5 Star Tossers

Everything you Wanted to Know About Mansplaining but Were Afraid to Ask

5 Star Tossers

Oh boy... Well Sagi found this obscure blog written by some academic dropout that had an interesting take on Mansplaining (but after listening to this podcast you will have gotten everything of substance in that ode to desperation this guy calls a blog)...

Again it's a hard nose dive into the shit, in the hopes of finding a golden shovel.
Did we? Time (and death threats) will tell.

We discuss mansplaining as an outdated social function of masculinity, and try to affirm it without pandering to its "glory days" of lethargic oblivion. The oblivion was enabled by a world where only a man was considered as fully "adult," the resulting dynamics with women - much like children - allowed reassurance  for its own sake; a reassurance that relies on man's superior status and capacity (persisting for many generations, it is secure in its own power). It's not about talent, but power/position: Even if he doesn't know what he is saying, he has the power to act on it, and maybe change it. Women did not, for a very long time.

Andy and Sagi make a point that, because the political power of the patriarchy is not the same as it was, that status, that power that was lost, should be grieved by men (and men alone).
Current "manosphere" phenomena - like Incels or MGTOW or Jordan Peterson-Tate - can then be seen as initial stages of denial and anger at this loss; a legitimate stage in mourning, but a temporary one. The reaction is childish and emotionally simple but is genuine, in the sense that it has some truth to it. They, at least, recognize and address the crisis of masculinity; but they, and we, need to man up and move on.

Mansplaining can be seen also as an inner monologue of the man as such, the way he talks to himself; it also shows this monologue as succor for an anxiety that haunts the man(splainer). While men can bond with other men on this basis - the formal necessity of the man(splainer)'s "air of confidence" - with women, when the relation is mediated through sexual difference/desire, it is becoming clear that the bond is more knotted, and this air is not something women naturally breathe. But as this is the visceral realm of desire - seduction, corruption, in-toxic-ation - perhaps mansplaining can be indulged sparingly, like a cigarette. We also speak in praise of "games" in the sexual-based relation, where mansplaining can indeed find a role that does not necessarily reproduce  the patriarchy that attended past mansplainings.

There's much more, since once you let the stupidities fly they soar on their own.

In other words, as the saying goes, it's trigger warnings all the way down.

Stars? Beast and Sovereign; Pervs 'R Us; Marx Grudge(!)