How To Stop Judging
Loving On Purpose
Loving On Purpose
How To Stop Judging
Dec 13, 2023 Episode 102
Bonnie Lyman

We know we judge others, especially our adult children, too often but we don't know how to stop.  Even knowing that we don't like how we feel when we're judging them doesn't making us stop.   We think we have some control over them living a happier life if we just help them see their weaknesses.  But this is a little lie our brain tricks into thinking.  In this episode you'll learn four suggestions on how to stop judging others.

Have you received my new resource "3 Steps To Be Yourself Around Your Adult Children?" Click HERE to receive it. You'll be amazed what life offers you when you take back the power to be yourself around everyone.

Have you ever considered 1:1 coaching? To get started, book a complimentary call with me to find out what the cause of your struggling relationship is with your adult child. Go to (click here) to book a call.