5 Star Tossers

Fear and Loathing in the WWE

5 Star Tossers

Welcome back, listener!

No joke with the title, some real Hunter Thompson, Bazooko Circus vibes in here

And it seems to be spreading beyond the wrestlers, converting everyone in sight.
All are engrossed in a spectacle that permits no shadow and emits the meaning of the 'manifest' in all its glory. It is meaning that must be immediate, spectacular, the kind that bypasses judgment and obviates Law (and thought). The kind that can be used to justify shit like violence, or, in this case - as Sagi seems to argue - the ritualistic, and nihilistic, enactment of Sin.

Manifest is the best.

A surprise guest in our topics turned out to be the thing that is Donald Trump, which, we realize, becomes much more understandable once seen in the light of a WWE character (particularly his signature Pussy-Grab move, which I am sure he lifted from women's wrestling (pun? intended?))

We also tackle Greek Tragedy and the pagan rituals of 'carnival,' to mark similarities and differences with the WWE, with Sagi stamping every difference with metaphysical antisemitism, as usual.

There's a lot there. Even Roland Barthes!

Stars: WWJD (naturally); Pervs R' Us; Beast and Sovereign

Despite the title, we had fun making this one.