Learning To Default To Compassionate Thoughts
Loving On Purpose
Loving On Purpose
Learning To Default To Compassionate Thoughts
Jan 12, 2022 Season 1 Episode 5
Bonnie Lyman

The natural man wants to default to judging another person for causing him to feel hurt.  Some of us know that other people don't have the power to make us feel hurt; our thoughts make us feel hurt.  Compassionate thoughts never cause us to feel hurt; they cause us to feel the most amazing of all emotions.....LOVE.  We have the power within us to default to feeling compassion rather than hurt.  Tune in to find what you can practice to find compassion for everyone in your life.  We all just want to feel peace with what's happening in our lives, the good and the messy.
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Have you ever considered 1:1 coaching? To get started, book a complimentary call with me to find out what the cause of your struggling relationship is with your adult child. Go to bonnielyman.com (click here) to book a call.