money, belonging, visionary inspiration (Ludia)
一个好的挽留计划应该与公司整体战略相一致(Wendy) A good retention program should align with corporate overall strategy (Wendy)
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Live Lounge Podcast Series by BritCham Shanghai
员工保留,你重视了吗?Staff retention — Is it getting enough attention?
Sep 10, 2021 Season 2 Episode 6
Marketing Focus Group Chair: Kirsten Johnston

** 中文音频(附英文介绍) Chinese Audio with English Introduction **


本期迷你沙龙座谈播客由瀚纳仕大中华区市场总监Kathy Lou主持。 两位做客嘉宾分别是来自德比软件的全球人力资源总监Wendy Xia,和来自JCB的人力资源总监Ludia Lei。

This is our sixth and final episode of Season Two in the Live Lounge Podcast Series, where we discuss the topic of “Staff retention, is it getting enough attention?” This is also our first Chinese language edition of the series.

This Mini Lounge Podcast is hosted by Kathy Lou, who is Head of Marketing Greater China from Hays. She is joined by Wendy Xia, who is Global HR Head from DerbySoft. Also in the Lounge is Ludia Lei, who is Head of HR from JCB Construction Equipment Shanghai.

Show Notes Chapter Markers

** 中文音频(附英文介绍) Chinese Audio with English Introduction **


本期迷你沙龙座谈播客由瀚纳仕大中华区市场总监Kathy Lou主持。 两位做客嘉宾分别是来自德比软件的全球人力资源总监Wendy Xia,和来自JCB的人力资源总监Ludia Lei。

This is our sixth and final episode of Season Two in the Live Lounge Podcast Series, where we discuss the topic of “Staff retention, is it getting enough attention?” This is also our first Chinese language edition of the series.

This Mini Lounge Podcast is hosted by Kathy Lou, who is Head of Marketing Greater China from Hays. She is joined by Wendy Xia, who is Global HR Head from DerbySoft. Also in the Lounge is Ludia Lei, who is Head of HR from JCB Construction Equipment Shanghai.

关于留任主题的开场(Kathy);小组成员自我介绍(Wendy)Opening on retention theme (Kathy); panelist self intro (Wendy)
小组成员自我介绍(Ludia) Panelist self intro (Ludia)
瀚纳仕关于中国员工平均离职率的调查统计(Kathy) Hays survey stats on China staff average turnover rate (Kathy)
中国员工的流动现状以及对员工留用的观点看法(Ludia) China staff turnover situation and employee retention viewpoint (Ludia)
中国员工在工作中有更高的敬业度,但同时也在寻找其他机会(Wendy) Employees in China have higher engagement rate at work, and can look for opportunities at the same time (Wendy)
如何根据公司需求设计留任计划?(Kathy) How to design retention program based on origination needs? (Kathy)
有效留任计划的示例和实用技巧分享(Wendy/Ludia)Examples and practical tips about effective retention programmes (Wendy/Ludia)
组织在发展和留住合适人才方面遇到的挑战(Kathy) Challenges organizations had experienced to develop and retain suitable talents (Kathy)
了解不同员工的真正需求是关键(Wendy) Understand different employees real needs is key (Wendy)
故事分享:一位在公司工作超过30年的员工及他的留任原因(Ludia) Story sharing about what makes one staff stay with a company for over 30 years(Ludia)
满足不同世代需求的创新留任计划(Kathy) Innovative retention plans to cater to different generation (Kathy)
量身定制的计划,对员工表现出更多的认可和尊重(Wendy/Ludia) Tailored program works, show more recognition and respect (Wendy/Ludia)
成功留任措施的衡量标准(Kathy)Retention program success measurement (Kathy)
主动离职率是关键绩效指标之一(Ludia)Proactive turnover rate is one of the KPI index (Ludia)
取决于公司战略和目标,“你想留住谁”是核心(温迪)Depends on corporate strategy and objective, ‘who’ you want to retain is the core (Wendy)
员工留任的建议(Kathy) Suggestions on retaining employees (Kathy)
 Tips on retention: money, belonging, visionary inspiration (Ludia)
一个好的挽留计划应该与公司整体战略相一致(Wendy) A good retention program should align with corporate overall strategy (Wendy)