Tackling the climate crisis at an educational level with Kulima’s Dr Katharine Vincent and EDT’s Donvan Amenya and Rachael Fitzpatrick #10
Brighter Futures with Education Development Trust
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Brighter Futures with Education Development Trust
Tackling the climate crisis at an educational level with Kulima’s Dr Katharine Vincent and EDT’s Donvan Amenya and Rachael Fitzpatrick #10
Aug 08, 2024 Episode 10
Education Development Trust

The climate crisis is arguably top of the agenda globally, but the impacts on education and the work we need to put into resolving such impacts remains understated.

With this episode of Brighter Futures, we’re bringing those issues and necessary resolutions to the forefront - join a fantastic panel of Kulima’s Dr Katharine Vincent, and EDT’s Donvan Amenya & Rachael Fitzpatrick, as we highlight the interconnected nature of these challenges, and how best to approach these vital solutions.

This episode covers

  • The lasting impacts of climate shocks on students
  • How we can collectively respond simultaneously to climate change issues and learning challenges alike
  • Policy changes that need making so that we can build more resilient education systems
  • Practical steps on a local level to boost climate resilience and awareness

Dr Katharine Vincent: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharine-vincent/
Donvan Amenya: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donvan-amenya-a474aa22/
Rachael Fitzpatrick: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachael-fitzpatrick-3b1585169/
Tony McAleavy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-mcaleavy-6aa64229
Education Development Trust: https://www.linkedin.com/company/educationdevelopmenttrust/