People That Hurt Others Are Hurting
Loving On Purpose
Loving On Purpose
People That Hurt Others Are Hurting
Feb 23, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10
Bonnie Lyman

This has been the most influential, amazing concept I have learned from being trained as a life coach.  I need to give credit where credit is due, to my mentor and instructor Brooke Castillo.  Responsible adults do not intentionally wake up in the morning with the intention to make someone feel bad.  When your adult children say things to that are unkind, do things that are hurtful, or seemingly ignore you, they are not intentionally wanting to cause you to have thoughts that cause you to feel hurt.  They are hurting; there is something in their life with which they are struggling.  We all struggle with something.  When you can embody this concept, you are on the threshold of learning how to love and have compassion for your adult children.  Tune in to learn how to be a kinder, compassionate person.

I ask you to please share this episode with anyone who is struggling in their relationship with their adult children who you feel might benefit from listening to this episode.

I help moms navigate life with their adult children.  If you want to know more about me go to to book a consult with me, sign up for my weekly email, receive my free resource on three ways to connect with your adult children, and read my blog posts

You can also follow me on Instagram @bonnielymancoaching.

Have you received my new resource "3 Steps To Be Yourself Around Your Adult Children?" Click HERE to receive it. You'll be amazed what life offers you when you take back the power to be yourself around everyone.

Have you ever considered 1:1 coaching? To get started, book a complimentary call with me to find out what the cause of your struggling relationship is with your adult child. Go to (click here) to book a call.