Learn Spanish with Stories

The Legend of Dr. Knoche, Echoes of Immortality (La Leyenda del Dr. Knoche, Ecos de Inmortalidad)

Lingo Mastery Spanish Season 3 Episode 23

You've probably wondered what's beyond the veil between life and death, and that's normal. But some people really want to take it beyond just wondering and actually discover what that is.

In the case of the two men we'll talk about today, a Spaniard doctor by the name of Pedro González de Velasco, and a German doctor named Gottfried Knoche, the line between life and death was not as defined as it would be for the rest of us.

Because, as we'll soon learn, these doctors didn't think that death necessarily ended with a human being's last breath, and that life could continue within their physical form. This led them both to perform interesting but controversial experiments with embalming, twisting both into fascinating but terrifying individuals.

In this episode, we'll go through the life of both these men, especially Knoche, and discover just what it was that made him turn the "Hacienda Buena Vista" into Venezuela's own "House of the Dead"...

Transcript of this episode is available at: https://podcast.lingomastery.com/listen/1193