New Earth Fannie
We can all feel change coming It’s undeniable.
But what kind of SHIFT will it be? It sure is looking dire but what if it’s part of a much bigger plan that will immensely eventually benefit humanity?
Join Fannie as she shares her insightful perspectives to show you that the crumbling that is happening on the outside is actually being fueled by the real SHIFT that is happening on the inside of each of us.
Discover the power you’ve always had by remembering who you truly are…pure consciousness having an earthly experience and using that knowledge to help SHIFT (everything) to a higher dimensional reality that we’ve only dreamed of until now.
Note: All podcasts from former New Earth Mavens podcast are included.
New Earth Fannie
Remembering Who You Are
Welcome the the New Earth Maven Podcast.
In this episode, the Mavens breakdown their motto: 'Helping you remember what you forgot, that you've known all along'.
Are you remembering the magnificence of who you are yet? Or why you're even here? Do you have an inkling of how you will directly or indirectly help the world vibrationally ascend to the New Earth?
You'll realize you remember more than you thought and how far you've come already. Strap in, you're going to love this short but sweet ride.
Disclaimer: The New Earth Mavens podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be thought of as a source for medical, financial or psychological advice. However we will cheer when you have aha moments, profound revelations and life changing epiphanies.