Ambitious & Caffeinated: Authentic Business + Marketing Strategies for Mompreneurs

The Energy Of 5 Figure Sales

Adrianne Hayward Season 5 Episode 3

Ever wondered how these business owners are bringing in 5 figure months (or days). Let’s break down the action, energy, & strategies. 👇🏼

Check here for more resources, courses, group programs, + 1:1 availability:

Welcome to Ambitious & Caffeinated: Authentic Marketing & Business Strategies for Mompreneurs, hosted by Adrianne! 

I help moms start & grow a wildly profitable online business while putting motherhood first.

Ambitious & Caffeinated helps our clients go from struggling solopreneurs to thriving empires.

This podcast will help you effortlessly build your online biz *without* hustling 24:7. We cover how to turn your ideas into profit, paid daily, and stabilize your income.

Don't forget to take a screenshot, tag me on Instagram in your stories and enter for a chance to win a coffee gift card on ME!

Catch me on both IG + my blog for freebies, blog posts, trainings, programs, and courses to create unstoppable, profitable momentum!


I have a $7 bootcamp that is ALL about finding, connecting, & converting clients. 

✨ the art of attracting 🌶️ HOT leads through your content 
✨ how to authentically close leads in the DMs, *without* a sales call 
✨ wake up with new enrolments in your courses, programs, & offers. 
✨ your dream clients will be knocking on your door by the end of this bootcamp🚪 
✨ PLUS the blueprint for multiple 5 figure launches 🚀 

Exclusive Facebook Group, 8 LIVE videos, life time access to the materials.

Best part? It's only $7!

Speaker 1:

Today we're going to be talking about the behind the scenes of creating a five figure day. If you go back to season one, episode 12, or even if you go back to season one, episode 18, I talk about the different ways and modalities I was able to scale to five figure months consistently. I'm so excited. Let's dive in. Welcome back.

Speaker 1:

My name is Adrienne and I am the CEO and founder of ambitious and caffeinated. I help moms start and grow a widely profitable online business while putting motherhood first. Ambitious and caffeinated helps our clients go from struggling solo printers to thriving empires. I started my entrepreneur journey as a team mom who just wanted to be home with my babies and custom create my career. I knew that the nine to five lifestyle was never meant for me. The business model I designed and created allows me to get pay daily, stabilize my income while working part time hours as a stay at home mom. Now I help other moms turn into online CEOs, get paid daily and own their power in motherhood. Not only do I cover all the things marketing and business, we get deep here and we don't shy away from the vulnerable chats. You can find me on Instagram at ambitious and caffeinated, or head over to our site at ambitious and caffeinatedcom and you can check out the free resource vault and all of the courses and programs I have available. I'm so grateful that you're here.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into the episode. I am so excited about today's episode. This is one of my favorite things to talk about how to make money and how to make a lot of it in the most authentic way possible. I think it's important to note here I work with a variety of different businesses. I work with nonprofits, online coaches, therapists. I work with different medical teams as well, like audiologists, ots, slps, pts All the alphabet put together. I'm just kidding, but I work with a variety of different companies on purpose and a lot of product based businesses. For a long time, I was exclusively working with online coaches, and the more people I've networked with, I just see how my approach in the business and online space is just different. It's solely focused on connection. So it's interesting some of these medical places whether they're naturopaths or more therapeutic services it all comes down to connecting deeply with your audience, and that really is all that marketing is is truly connecting the dots for your ideal clients and how you're able to support them, and I practice empowering sales strategies where really it is in their hands. I acknowledge that it's no one's responsibility to in quotations buy into my business for the success. It is all on me. It's not my audience's responsibility. I am truly here to serve and this is how I structure my programs, my courses, my one to one. I truly have things structured in a way where it's a no brainer that I'm able to serve you because I've ensured that my packages, products, containers what other synonym you can think of is genuinely there to serve my audience, and that is how I help other businesses structure it. I'm not saying that people come to me and they don't have it structured that way, but they don't have the value displayed in a way that makes people connect those dots.

Speaker 1:

So I remember being 19 years old. I had two young kids, like a 13 month old and a newborn. I was also in online university full time and I just I wasn't in the place to invest in my business at the time and I was doing virtual assistant stuff on the side, just really supporting our family getting by while I was in university and my husband was building up his career. It was a crazy time. So I remember binging on so many different podcasts and blogs until I was in this space to be able to invest, and I literally am so open and honest about this. But I used to pretend that Jenna Kutcher made all of her blog and podcast content for me, and I think it's so comical now in the stage of business I'm in, but that's the delusional like the positive delusional mindset I talk about sometimes is like you know what? She obviously didn't make that content for me, but she made it for people like me and I made it applicable and I took it seriously. And that is just one thing I just want to know is I provide podcast quality, like high quality podcast content like this, where I try my hardest to break it down to the nitty gritty so that you can actually implement it and really see the ins and outs of how to grow an authentic business. Because for a long time, I did not understand how businesses were doing this without doing the bro marketing like those cold DMs and like forcing people into their sales, and I just I was so frustrated because I knew that I wanted to run my business differently. Well, this is the opportunity for me to share, because not only is you know, this is not my first podcast episode on it. This is at least the third. I feel like I might have even made a fourth one at the time, but I want to dive right into it.

Speaker 1:

So first things first, let's talk about the offer suite. So there's no one true way to make money on social media and Personally I like to be established on Instagram and I really utilize Facebook groups. They are so great. But what I'm just trying to say is there's no one way to use social media. I have some clients that love LinkedIn. I tried LinkedIn and I almost cried. Same with Twitter. I might be good at Instagram and TikTok and Pinterest and Facebook, but those platforms are for me and that's okay. That is okay. So choose your storefront, choose your social media and get good at it.

Speaker 1:

The reason I just want to start off by that is you need to show up and provide Authority by being consistent on your space. I do not care if your version of consistency is showing up four times a week on stories and Two posts a week. Consistency is how often you can regularly show up without burning yourself out. For some people, this looks like two or three posts a week. Other people this does look like daily, but we all have different capacities. So I just want to start off like I know where this is supposed to be offer suite but, like, before we talk about the offer suite, officially, have your one social media platform that you're hanging out to sell these offers, so that you're not randomly on Facebook talking about it, and then on Instagram, and Then you're on Pinterest and then you're on TikTok and none of these audience are aligned and no one knows what you're talking about. So make sure you have that one space. So let's talk about it.

Speaker 1:

An offer suite is the most important part of the puzzle piece after the social media. The best way to showcase your offers without being like desperately, by for me, by for me, by for me is to really embody the results that you were selling to someone. So a great example If you were a virtual assistant who is selling engagement packages, you want to ensure that your engagement is phenomenal, and I'm not talking about the engagement in terms of Likes and comments on post, but I'm talking about the conversations and the DMs and the networking that you are doing, because this is so Strategic and so important. If you were a life coach who is supporting moms Overcoming their overwhelm overcoming there you can't say anxiety, but feelings of anxiety is the legal terminology to say that I would have loved to see in real lifetime. Hey, I actually had a really big moment this morning where I was feeling a lot of overwhelm and Inxious feelings, and this is the way I grounded myself. You really need to display this and this works out for every single industry.

Speaker 1:

If you're a product base, part of embodying it is using your own products. So I have a girlfriend and she sells sweaters and cups and hoodies and anything you could think of In terms of products that you would see in a boutique. She has, and she embodies it by wearing her products and talking about them, and you are essentially showing your audience that you're reliable, that not only are you the one to do the job for them, you know how to get the results because you're currently Embodying them. If you are someone who wants to be homeschooling mentor, you better believe you have at least had homeschooling experience or you're a homeschooler. Embodying the results are so important to creating consistent sales because you're no longer having to fight Against your audience that you are the one. They can clearly see it and when they see your offer, it truly is a no-brainer, because it couldn't have been more you if you had tried.

Speaker 1:

Another thing too is making sure it wasn't a accidental, one-off result. So the way that I do this as a marketing and business mentor is I show my numbers periodically just to show the actual behind the scenes of what it's like running a business. I don't show my daily numbers and my weekly and monthly in a way to show off, but as someone who's helping her Audience and her clients scale to multiple five figures per month, you better believe I'm also getting those results on my own, working those about 15 hours a week, and I think that's so important to note that as Mentors, if you're in the coaching realm, you need to make sure that you're embodying the results consistently and you're able to show without Ha ha, I can do it proving to you but from the energy of like. This is why I'm an expert in this field and I know for a while I didn't understand how to show. I was a in quotations master in my realm. I didn't understand my mastery because I was still learning and I felt like I'd so much to learn and it wasn't really until this last year that I really recognize you know what? What I do is different. Not a lot of people are able to do what I'm doing, but it took a lot of me really getting into that groove and really embodying those results consistently, and this is why sales Truly feel natural in my business.

Speaker 1:

I make sales every single day. They it doesn't matter what day it is, it doesn't matter from on social media. I am making sales every single day and, as someone who helps you with your sales and with your marketing, it's important that that is an experience in my business, because it's exactly what I'm selling you. I mean, I don't Think that we necessarily have to be cocky about it, like if you're a life coach, you don't have to be like ha ha, I'm happy all the time and you're not, I'm gonna get you a client. But what's gonna help is showing the tools, tips and strategies on how you got there in the first place and Humbling yourself in the way that you talk to your clients and really get to their level. I look at this as a lot of you guys have toddlers or had toddlers. I look at this as kneeling down and looking at them from their level so it doesn't look like you're hovering about them. Does that make sense when my toddlers are talking to me Not all the time, but I try really hard to get down on their level and make them make them feel safe, and that's what I think is important that we do For our clients as well get down to their level, not because you're looking down at them or their lesson like not nothing like that, but because we can make them feel safe in growing and evolving. So just to recap number one embodying these results are so important, not because we want to show off, but so that we can truly display this organically on social media and be consistently showing up with reliable content that just perfectly maps out what our business is about. The second thing I think is really important, before we truly dive into how we structure an offer suite, is just having a nurture space. A nurture space is a place to really pour into your clients and provide really in-depth resources that you cannot Google.

Speaker 1:

A great example of a nurture space is my podcast. It is going over to my website. There are so many blogs. I am accepting blog submissions. If you've ever wanted to be featured on my website, just send me an email. It's on my website team at ambitiousandcaffeinatedcom. You're welcome to send submissions over there.

Speaker 1:

I love showcasing different people. There are some really good ones that are coming up in January and February. It's super fun, but anywho, I don't just throw out a podcast and say, okay, here it is, thru spaghetti at the wall, enjoy. Every single episode has some sort of intention behind it, and the intention is always that you walk away with a strategy to implement, an action step or a different mindset to start implementing, and if you implement, you're going to get results. That is the whole point. So I know that for some of this, I'm kind of restructuring and showing you the behind the scenes of my business, but it's so that you can take the opportunity to reflect and look within your business as well. So having some sort of nurture space is important because it's going to help you stand out compared to other people in your industry.

Speaker 1:

Our industry in the online space is extremely saturated, but that doesn't mean that there's quality people doing our job, and so having a nurture space allows you to really funnel people in and showcase your expertise without doing that in your face kind of joke that I had said earlier. It really just naturally displays your embodiment. It allows you to be that reliable person and it shows your consistency and the one thing I really love about a nurture space is it doesn't necessarily have to be something you're consistent with. I take periodic breaks from my podcast and that is okay and I'm not making that wrong. I have a podcast or part of me, a Facebook group sold out in socials the free one and I've poured into that group. There are so many different trainings in there. I'm not super consistent in it, not because I'm a flake, but because there's already so many good things in there. I frame it as a resource hub. So if you're struggling on like I don't know how to be consistent with my nurture space, set it up as a resource hub. Do like a really fun, beautiful launch, getting people into it Maybe it's a podcast launch, whatever it is and really funnel people to it and then naturally, just point people towards it. Doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be consistently in that group or consistently posting in your podcast, but it means you're always pointing people towards that resource.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's dive into how I construct my offer suite. I'm actually pulling up my website so I can literally tell you, step by step, what I have. So, number one I have an entire bank of low ticket lead magnets. What a lead magnet is to me and I talk about this over in my episode from last season about shortening your seven day sales cycle. This is how I have an entire bank of mini courses that are $37 when I'm networking in Facebook groups, when my VAs are networking for me, when I'm talking to ideal clients, when I'm posting on Pinterest, when I'm on my stories, when I'm on other people's podcasts like this is how I monetize every inch of the internet that I touch. They're $37 and they are full of intention, like, for example, my course called blueprint to 30k followers in 60 days. It used to be $100 course. I've bumped it to $37. It's a three part masterclass and you also get an entire bonus of my five part TikTok workshop. I have another one that's social education. It is a six part audio training. I have my 10 part marketing and sales course, the make it reinstails. I have an ultimate content workshop. I have organically attracted high quality leads. These all are at least three videos of at least 30 minutes each and they really walk you through my process. This is my entire lead magnet, my paid lead magnet resource.

Speaker 1:

I love the idea of every single business. You can start with one. I have six up here, but you can start with one. You can have one low ticket lead magnet that really allows your ideal clients to funnel themselves and clarify okay, do I want to work with this person further, yes or no? This is a great part, and I know you're like how am I supposed to get to you know five figure months with a $37 freaking offer? You'd be surprised at how many people buy this and because of the intention, the strategy, the commitment I put into these courses, it does build trust and I'm straight up telling you I wouldn't have made these courses unless I was confident they could get you results in the first place, and my clients know that. So if a $37 course can do that, imagine what a high ticket experience in my one to one is like, and I want you to really look at ways that you can reframe that in your business. How can your low ticket really speak how beautiful the rest of your business is as well. It shortens that seven day sale cycle.

Speaker 1:

So, example, when I'm on someone's podcast doing an interview, I might tell them yeah, I have an entire bank of $37 courses and you can unlock them all for $111, which is 50% off, or however I want to word that I've just monetized that podcast with my own courses and it turns into a funnel. They end up usually being the ones who come into my mastermind, my group programs, hiring me for one on one. And this is how it starts. I'm not saying someone has to start right at the beginning, like if someone reached out for you hey, what's your one on one services? Oh, dang it, you can't work with me in one-on-one. You need to go right back to the beginning of the funnel, said no one ever. But I just like having this opportunity because there's so many other people out there. How do they know I'm a quality person? This has allowed me to always make sales as well. In terms of you know what. You can work with me in this container or this one. There's a price difference, there's deliverable difference, but it allows me to show up differently. So, for example, I have a group program or I have one-on-one. You can have the group or you can have the group and one-on-one. Or I have a passive course and one-on-one. You can have the passive course or you can have, you know, both the passive course and the one-on-one, however that looks.

Speaker 1:

Doing a two-tier offer system helped a lot, but having a low ticket offer has allowed me to monetize every inch of my space while also funneling people into the next thing. I also have a mid-level course called Become a Passive Course Queen. I talk about it all the time. That's another one that I have, but then, of course, I have my private coaching. I have my mastermind and I have group programs available, so as soon as someone comes into a smaller ticket, they know that their options are spread wide open. I really do think that there's a lot of beauty in low ticket, and I know I know this whole podcast is about.

Speaker 1:

How are you supposed to make five figures? I did not start making five figures by only having a one-on-one, only having high ticket. Do I think it's possible? Absolutely, but do you know what made it easier? Having all of these people funnel into my lower ticket and really get clarity? Is this someone I wanna hire in the future? Is this someone that I could envision working with? Can I trust the way that she's teaching? Now, how did I actually strategically bridge the gap over to five figures? Let me freaking tell you the rest of it.

Speaker 1:

I started with this so I can network in a lot of different Facebook groups and convert a very cold audience into a now warm audience. What happens is now I have, oh my gosh, on any given week, maybe I have 10 new enrollments, maybe I have a hundred new enrollments, it doesn't matter how many, but I will have a collective handful of people enrolling in the courses, binging on the content, feeling inspired and getting results from the courses. And if you're like I don't even have a small course, what should I do? Having a low cost offer can look like having a $5 offer and having it be like a mini podcast series or like a really nice workshop. I just actually have to be $5. I've had clients do a $5 stuff and it's really beautiful how it flourishes.

Speaker 1:

But the point of this is I highly recommend my clients having an automated low ticket offer because, like I had mentioned, it converts an extremely cold audience, who have no idea who you are, into your warm market. Your warm market is much likely to invest in the next thing with you, because they start to like no one trust you and part of this is really serving them in your low ticket. And this is not me saying you over deliver and over serve in your low ticket. So when they come to your high tickets. Meh, no, you still over serve, you over deliver, and to me it's just like a really beautiful opportunity and this truly made my business more consistent in terms of making those five figure sales. I'm so excited and just celebrating, ambitious and caffeinated. We had a $12,000 week We've had. This is going to be, honestly, our biggest month. We still have a little bit left.

Speaker 1:

We have a couple of weeks left in January when I'm recording this and I'm not sharing that from like a breaking standpoint, but the way that I did this is the first week of January I started selling a bunch of low ticket options and almost all of the people who initially placed the order transition into one-on-one with me and now I have people on a wait list and really I'm vetting out the right people. I am only accepting two to three more one-to-one clients. So if you're listening to this and you're like, oh my gosh, I would really like to work with you one-on-one, definitely send me a message, but I'm sharing these results because it was so much easier having that lower ticket to help refine it. I actually should go back and say not every single person who bought my low ticket is going to work with me one-on-one. I made quite a bit of sales at the beginning of January with my low ticket. But the ones who initially purchased and were like I need to work with you, how can I work with you? They started off with that and I had no ill feelings or intentions about them wanting to work with me in a $37 offer versus like a four, five-figure container. I needed them to feel empowered in that sales process and they feel so empowered from that $37 offer that them transferring over into my one-on-one was a no brainer. And what I've also noticed looking back in the last two years of my audience's sales patterns those who come into those lower ticket offers and truly feel served, heard, known, seen. They end up paying in full for the containers and I'm sharing that from a standpoint of your clients are wanting to do the same for you.

Speaker 1:

So let's kind of recap what we've talked about. Number one be consistent on social media. Really be showing up, embodying your results in a way that isn't like ha-ha, this is me and you're down there, right. We wanna get to their level, digest it and really showcase them Like I'm the mentor for you because I get it. I was where you are. These are the tools, tricks and strategies on how I got to where I am Really showcasing it in that sense. And then, of course, we talked a little bit about having a nurture space. It makes your life 800 times easier. Remember how I was talking about having a podcast or having a Facebook group?

Speaker 1:

This is a perfect place to start monetizing your lower ticket, even if it is only a $7 option, even if it is only $100, even if it is only a couple $100. It really allows your audience the opportunity to taste test opportunities with you instead of feeling overwhelmed with, oh, the only way to work with her is this very high ticket thing. It allows them to really Get to know you as a mentor and really make up their mind. And this is part of the empowerment sales. And I know it's so wild to think I put so much trust into like a 37 dollar offer. I mean, even right now I have a seven dollar bootcamp that starts January 29th and it's seven dollars and it's an eight part masterclass. Like that is a ridiculous price.

Speaker 1:

But the most beautiful thing about doing stuff like this is you transfer over a very cold Audience over into a warm audience by serving them deeper. It's not a bait-and-switch where I'm trying to trick people into working with me. Every aspect of my business comes down to serving people deeply, and when you can let go of the fear and holding on to your income goal and Focus on deeply serving, your clients are going to come flying at you because they feel like they have Never been more seen, heard and known and are so excited to work with someone who cares about them that much. If I was going to recommend anything to you, it absolutely have your high ticket, whether this is a really hands-on mastermind, a really beautiful group program, your one-on-one, I would make sure that this high ticket thing is, in fact, evergreen. It makes it so much easier to scale and to sell out.

Speaker 1:

And the second thing I would say is have a low ticket offer that is completely automated. This was the most beautiful thing about putting up my mini course page. It allows people to pick and choose whatever they desire. They're only $37 and it allows them to really get to know me as a mentor. And you know what the most beautiful part about all of this even if they never come into my one-on-one, I have so much faith that I deeply served and I guess the strategy here is really number one, being consistent, but number two, really serving. And at the end of the day, you can't say the wrong thing to the right person and there is no other way but for your business to flourish. When you're coming from a place of serving and I know that there's a lot of different you know variables in terms of pricing and launching and marketing but at the end of the day, if you're really connecting and serving, your business is going to flourish. If you could take anything away from this, it is connect deeply with people you know would benefit from your course, your program, your service. And, number two, I should consistently be showing up how you are the right person for that, for them to mentor, to do the work, for them to buy the Product from, whatever it may be. This is how we bridge that gap.

Speaker 1:

I think we think that there is the secret to building a very successful business. We think there's the secret to Exploding our business. And I was. I told myself for years oh, you're on the cusp of 20, 20k months, like you are on the brink of it, and I remember telling myself this story and the thing that I'm trying to get to is the stories we make up in our heads are important and if you feel like you're always missing something, you're never gonna quite get your goal because you're always telling yourself in your brain I'm missing something, I'm losing something. I don't have the secret, I don't have the key. And I think if you let go of all of that, genuinely take the time to Let go and breathe and tell yourself, like, do a little EFT tapping or do some journaling, I am completely capable of getting these results. I am completely capable of reaching my goals. I am perfect just as I am. I am not missing anything. I am going to work this until it works. And one the reason I bring up work until it works.

Speaker 1:

So many people that I talked to they're like oh, I just need to do a podcast. No, I need to do a Facebook group. No, I need to post reels. No, I need to do stories. No, I'm gonna do graphics instead. They don't stick to anything long enough to get results. I have told my clients again and again. So I know I probably shouldn't be advertising this, but I am.

Speaker 1:

In my one-on-one coaching, you have 30 days from the first day that we signed to cancel your contract. Well, I do that because in the first 30 days. If you stick to a strategy, you're going to get results, and it usually puts people at a lot of ease. By the end of the first 30 days they're like, oh my gosh, look at everything I accomplished in 30 days. Oftentimes the goal that they had for their first, you know the first five months together they accomplished within the first month to six weeks and it's astonishing because they're not working harder, they're just being more strategic and consistent. So I know that this is might be a little frustrating.

Speaker 1:

Listening. You're like what is the secret? Be consistent and be proud of what you have, have the confidence to sell your offers and don't be afraid to be visible. So there was so much that was encoded here. If you, if you're listening to this, before January 29th, I have a $7 bootcamp and we are talking about the art of attracting hot leads through your content, how to authentically close DMs without a sales call, how to wake up with new enrollments in your courses, programs and offers, and I'm going to be sharing my signature blueprint to multiple five figure launches a little bit more in depth here. I mean this podcast is phenomenal for growing that consistency and making sales in the most authentic, fun way and having a beautiful time building up your audience long-term, benefiting your business now, but also long-term. By the end of this bootcamp, I promise your dream clients will be knocking at your door.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to take the time, I will leave the link in the description here. If you're listening to this after January, don't you worry. You know me, the queen of passive courses it'll be a completely passive option. It's only $7. I think I broke it down. It was like 86 cents per video. So I mean, what do you really have to lose? I'm so grateful, as usual. If you take the time to screenshot this podcast, put it on your Instagram stories and tag me at ambitious and caffeinated, I will enter you into the draw of winning a Starbucks coffee. I like to make sure I send two to three women a month who are posting this on my story or posting on the stories and tagging me, just to thank them for taking the time to think about me and share this beautiful podcast. So, anyways, I hope you have a beautiful day and thank you so much.