Grains Convo

Harvesting short, patchy crops

Grower Group Alliance Season 1 Episode 47

Host: DPIRD research agronomist Janette Pratt
Guest Speakers: DPIRD  Senior Research Scientist Glen Riethmuller and Research Scientist Justin Laycock

In this episode of Grains Convo, Janette Pratt hosts DPIRD Senior Research Scientist Glen Riethmuller and Research Scientist Justin Laycock, as they highlight their work and insights into harvesting short, patchy crops and issues with erosion that often come with it.

Glen sheds light on the impact variable crops across the grainbelt have on harvesting and gives advice to growers in regards to harvester setup, in order to manage these variable crops. 

While Justin covers the issue of erosion over the summer period. Listeners will hear his advice for growers in regards to stubble heights when harvesting, including what sort of covers growers should be aiming to retain on their paddocks.

Episode Links:
Click here for DPIRD's webpage on harvesting short, patchy crops
Click here for DPIRD's webpage on managing wind erosion