Performers of Scotland

Scottish Performers - Chatting about Gerard Butler and Karen Gillan

Peter Canning

Exploring Scottish actors such as, Gerard Butler, Karen Gillan and Martin Compston. I also discuss other actors to look out for.

I love everyone. You're listened to Peter on the performers of Scotland podcast and association with performers of Today, I'm going to

talk about a couple of actors before I get them in the last episode. I was talking about, eh, some of the musicians. So whilst I'm kinda getting used to podcasting the format I'm doing, justn, I'm kind of talking about some artists that we know actors or singers, and also talking about some, some new actors that I've just seen or musicians that have came across using this eh, podcast to highlight some of them.

And hopefully increase some of their audience or followers or whatever you want to say. So, yeah. As I said for tonight, I'm gonna talk about some actors. So Scottish actors that we know of are going to be Jerry Butler, Karen Gillen, Martin S.  and I'm gonna talk about, uh, some people that are on the, one of the Facebook group that I follow.

Uh, and I'm also gonna put some of these, uh, folks up on the performs of Scotland, social medias. So your Twitter on Facebook to like, if you, if you decide that you want to force on my them and check them out.

So I'm gonna kick off and talk about Jerry Butler, eh, from what I'm I read about, uh, Jerry Butler, he started off studying law, studied law way graduation, basically, and was working in a law firm, eh, before I decided to give that up and go.  take a stab at acting. And one of the first roles that I can see, uh, on these list is, uh, tomorrow never dies James Bond with Peter Brosman, which, which I never really noticed.

Um, one thing with myself is when I'm watching a film or show, um, Hardly concentrate on the actor. I kinda concentrate on just the characters and how they're involved in their story. I don't normally know most actors, unless until I've seen 'em a few times in other films or shows, or if they have done a great performance that I've liked, whether it be a good guy or a bad guy, a lot of the time, uh, eh,  a lot of time, if they good or they're, they're bad.

And they've got me pulled me into their story, then they kinda start to look at actors. So, eh, this is an example. So as I said, starting, tomorrow's never dies, which I remember seeing when it was out, but I didn't pay attention to even what Jared bottle looked like. Everybody knows what everybody should know it tomorrow never dies is about James Bond, Pierce Broman.

There are so many James Bond. So it depends on what age you are when that you listen to us, it's a good chance that you might not have seen it. There's some films and TV shows on these list that I don't recall ever seeing, like. For example, Ms. Brown in 1997, which featured, I dunno, I think he played Archie brown.

It was also when the young person's guide to becoming a rockstar. I don't ever remember that being on tells the mommy. I cannot recognize that, but I don't know fully enough to even think who was. Nevermind who Jerry Butler was back on the, I N D B, that he was Burke.

A lot of the films and TV shows that Jerry Butler was in from when he started in 1987. I was. Basically a team. So I was never really in, I was, I was out with my friends, so that's probably why a lot of these filming shows. I never seen

one of the films that I do remember being in was DRA 2001, which was out in 2000. Uh, I do roughly remember, eh, Jerry Butler being in this just, eh, when I'm looking back, I can kinda see the character when it was out. I didn't realize it was Jerry Butler as, as I've said before, but now that I know Jerry Butler and that film, I do recognize that he was, eh, obviously Dracula in a film Dracula 2000.

Another film that I'm surprised that Jerry Butler was in was Laura Cross to me the C creator of life. Again, no person that I remember from that really is just Angelina. Julie don't remember any other characters, but again, Jerry Butler played the character called Terry Sheridan. They didn't even want to play the fan of the opera as the Phan.

Never seen that. So I dunno what, what he would

another good film that I do remember him being part of is 300 playing this Spartan king Leonard Addis. Dunno if I've said that. Right. But he was in that, so.

I will say that for that, Roy, I remember him being well built and

the film itself was good.

One film that I remember him being in more than Eton was, and I'm sad to say that on others, but it's PSI love you.

And P I love you. He played the main, the main part main part of the story, which was Jerry at the time. This was how I did, uh, really like this film. And when he is playing, the guitar is playing the, the pubs love you till the end. Yeah. Roughly done about this team is in fact shortly. A few years after this is when I met my wife.

And through those those years, eh, I kept trying to practice to play that song also, eh, Jerry's version more so than the PS and that very song became our wedding song as for the film. Uh, I, I, I do like this sort of story of it, but, uh, I don't like how these films always have the person being, having passed away for a year and telling the person to move on after a year, which it never ever happens.

But yeah, the sort of story of it was, was good. How we set things up and arrange things and. Try to help her move on, essentially, but I loved it at a time. I've kinda lost. Yeah. The love for it now, not because of Jerry or Jerry Butler, but more so because of just the story and her moving on, as far as what I'm concerned too quickly, and what she learns about along the way is his friend that she hooks up with.


Another fantastic film that he was in was, uh, the guy Richie film, rock and roller. He played one, two, the cast in that's absolutely fantastic. Uh, Jerry Butler, Tom Halk address elbow, uh, to name a few, forget the others was quite those loads. Eh, the store itself. He's pretty much part of the, the crook. Cook in or whatever it, wherever it is that they're in.

And eh, his story with Tom. Hardy's just so funny. Love how Tom Hardy's, he's sort of best friend in it, but Tom Hardy actually gay and he actually fancies yeah. Jerry bottles, character who doesn't know us, but everybody else in the club know. And when Tom Hardy's character was meant to go to a prison, Uh, he kind of tells when to, uh, how he feels about when to, uh, and as I said, he, he used to go to jail.

So, eh, ask for a favor and it day basically dance with wood to Jerry butter. Just that the scene that Tom Hardy and Jerry, but dancing together. So funny, but what's even more funny is the fact that he actually gets, he doesn't go to jail. He gets, I forget how he, I forget how he gets out of it, but there's sitting in a club and they all know that Jerry done this.

He, he helped he's met out. He done does he done his favor and let him dance with him.  yeah, they all knew us, but then he surprises the fact that he is not, induc just, just their, their personality and the chemistry fruit, the whole rock and roll was, uh, great for me. It's one of my favorite probably probably right now, as I'm going through is probably one of my favorite air films of Jared Butler.

Again, after. Air rock and roll was another couple of films that I don't know of. So I'm at a do like a good trip, but I can't fill it out. I can't fully remember how it went. Um, but again, one of the other good films that I like is lobbying citizen and he is Clyde Shelton. And in this, uh, east house gets brought in here by obviously criminal.

Yeah, they break in and I think they stab, eh, Clyde first, as far as I remember, and then Whil the, the mom and the daughters, eh, screaming, they kinda kill him as well. Clyde survives. He get, he goes to hospital. He survives, uh, the wife and child don't obviously pass away and. Jamie Fox is in this he's the lawyer that's meant you represent him.

But as far as what CLE is concerned, he's not done his job. He is more concerned about his career going ahead than trying to find a truth and pushing it forward. I think because the two criminals were part of a, I don't know, an FBI plea deal thing. So they. Eh, I think they look got on my own jail rather than life sentences.

And this is where, this is why it's called Lawing citizen. So Clyde takes out his own hands to basically teach each of the people, a lesson from the colonels or the way up the eh, courts for the lawyer, Jimmy, a loyal Jamie, Jamie Fox's character, and so many other, eh, so many, um, in the end, Jamie Fox.  it, they, they kind of discover what he's doing, how he's getting around, how he's killing, uh, people when he is meant to be sitting in jail.

And they use that as an opportunity to, to use explosive that collided belt to blow up, to put in his O to put in Clyde's cell and basically blow him up. Again, J J Butler on that, that film, he was spotting for me acting wise, but some, some parts were Brit other parts, eh, was just interesting. Trying to figure out how he get out.

He also went on and voiced in the animated film, how to train your dragon. Basically done. How dry your dragging? I think I don't how many it is now, but one, two, I think three, uh, a done machine gun preacher, which is a good film, definitely worth a watch. If you haven't, it's pretty mental in my opinion. And it attainment one of the big films that I would say that we see in all the time is normally.

Olympus has fallen. London has fallen and angel was fallen where he plays Mike Bannon. He's made it bigger security detail for the president and the first one, the president's wife

and the first one, something happens to the president's wife that cause HES might not to turn no longer on the security detail. So I think he's handing in. I think he's in, in the white house roundabout there. And obviously that's when stuff starts to happen. It cause he Olympus has fall. The main focus.

Well, the main, uh, story of these films is basically the, the bad guys. Try to get to the American present first on the American soil by dating over the white house. And. Eh, destroying it and try to kill the present as well as lunch and nuclear, eh, bombs call, whatever London is. Film obviously happens when they're in London happens when a prime, a prime minister or an MP, so many important passes away, and it can encourages the rest of the world leaders to come.

Yo, London for the funeral. Again, the bad guys that basically destroy or kill most of the, the world he does and are obviously after make and the present. Uh, one of the things that I like about this film than others is when they've captured the present and they're holding the present and our, uh, our house.

Start start to be renovated. And Mike Bannon's kind of gone up the street, uh, to get the present with the, the, the team. To me, it seems about what I've seen in video games, such as called duty. So like going up is so like stand it aside and peeking out and then moving and. Moving up to get to the present.

So that, that particular bit, for me looked like what would've been in a, of a deal game that I've played. So I liked that angel was follow was pretty interesting because it looked like they were letting that one or putting all the blame of what was happening on Mike this time. So he was, uh, he was the, the person of interest, another film that I considered.

As a go of Egypt where Jerry Butler plays set. That's an interesting one for me, because when the they're at the tempo or whatever you wanna call the where they're at, you discover that Jerry Butler's, character's actually a bad guy. And unless I think he play really plays a really good, bad guy. Another great film is geo storm and Greenland.

If you haven't seen ne they're good, they're very worth, very much worth a, a watch. I think both of them are similar in terms of, eh, disaster movies, geo storm, obviously with, uh, climate related. Tragedies or situations where it's either too hot, cold, or whatever, and they use sort of technology to control it.

And geo Greenland is basically a big, giant, a big giant meter. That's going to hit earth and basic kill. And the got your Greenland, the . They got a green line by the bunks to, to, to get cover. Again, another, eh, good film was cop shop. Yeah. I have a friend who interviewed J Butler and Alexis Luder, eh, as part of the cop shop, eh, film, which was pretty interesting, cuz it was good.

Seeing J Butler being kinda natural in a sense. I've never seen mayor re, but it was good watching, interviewing, seeing somebody from Scotland, interviewing jar Butler, who is from Scotland and mentioning some of the, the Scottish words and phrases asking if Jared J some of them on set with people who. I dunno, teach him.

I'm assuming, but with go shop, I liked this because it kinda looks like he's a, a drunk that's accidentally being jailed. So you don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy. And then he, as a, the film goes on, it still kinda seems, eh, if he is a good guy, a bad guy, but I think overall he is actually the bad guy after.

Yeah. Frank Rose character. For J about that takes us up to now. I think he's got a film that's coming out right now called, called last scene alive. I've not seen much of it. I think I've seen a brief gel for it, but I don't pay too much attention. So I don't really know a lot about it, but I will keep my eye out when it comes out and.

Uh, give that a watch also, uh, another interesting fact for me, both Jerry, but is the fact he's produced 28 things or shows. In fact, uh, he is producing. He's not produced all of him. He's either as an executive producer or a producer. He is a producer for Olympus's phone, London and Angel's phone. He's an executive producer for gun.

Machine gun preacher. He was a producer for a lobbying citizen. He was a co producer for a short called RA of goods. Yeah, it's interesting. You know that he's actually not just being an actor he's producing as well. So hopefully down the line, you'll see some that he'll actually write as well. And I went to Karen Gillen.

If I'm honest, I didn't know who Karen Gill was before Marvel, uh, as she plays Nebula in Marvel, which is one of, I'm a big Marvel fan there I collected I've currently collected all the DVDs. I have pretty much all 'em so far, uh, that are out  and are out watched all the series's and they absolutely love NEB.

I think all of her straight faced she is, and she's just hard to, to read, like everybody's watched Nebula and all the, the Marvel films, you can see that she wants to please Thanos or dad with never really succeeding because she Thanos loves GA more and more. So nebs, always trying a. Be Gilmore's equal basically, although you don't see that through, it kinda seems as if she wants to be better than Kimora.

She's always tried to fight with Gamora, eh sure. Killing her well, shouldn that, trying to kill her, but then obviously if you pay attention along the way, uh, you see that she actually loves Kim and. Wanted to like be a sister, but for me, that's where I know Karen Gill Moore. The other film is jam Manji, Wolf, Dwayne Johnson, and Kevin Hart.

Again, when I watched that, I wasn't sure that was going to enjoy it because I'm a big fan of the original and with the original bin, Robin Mo. I was a big fan of Robin bones. I wasn't sure how any, the, the ones after were going to go. Maybe I never went to cinema. See it. So when it came out, I can't remember where I seen to be honest, seen it somewhere.

What is the first one? And we actually loved it doing joint.  Kevin Hart here, Jack Black.

I forget the other ones, the other actors, they were all really good in it. Even Karen Gill's character, Ruby roundhouse was great. Funny, eh, this, these two films kind made me pay you bit of attention to Karen Gillen so that when she brought out. Other film, uh, Glen powder milkshake playing Sam. Uh, again, great film.

I love the fact that it's mostly, uh, female assassins. There is male in it, but in that regroup, it's more, the females, so many actresses in it are great. I don't know. 'em off the top of my head, as I said, uh, uh, I don't remember. Names and I, I remember faces mostly, but yeah. Gun powder milkshake, a bit of a, a mental film I would say is considered a comedy, which probably is, it's probably like a dark comedy thought.

Yeah. The, the action on it was pretty good. Like cam Gill being the Hitman and their mom. You'd be honest when their mom came in and was doing the kick as off with others. Just a great film. We, with a watch. It's interesting because when I look through some of our television work, I can see that she was in a Dr.

Who I stopped being a fan of Dr. Who from after the, the origins with a dialects and stuff. So I've not really seen any doctor who's. Uh, I know a lot of the actors, eh, came from, eh, doctor who. I dunno if I'm saying this right. But Peter Capaldi and I forget the name now, but the guides in Marvel also, but yeah, Ken gills in, in episodes of doctor who is tooths here, I can see that our first role was in a TV show called reus, which I find funny because back when I was.

Uh, saying to do extra work. I do remember doing a, I think for reus, but, uh, I don't think it was on any episodes that she was on. I think the one that I was on was maybe part of a, sort of a gang group and I never watched it. So I don't know what it was about. I think I did say to people and they were try to keep an eye on re.

Again, I didn't know what channel was on. So I didn't have even to say to people that were interested in watching it, plus my, as I said, Mary be was an extra, so you'd probably see nothing, probably a movement or a venting. Um, so yeah, she came from Dr. Who she did a few other like TV shows like the Kevin Bishop show.

Coming up Holly street, the well we'll take Manhattan in love with, uh, and I was a few others. So again, coming from this, I think she was. So yeah, now that I've discovered to Karen Gillen is definitely worth checking out. Checking out, calm yourselves. See what films that you might have seen. See what ones you haven't.

I wrote, I will go over, eh, some of the ones that I've not seen now, one eight Martin constant. It's funny because I remember Martin constant from the film sweet sex D. And I can tell now that he must have played a good part because when he played it, then I didn't like him, but it wasn't him. It was his character.

I didn't like probably the, the, the sort of neediness and the thingy. But I do remember the story act, the film actually being pretty good. Yeah. A lot of the people that have not liked in films or TV shows are because I played a really good, bad guy, likes of eh, Gere and game of throne. I don't know what the actor's name is, but there's an example that that guy playing Gere, he was just an  Dick, but he played such a, an amazing.

Um, and I'm pretty sure from like game of friends after that, that, that we guy, eh, wanted to give up acting. And I assume that that's probably because people who take it back further than me, that not like not liking is, I don't know, given abuse in the street stuff. Like when they'd do that to anybody with Martin Thompson after seeing sweet 16, there wasn't.

really wanting. I wasn't really first about seeing him again. I don't know if I, if I ever would see him again. Uh, I do remember seeing him in, uh, Lou man, uh, which was about Paul Ferris. If nobody's seen that you watch that and you know what that's all about, but he played the main character. Paul Ferris.

I've also got another friend that played a part in this as Paul Ferris's. One of one of the, the henchmen, basically I'll talk about him down the line, cause he's done a, a good, done a bit of acting and is still ongoing. But as for Martin, um, he done, he was in the film, Phil, but I can't really recall who he was in that.

I think for me, the, the main, the main show or film that I've seen him lately. I've I consider Martin an underrated under underrated actor was in line of J, which I think most of the UK had seen. He played DS Steve Onk throughout the season. So from 2012 to 2021  each episode data was on news. I'd say was fantastic.

I would say exact acting was spot on. Uh, he had me convinced pretty much each episode that his role in finding out who the bad guy was genuine. And after watching those, uh, those series, those shows those episodes. It has Sean newly on Martin Thompson for me that, um, Now looking at like all, all things that he's been, all things that he's doing and any upcoming stuff.

Again, I'm gonna have a look over, uh, the past stuff that he's done in the past and have a watch, uh, such as films. Cause he's, he is in quite a lot of films, as I said. So film, suite 16, he was in net Iceland.  Eastland. Tickets world country, a guide to recognize your Saint, a guide to recognizing your Saint red road true north doomsday.

Now that's one I've heard of because where my wife has actually made me watch doomte. But again, I'm not a big fan of this film. I love to pay attention to even, I can't even tell you any actors that are on it, but. Puts that one again, and I'll keep an eye out for, eh, tr spot Martin.

Now, the reason I'm mentioning the likes of Jeb Butler and Karen Gill is because they are actors that are basically out in Hollywood. They're part of big feature films, big cinematic films. And they're doing obviously great. So, eh, like I said, Jared, going from being a lawyer to an actor, eh, from Kas biography, uh, she, I think she was from what I can see.

I think she actually went and studied acting. So when she turned 16, she moved to EDRA to do a HC in acting performance and. Pretty much big Anna our journey to become an actress, which has obviously worked out she's way up in Hollywood now, uh, playing roles like Nebula and Marvel, uh, Jerry Butler, obviously doing his own as welling and being part of big films.

Martin constant. I'm mentioning him because I consider him, uh, an actor. He look, look out, look out for pay attention to. I would like to see 'em in more films and more TV shows. I, I think you would do well in more play place, detective type shows. So maybe that'll come around maybe an Netflix thing.

And I'm gonna mention a couple of people that are. That are newly well, not newish, newer, new than Martin John and Jared. Um, these are people we look out for and also check out the work on, uh, like say YouTube. Um, these guys, as I said, uh, creating new short films, uh, posting up the YouTube. I think it would benefit them for people that are listening to this.

If they're interested in helping out these guys to, uh, head over their YouTube channels, which I'll mention along the way, um, leaving comments or, uh, giving feedback on their, their short, the, the short film that have uploaded so that they can learn basically, so they can do better. See what they're doing wrong.

Hopefully they will progress and become as high as they like J built on that. I know that I know that some of these guys actually want to get there. So the first person that I'm going to mention is Cameron, Tom, and that's T H O M Cameron, Tom. Now I might be coming across a bit bias because I'm related to Cameron, Tom and I have seen Cameron being, making short films pretty much since he was in, I dunno, high school, maybe at the start.

I dunno what he was using. Maybe he his phone or a tablet. And that's how he was. Filming his short films, getting his brother involved, he's friends involved. Some of the, the stuff that he wrote is, was pretty impressive for somebody his age. He's done quite a few stories as of the last few while. So he's done short films, such as a certain friendship figment when they go sleepwalk.

He done a, a BB, I think for, eh, the television with Tom Yuri, Tom Yuri being from river city. And it was about mental health and depression. So he, he done a, a thing on that. And I think that one awards, um, is he's latest one as the lady. The land lady, which is a partner, an adaptation of one of the rolled Dow's short stories.

Uh, I didn't know. It was actually a rolled do well. I wasn't hundred percent sure this, I had never heard of this story. So when Cameron created us, I good the land ready to see what it was all. And it did nail the, the story did, eh, take what was in the, the short story and apply it. And he is done well, certainly with a look you about to find Cameron Tom on YouTube, and you can check him on IMD B.

If you're wanting to see what kind of works he's done. If you check I and DB, you'll see stuff is short films that he's made. Again, if you want to see them on YouTube, you can actually see 'em live well, not live. You can actually see em yourself and make any comments. And on only post, it kind of comes in from the, the like of Cameron and some of those people that are, and Facebook group actors and filmmakers, and only post their stuff around so that I can try and help them get seen.

If you're interested in helping out, Cameron, please head over to Cameron, uh, head over to Cameron on YouTube. You can follow 'em on social medias. You'll find him as Cameron, Tom, uh, and you'll see stuff that will, that would be making an uploading. Another one that I'm going to mention is a group on.

YouTube it's called tail vision SP dashes in between tail, ah, dash vision. Eh, the Indiana Jones sort of SP I'll say, um, they called it that Indiana joins the mask of negative B negative B. Yep. It was pretty good. I'm not lie. The, the story was pretty interesting. How they doing, how they done. It

just seemed, seemed like it seemed like what would've been an Indiana Jones's type story following on, but just young girl actors there, some of the fight scenes out were on it. Uh, chest scenes. The other parts were pretty good. Um, My only negative comment that I would say is some parts of the film. It seemed as though the, the audio, the, the, the mic, uh, was too far away.

Um, cuz when they were either speaking or when they were on their fight, steams at the, the noises that were being made seemed result was too far away rather than up close. Other than that, I thought it was pretty perfect.

And I'm just gonna leave. I'm just gonna leave these two, these two new guys to check out. Cuz as I said earlier, the program that going forward for just now, I'm just doing, um, two people. We might know, people might know, have heard of, and some they might not. And some they should and any new and upcoming people that I think people should keep an eye on.

And as I said, comment, feedback, provide feedback to help these guys out and hopefully steal them. And towards the career that they now aiming for.


I'm talking about, uh, these actors and filmmakers, because I was one of them that tried to tried to make my own so

well over 10 years ago. Yeah. I tried to tried to try to be an actor like I wanted, so I, I was an extra as I, I had mentioned earlier. I was in extra and quite a lot of stuff like to a tag and air river city,

a couple of films. Um, and whilst I was on those sets, I was got speaking to the directors, other actors, other members of the staff, and kinda try to gauge how I get more experience myself to follow myself. And that's when I'd come up with the, a performance. Oh, that's when I come up with cannibal productions, that was my company at the time.

Um, I no longer have it and I'd bought equipment. So one of the things that I was doing no longer way was studying, uh, kinda reading up and doing my research, understanding what's important and the important things. To remember special when you're making a film. Uh, the, the video is obviously most important.

So what you're using a film is important, then it's the audio. If you don't have great audio, um, then nobody's really going to like pay attention. They'll listen as best as they can, but it will take away from. Say feedback that you get at the end, you might get people saying similarly myself, like paying attention to the audio.

There's some scenes that I've seen where people in the last way. Well, and when I've done, like walking scenes, for example, and a partner doing a, a far away sort of pan following them again, when they've done that, you can't, you can't hear it. And so. I personally think it'd be best if they're doing a scene like that, that they, with the audio, at least in the camera follow the kinda walk backwards with the people in the park and kinda get the audio.

So it is right. Like, so it's right there. So it's right next to the camera. And you can hear it that way. When you're doing shots it's followed away and panning that you can use the audio from the first, from, from the, the one that's closest, uh, to, to basically make sure that the audio's fine. Other, other things that are important as well is lighten.

But when you're outside, you kinda want, you obviously use natural light unless you're in somewhere that's dark. And you also want to use lighting to light up those spaces. Uh, these are things that, as I said, I'd done research on and I bought like the equipment. So I had like lights and had ex external audio.

But again, I made some new mistakes cuz I was ding it directly to the out external and not to the camera. I should have done both. I should have had the, the camera actually feeding in to. An external output of my camera so that it wasn't U I wasn't using the onboard mic because everybody's used an onboard mic will know that when you're recording something and there's like nos in the background, like birds chirping and whatnot, eh, the onboard mic picks it up better than well, picks it up as, as clear as it can be.

So it's advised like using directional mic so that you're pointing that at the person that you want to hear it only and kinda kinda use that. So I think, uh, as far as I remember road shotgun mic is what I did have. So these, and obviously I think other, there there'll be other mic out there. The wireless mic, I've not, I never had a chance to use 'em so other people might know that better than me, but.

Main point is you're wanting your film to, to be good CA how you're using your closeups, your positions, um, making sure that they match what you're doing, what you're doing next. The audio is important. As I said, you wanna make sure it's enough light. If you're needing light where you're wanting it, making sure there's no shadows, unless there's bent PE shadows.

Um, and then obviously whatever story like, uh, especially when you're starting out, I don't think the big story is the main part. You can like put something together randomly and film it and practice and use different, uh, formats to figure out how you, how you improve basically. And I would say upload it to YouTube because if you're wanting feedback to progress, Then putting it on a, a directory such as YouTube, where you can get feedback, but don't get, don't be, don't take too offense if people come back and it seems more negative than that thing because other people like it and other people are just trying to help.

And, and this world, you know, yourself, that there is people that are try to be, uh, people that want to be negative because of just trying you, I don't. Not try to be constructive. They're just being critical, um, without providing any solution or help.

So that's what I'm hoping from this, that anybody that's listening that wants to help out any of the upcoming guys like Cameron and tell a vision, head over a, their YouTube channels, check out their videos, their shorts, um, Leave any comments, negative or positive, uh, help these guys improve and hopefully produce more things that we want to see and order a, and on that note, I'm gonna call that a night.

So thank you for listening. Good night.