The Art of Online Business

Codie Sanchez's Ads. The Good. The Bad. And The Ugly. My Reaction!

Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie Episode 814

I'm sharing my thoughts on the good, the bad, and what could be tweaked for better results. From the effectiveness of her ad copy to the strategies she employs, I break down what's working and what's not.

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Speaker 1:

Are you just a little bit curious what Cody Sanchez is doing with her Facebook ads and what I think about them the good, the bad, the ugly, what you can take away from my thoughts and apply to your ad account is coming right up. I'm Quajo Facebook ads manager, been in the game for a little over three years and also specialize in coaching online course creators how to scale up from low six figures to high six figures, and Facebook ads is a big part of that. So, looking at Cody Sanchez's ads and if you don't know Cody Sanchez, she could be labeled as an influencer she used to be an investment banker and now she champions the idea of purchasing small businesses and buying back Main Street. If you don't know, I do like to watch Cody's videos. Looking at her Facebook ad account, I see only five ads running, which is surprising to me. Now, what I can't see is how much money she's putting behind those ads. But the fact that I only see five ads is intriguing because I have been looking at let's call it other accounts of people of her level of influence and they usually are running more different ads. So the bad before the good, which is, and, by the way, if you can't look on the screen because you're only listening to this.

Speaker 1:

This is a highly visual episode. Please go down to the show notes below and click over to the video on my YouTube channel, the Art of Online Business, so you can see what I see. It's Cody Sanchez's Facebook ads. I wish it was Christmas already, but we still got half a year to go. So the first thing I see is she does have different creative, but it's the same ad copy. So the hook at the top of the ad copy says "'You're sitting on millions of dollars "'and probably don't know it'". Okay, that is a really good hook. I would be using that one over and over again, but have we tested? Are there other hooks that could outperform this one? And then the copy is like a letter from her. It starts with 10,000 baby boomers retire every day Dang, that's a big number, okay. And then eight to 10% have small businesses that will close up shop with them. Do the math. And then you can buy these small, boring businesses without investing millions or taking out huge loans. And then we have a more ad copy and a call to action to apply to her contrarian thinking community. On the next page is a video sales letter and a call to action to book your call and a whole lot of five-star testimonials and a call to action to book your call and a whole lot of five-star testimonials and a call to action to book your call Great.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I would really change is one. When I look at the ad copy and seeing how many words it is, it's 103 words. That is not very many words. I would at least test 175 words too. Why? Because people find themselves in the words and they also decide, if you're not the person with the solution for them, who's uniquely gifted to serve them by reading your words? So I would write more words than 100. 100 is very little, but I have to assume that, since there are five different ads with only 103 hundred and three words or whatever, the word count was that these ads must be working. Let's go on to what else I see. I don't see different headlines, headlines being the text that shows up in bold right next to your call to action button. So this headline also must be working really well, or for you, the takeaway is that you would want to test different headlines.

Speaker 1:

Now here's what I do. Like the variety of content. Each of these ads might have the same ad copy, but the videos associated with the ads are different, and I'm all about leaving on a couple of ads that working in one ad set. So what do we have? We have an instant. No, this is like an ex, a Twitter ex post, if you will. It's all on black. It has her a little profile picture that says Cody Sanchez and text next to it and then in white text, it's as if she took this, lifted this from her notes, but it has some bullet points. 10,000 baby boomers retire a day. Eight to 10% own small businesses. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da da da. Here lies our opportunity. You know, what I would do is I would take that same format and test different stats. There are millions of boring businesses for sale in the US today waiting for a new generation of owners. I would test different techs to see what kind of graphic is converting the best.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm seeing in this one is it must be a. It's a vertical video. I'm hoping she repurposed it from one of her more popular Instagram posts or TikTok posts if she's on TikTok, I don't know or maybe she got it from her YouTube video. At any rate, the takeaway for you is is if you have a strong social media presence. Look at the organic posts that are doing well and then test those as ads and see which one hits.

Speaker 1:

So the next ad is another video. So this video looks like education. She might have at the end a call to action. It's pure education, okay. So she or somebody on her team must have taken another video. She talks about this a lot, actually, and they put it in an ad to see how it converted into her community.

Speaker 1:

This is another video, talking about, I guess, the typical small business owner, baby boomer who's about to retire, without a way to get rid of their business, or somebody to sell their business to. It's an opportunity, and I know that because I consume a lot of Cody Sanchez content. But here is, what you're seeing are videos. Because she's so famous, she can take the videos that are doing really well and show them to who? Probably a mix of cold people who do not know about her yet, and a mix of Warm audiences, in fact, people. If you have, like over a hundred, two hundred thousand Instagram followers, you know a big Instagram account. There is a lot of opportunity sitting right there, because if you got 300,000 people following you on Instagram. You probably don't have 300,000 people on your email list, and so you can build that email list just by taking your ads and showing it to the people who follow you on Instagram, for example, or follow you on Facebook, because I know some of you listeners got a big following over there, and that is what I would change about Cody Sanchez's ads.

Speaker 1:

And if you even feel like maybe you are making other mistakes in ads management, which Facebook gives you so many opportunities to mess up with all the options and suggestions that they're throwing out at you, I have a guide. It's called the seven biggest mistakes. That course creators make that burn through their hard-earned cash and kill ad results. Feel free to DM me. It is a guide, not just a list, because it's not fluff. It's actually four minute tutorials for each of those mistakes so that you can know how to avoid the mistake and see my solution as a Facebook ad manager to not make that mistake anymore. That link is right below in the show notes. Get that guide, especially if you're managing your own ads or you're about to start, so that you can start off better or get better performance out of your currently running ads. Until the next video. Stay blessed and I'll see you in the next one. Goodbye.

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