5 Star Tossers

Divided by the Lie: Animal contra Human, Jew contra Christian, Jacques contra Jacques

5 Star Tossers

Though absent from the title,  we watched Ricky Gervais's "The Invention of Lying" and Jim Carrey's "Liar Liar" for this episode. Mainly as an excuse to discuss whether lying is something like the fundamental human factor.

Jake bundled the stars Beast and Sovereign, Pervs 'R Us, and Il vaut mieux Lyotard que jamais together to study Jacques Lacan's famous idea that animals cannot feign a feint, or falsify a falsification. The main idea here being that humans fundamentally lie at their core and animals never do. 

Jacques Derrida has a famous deconstruction of Lacan's idea, somewhat in defense of the capacity of the animal, and also in defense of the always feigning, effacing nature of a trace. 

Sagi helped us consider the possible Christian nature of Lacan's position, and Andy is a proud liar.

We ended up trying to defend both Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida, which was an impressive feat.