五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese

耳朵怎么又发炎了??Ear infection again??

The Lone Mandarin Teacher Episode 136

(If you notice the texting link above, it seems that my hosting site Buzzsprout is testing a new feature without creators enabling it: Buzzsprout's latest feature delivers listener love straight to your phone — Fan Mail! We dive into how we've been secretly testing this new tool and how you can turn it on for your own podcast. I don't know how it will work otu)

Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of "5 Minute Chinese." Today, I'm sharing a recent health condition.  A few days ago, I noticed some discomfort and pain in my ear. Given my history of outer ear infection last year, I feared it might be a recurrence. Visiting the doctor after class on Tuesday, I learned that this time, the infection was inside the ear, requiring oral antibiotics instead of just ear drops. The doctor suggested it might be due to allergies, causing mucus buildup in my nasal cavity, leading to ear inflammation. Grateful for seeking timely medical attention this time, unlike last year when I endured severe pain before seeking help, I am confident that with proper medication, my condition will improve soon. Lastly I stress the importance of managing allergies to prevent such complications. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential!

Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!

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我其实很感恩这次我及时去看了医生。去年我得外耳道炎(也就是swimmer’s ear)的时候,我等了很长时间才去看。所以我当时疼得都睡不着觉,疼得直哭。这次的话,因为我有一点疼就去看医生了,所以我应该不会再变得更严重了。今天是我吃药的第三天了,我感觉舒服了很多。虽然来说,我还是觉得有一点疼,耳朵有一点怪怪的。很多时候好像蒙了一层布,听不太清楚。不过我很有信心。如果每天按时吃我的抗生素——阿莫西林,我应该在几天内就会好了。
