5 Star Tossers

The Menu: Swallowing Man's (or Freud's) Folly

5 Star Tossers

We are back this week with a barage of Freudian theories and crisp, clean-sounding microphones! We discuss the movie "The Menu "from the vantage point of Freud's structural metapsychology and his diagnostic distinctions between hysteric and obsessive. For those who want a refresher on the relation between Id, Superego, and Ego, speed ahead to about 1:12. Andrew gives a wonderful summary of the obsessive's desire to become pure object and reduce everything to shit. And Sagi, winning for himself the lines of the title, offers a theory on why all the women in the movie decide to eat the suspicious looking foam dish called Man's Folly.

Yes, begrudgingly, there is some Marx here. 

Our outro includes each of our experiences in the service industry. Sagi takes off his shirt.