Modern Church Leader

Pulpit AI: Turn One Sermon Into Unlimited Content w/ Founder, Michael Whittle

April 19, 2024
Pulpit AI: Turn One Sermon Into Unlimited Content w/ Founder, Michael Whittle
Modern Church Leader
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Modern Church Leader
Pulpit AI: Turn One Sermon Into Unlimited Content w/ Founder, Michael Whittle
Apr 19, 2024

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Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

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Speaker 2:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Modern Church Leader. I am here with the founder co-founder of Pulpitai, michael Whittle. What's going on, man?

Speaker 1:

What's up, man?

Speaker 2:

How are you? Good to see you.

Speaker 1:

I wish it was Pulpitai. It's. It's about a, it's pulpitaicom, but that's pulpit. Pulpitai is like uh. When we last heard, they wanted multiple six figures for that, which is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's all right. We're just gonna speak it into existence. That's right, and one day you're gonna have that thing. Yeah, the world of the generous gets larger and larger if you own that domain. Let's go, let's go, so it's pulpitaicom yeah, that's still pretty good too, though I mean you got like, ai got the gut, yeah, have you? Yeah, have you looked at pulpitcom? Yeah, and it's like they want even more expensive yeah, yeah, that's a good yeah because in fact, everything around pulpit is pretty crazy, pretty high.

Speaker 1:

So we've got, you know, five or six of them that are kind of around that same world.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of an old word, like you know what I'm saying. It's kind of an old school type of word, but it's short and if you could get the com or the ai that would be killer.

Speaker 1:

I know I it's short and if you could get the com or the ai.

Speaker 2:

That would be killer, I know. I know Trying Someday, someday, yeah, it'll all happen. So tell us about you and Pulpit and give us some of the backstory. I mean, we're talking about AI, so for the folks that are tuning in right like Pulpit is in the universe of AI, for churches and you've been at this for a while, so, yeah, give us the quick story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Gosh. So long story short. I came up in the advertising technology world so I was building the last probably 10 or 12 years coupling together more traditional forms of advertising, so out of home think, like taxi tops, bus shelters, billboards, that kind of thing, and then layering super old school media but then layering pieces of technology around them. So that's the world that I've been in predominantly for the last 10 or 12 years. But I've also been building a church. So I planted a church with one of my best friends, jake, who's also my co-founder in Pulpitai, and have kind of just been doing those two tracks, you know, kind of ministry and you know trying to build companies and stuff, and we were building something totally different. We were building like a faith-based podcast network, kind of like the Barstool Sports for Christianity. It was a bit of an experiment that we were running just with some friends of ours, and the way that Pulpit AI kind of came into existence was we were producing like 10 or 12 podcast episodes a week and most of them were like pretty dense, theologically, you know, and we just needed help Like if we upload an episode, how can we write things Like summaries and show notes and blog posts and all that kind of stuff, and we couldn't find any of these tools that could handle that level of theological nuance.

Speaker 1:

Really smart guy who was building a version of a content repurposer but was using about half a million hours of podcast listener data from really long form podcasts to do it, and so we started playing around with uploading our podcast to that and then, just on a lark, uploaded a sermon and I was sitting next to the girl in our church who runs she's like our youth director, comms director, social media director, all the above and I was like, hey, would this save a lot of your time if you could turn the sermon into all these different assets? And she was like that would literally be 10 to 15 hours of my week that this would immediately solve. And so I hit up a friend who's a developer and I said, hey, let's connect together a few APIs, let's build a very basic MVP around this. My thought was like 25 of my friends would use it, honestly, and it was taking so long to build this first version that I just got impatient one Friday afternoon and I went and bought a Webflow landing page template, literally built a landing page, used AI to create our logo right.

Speaker 1:

Our Pulpit AI logo Is it still.

Speaker 1:

No, it's all changed, but I can send you what the first one was yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because legit. I was like. I mean, my mind was like, yeah, like some of my friends may use this, and then I'll figure out what to do next. You know, it was just like fun little side project, yeah, yeah. So put up the landing page and then went on Twitter and was like, hey, we're launching this thing in 30 days. Let me know if you want to test it. It's called Pulpit AI and I hit send. And then I went to bed and I woke up the next morning and the tweet had just gone like crazy, viral on Twitter and like thousands and thousands and thousands of people like messaging me, reaching out to me. Really, yeah, it was insane, it was absolutely insane.

Speaker 2:

That's the first time I've heard that so fascinating. So you just hit it up and I know you have millions of followers. This makes total sense that you know totally yeah, no, what's funny is I?

Speaker 1:

I don't have. I mean, I guess now it's funny because I'm like the one of the guys on twitter talking about ai in the church world, but then it was like my tweets were like about the cowboys and memes and like nothing you know what I mean like I wasn't like a twitter guy, right, um? But what happened was this really large blogger who's very anti-ai saw the tweet, thought that it was going to write sermons for you and retweeted it and basically legitimately said this is the doctrine of demons on it and that's what set it off. And so the first few hours were people like telling me that this was demonic and I was doing the devil's work but then like pastor pr exactly.

Speaker 1:

And there's been like one other time in my career where, like we've some like random pr has happened at the at a product launch. And so I was like that saturday like sitting in the Trader Joe's parking lot, supposed to be grocery shopping, just doubling down on all of it, and then all of a sudden some pastor was like wait a minute, I don't think this writes sermons for you, I think it just helps you create content based on your sermons, right? So then that big account went back and was like, oh, I'm sorry, I should have read this better. Went back and was like, oh, I'm sorry, I should have read this better, this isn't what this does. And there you go. It was like by that Monday we had like 1500 people on a waiting list to use the product and had had all these news publications reaching out to us. So that was on a Friday, saturday. And then that Monday I was like, okay, we got to really do this. So that was it. That was how it started.

Speaker 2:

You're like my landing page worked.

Speaker 2:

Landing page and tweet what's your take on AI in the church right now. Ai is everywhere. You probably read the same thing, like over the last couple days, like apple and google are potentially doing something together and you know like ai is just everything you read about. I saw something the other day like number of times ai was mentioned on like earnings calls compared to like blockchain or metaverse or vr or any of these other like you know, hot topics or buzz. Yeah, it was like ai is just everything. It's everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah my kids know about it, like they want to write papers using ai. I'm like no, no, you have to actually write your own paper. Um, uh, but you know it's buzzing around the church and that tweet is no, yeah, that's common right. I think that, like AI doing things and people, pastors, people in the church, like not understanding it and kind of going what's going on? So, yeah, what's your take from where you've been sitting over the last few months?

Speaker 1:

um, it's, it's crazy to see the really wide variety of like what people think. You know, pastors, church leaders and and all that. I think there's like two tracks to it. I think there's, like, from a pastoral perspective, it's like it's not something that can be ignored, because a pastor should have a theology and a philosophy around it, because our church members are, like, using it, yeah, and they're using it in ways that are like what's the craziest thing? You can imagine them interacting with ai and that's how they're. That's how they're. Some of them are already using it.

Speaker 1:

So it's like I think every church is going to have to develop a philosophy and, most importantly, like a theology around it, right, but I think in terms of like how churches are using it I mean around it, right, but I think in terms of like how churches are using it, I mean I don't. I don't think we have a choice but to be on the field and I like we don't have a choice but to say, okay, how do we embrace this early, um, and how do we start building products now, um, that may grow and pivot and and all that kind of stuff, but to not be tinkering with this kind of stuff and figuring out ways for it to help solve problems for the church, to me would be just like a massive missed opportunity. Um, especially because, like so much of AI is trained on data and that data can have different philosophies and different perspectives and um, so yeah, it's pretty crazy. I mean, there is like a whole part of the church that's the more theological academia type side that is really picking apart all the nuances of it.

Speaker 1:

I find that right now, most pastors aren't doing that. They're getting to a. This is how I think about it, this is how I use it pretty quickly. And then the real question is like how do I do it to just make my job easier? How do I do it to make my staff's job easier, and all that kind of stuff. So I think we have no choice, like a mandate to like kind of go and say how do we build products to help serve the church? So yeah, um, I think it's got to be embraced it is interesting to think about it that way.

Speaker 2:

Right, like a few weeks back, google launches gemini, like their update or something like that, and then there were. There was all that like crazy news around, like people were like it was, uh, it was erasing whole pieces of history, or or yeah you could, you would ask it certain questions and it would just respond with, uh, just incorrect information.

Speaker 2:

Like it was trying to be something, like it was influenced somehow. It was yeah, and so the results that it was spitting out were just factually incorrect. Right, and it's interesting to think about AI in the church with, like biblical truth and theology and all this kind of stuff and like what you're using and how that could spit something back to you. And if you don't like really know your bible or like it, can put something back that you take as total fact, total truth.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess that can happen on the internet too, but ai is kind of going to get woven into a lot of things, and so I guess it depends on how it's been trained right and what source you're going to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, like you said, exactly what you're bouncing it off against what you're you know what. Yeah, if you, if you're getting some kind of feedback from AI or some kind of like what the questions you're asking it, what you're asking it to do, you know, like a lot of the pastors that I've talked to who are using AI in their sermon prep, they're not using it for, like, biblical exegesis. They're using it for, like, help me come up with a practical application. Or, hey, these are my points, help me make them be um, alliterated, so they make more, you know, so they're more memorable. Right, like um, that's what the way. I see a lot of people using AI now from a, from a sermon perspective, but, yeah, it's certainly not going to properly execute scripture for you. Although ChatGPT doesn't do a bad job, to be honest with you, it's pretty good at being able to even in some more nuanced theological ideas. It does a good job of parsing that out. Right, all right, from what I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and one day it'll be sitting on. I mean mean, I'm sure it's sitting on this already, but I'm sure you'll be able to say, okay, here's the, you know, here's the chat gpt or the gpt that's sitting on, like the, you know, baptist church, the like the southern baptist theology or the method, like right, it'll get into that universe one day where it's like, okay, I can just use this one because I'm, you know, united methodist and this is my thing. Or I'm, you know, ag, this is my thing. Like you, just kind of use the one that's tailored to your universe a little bit yeah, yeah, and I know that there's.

Speaker 1:

You know, we've chatted just because of the early visibility we got through kind of all this stuff. We've had a lot of like denominations reach out to us. So, right, like a lot of the main denominations we've had conversations with and I know each of them are asking those questions also, right, like how do we create, how does how does the umc create? Their version of, like hey, this is, this is the llm, that is has our stamp of approval on it, right you know? Um, so there's certainly the challenge there is that's a really, really expensive endeavor, right, you know, like a really expensive endeavor. So I think it's going to take a lot, of, a lot of firepower to be able to do that and do it People, people will do it for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm no doubt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 100%.

Speaker 1:

And how amazing would that be for a pastor to be able to interact with it and upload some sermon notes or thoughts and have it be able to tell you like hey, you're falling maybe out of the lines of what this denomination would say about XYZ. Like there's actually something pretty cool about that to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's an aid in that sense. An aid in that sense, um, yeah, I mean even even with what you're doing at pulpit, ai, like if a pastor was using it and they put in you know 50 years of sermons, right like now, all of a sudden it's almost like their own little llm, like kind of micro LLM or could be right that's based just on their material right or it's somehow tailored to their material.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a hundred percent, and I think that's a lot of the questions we're asking is, you know, a pastor creates so much content over the course of their life in the form of a sermon, and like what could be unlocked if they could learn from the entirety of the archive of every sermon that they've ever preached? You know, right, and and what could it tell them about the kind of illustrations that they use and the scriptures that they're more prone to preach from, and maybe what are some of their blind spots and, um, all that kind of stuff? It's like it's pretty powerful. What, um, what will be able to be done Right, the problems that will be able to be solved for?

Speaker 2:

sure Go get, like you know, Chris Hodges or TD Jakes or Joel Osteen or I don't know Anybody that's been around for a long time and has like probably millions of sermons or talks of some sort pump it in there and now they have their thing.

Speaker 2:

or talks of some sort pump it in there and now they have their thing, and then even the church members or churchgoers could be chatting with this person. It'd be kind of crazy. So tell us what's Pulpit doing today. What's the product, what kind of things are you doing and where are you headed with it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So today we are and we've really like, have been we're in beta right now, yeah, and we really wanted to and thankfully have been around a lot of really smart people who have built yourself included, who have been building stuff for the church space for a long time and so we've really been wanting to go okay, what's the actual problem we're trying to solve? Like, what do people actually need? I think a lot of times an entrepreneur can just go like this is the problem and this is the solution, and so we're going to just do it, only to find out, oh, that actually wasn't the real problem that people are having.

Speaker 1:

So we're very much in like a discovery phase, still just talking to a lot of users, but right now you upload the audio or video of your sermon and it repurposes that into a variety of different pieces of material and content. So that's everything from like marketing material, you know, like emails to the church, social media posts, blog posts, tweet threads. We have a lot of pastors who are even going in there and asking it to pick a piece out of their sermon. That would be great for like a reel. You know It'll deliver you quotes, but things like devotionals, discussion, questions. You know, some of that really basic content repurposed around churches that oftentimes they would pull from other places, you know, or a volunteer would have to come up with from scratch. So that's what it currently. That's what it currently is.

Speaker 2:

So you put in your file and then it's going to spit back out like here's your sermon notes, or here's your discussion questions for small groups, or here's your here's a handful of tweets that you can use. Here's there's a whole transcript of Exactly here's the transcript.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. And then we have a prompting feature in there as well that can allow you to prompt whatever you want into getting something back from your sermon. So it's been really cool to see how people have been using that and the information that they've been getting in different ways that they've. I had a pastor from Canada reach out to me last week and said hey, man, what would be a good prompt to get this sermon, to turn this sermon into an outline for a book? And so we literally were just going back and forth on text and we're coming up with ideas and he's putting them in our little chat feature, Right. So that's kind of like the more playground type part of the product right now which we're having fun with and learning a lot from.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's been the most surprising from being in beta and getting cut Because you have churches like pastors using it. So you know, like I don't know, what's been the most interesting or surprising thing you've seen people doing with it.

Speaker 1:

It's been cool to see how people have been able to unlock, like pastors who have been wanting to provide additional content for their and resources for their church. You know finally like be able to do that and then just seeing how they're implementing it Right. So you know whether that's like hey, immediately after church, by 5 PM that night, the church is getting an email with discussion, questions and devotionals. It's like it's like a pastor legitimately being able to say I've been wanting to get this stuff to my congregation, I just haven't had the time or been able to figure out how to do it. I don't know if that's shocking or if it's just really cool to see Like, oh wow, you've been pastoring this church of 100 people in Louisiana for 25 years and you're now telling me that in 20 minutes, you can get this additional value-added resource to your church just by uploading your audio. I think probably the biggest shock that I've seen is who's actually using it. I think when we launched the product initially, we thought that it would be predominantly social media managers at churches, people who run communications teams and there is some of that. But like seven out of 10 of our users are lead pastors and they're looking at this as a resource, a content development resource for them, and they're viewing it as an additional way to have a signal to their congregation directly. So that's been really cool to see and just kind of talk with them about what desires they've always had.

Speaker 1:

Right Like what's another lane, what's another way for them to speak to their congregation throughout the week, which is honestly that's our big passion. Right Is like. I think we live in a world where the local church pastors voice needs to be more elevated than it ever has been before. You know, as someone who's like a pastor myself, like the amount of undoing I've had to do from people in our church, the amount of undoing I've had to do from people in our church following this Christian influencer or this TikToker or whatever you know. So I think now just giving the pastor of maybe a smaller to medium-sized church without a big content team the chance to like provide more stuff to their actual congregation, to me is like a really cool thing to see and that's ultimately what we want to like really help pastors do.

Speaker 2:

It's always been one of those things, or for years right, probably for the last 10 years plus. It's like the internet and social media and blogging and newsletters and all the places you could be. It's like, you know, there's the whole universe that we've lived in you, me, people like us that live in like the digital space. We're like man a pastor spends 5, 10, 20 hours a week preparing a sermon and they get up there and they preach for, you know, 30, 40, 60 minutes and that's so much prep and so much content that then in a lot of cases it like dies right there, just dies that. Then in a lot of cases it like dies right there, just died.

Speaker 2:

Like you, you fed your congregation and and they're going away. Uh, having you know hopefully, uh, you know, been encouraged, inspired, all the things right. But then kind of sunday's over, weekend's over, you're into tuesday and it's gone right, like you're, and it's like redo and but man, the the amount of like material. You could be like micro content that could be produced like a blog, a newsletter, discussion, questions, stuff for social media, short video clips, devotional content that you could be spitting them seven days a week in short format from that sermon. Like you could repurpose it in so many ways, but it all that takes a whole another like effort, right, like it's a whole another set of work to do that and and like most pastors, that's not it's like not built in, right, they don't know what to do, so like a tool like you've built kind of helps them get part of the way there, right, like so it's like enabling them to take their sermon and like let it last longer, which I think is like super cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and have fun and be creative in the ways that they're doing. That, you know, and like what that looks like, I think, especially today where, like, I think congregations are getting even more localized, right, and so it's like what is like, just like you said, like devotional content throughout the week, like are there amazing resources out there that have been written by a company or an author that are super helpful? 100%, yeah, absolutely. But also like a local church pastor being able to go, no, I want my church to collectively be studying the same thing, or learning the same thing, or reflecting and praying the same prayers, right, like that's such a powerful thing, and so I think like to see how pastors have been using our tool to figure that out, right, uh, has been really amazing, and it just seems to be the core, it seems to be the the sentiment across the church right now, which is how does the pastor have a stronger signal to their people, right, um, so yeah, yeah, no, it's super cool.

Speaker 2:

I mean someone pops in their sermon. They get out I don't know the, the short newsletter, the sermon notes, the discussion questions, even those three pieces. Like they could get out a blog post, a newsletter, the sermon notes, the discussion questions and the I don't know All kinds of stuff. Yeah, I mean just those four pieces of content and then somebody puts them in their places. I mean, all of a sudden, you kind of take your sermon and multiply it by four or five times for you can use it the whole week, right, like exactly, probably took you what 10 minutes to pull that off?

Speaker 1:

yeah, super, a super short yeah, which is pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

The other thing I will say we're actually seeing now that we're, you know, like we're fully mobile responsive, so you can use the you, you can use the, the tool on your iPhone or iPad. We're having pastors upload Basically they're practicing their sermon on a Thursday, you know. So, like I, I preach it into my iPhone, I take the file, I upload it to Pulpit AI and then I just ask it questions, right, you know, and I see what comes back. So it's like it's cool to see how pastors are like using it to like help them kind of parse some thinking, and so that's been pretty cool too to see just like the iterations of how some of these people are using it. It's really fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like a sermon prep team.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You can go back and forth, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly. You can go back and forth, yeah exactly Like where are you headed with themselves with things like chat, gpt and these different tools? Right, like there's a lot of great tools out there. But for us, what we really think is like, okay, first of all, like me and jake and kind of our team, like we've all been pastors right, so we've all like we know the problems, and so for us it's like okay, how are we continuing to fine tune this particular solution for churches and pastors, specifically from a content repurposing perspective?

Speaker 2:

right, so that we just want to continue to get better and better at. You're not trying to like. You can't be generic. You have to be very, very purpose built for it to be useful for the things that pastors want. Totally.

Speaker 1:

Totally, totally. So there's that where you know we're obviously going to be launching a video product, right. So how can I upload my video and not just get text content back? But you know everything from shorts to you know kind of eight to 12 minute specific clips. And you know ours we're really focused on modeling, not necessarily for like virality, but for like what is the point that the pastor is trying to get across, right? So that's one thing we have found is like pastors actually really do care how their words are presented you know, so so, yeah, we've got like a video product.

Speaker 1:

We're working on a product, um, uh, that will allow you to upload a p PDF or a manuscript before you preach it, so you can upload that on a Friday, saturday. So those are some of the more immediate things. The big question we're asking is what are some of the big things that AI can unlock for pastors that have never existed before? So we're really thinking about ourselves ultimately as the logos, but for after you preach. So what is now unlocked? If you can upload every sermon that you've ever preached and every sermon you ever will preach, what type of learning can you get from that? What type of data? How can that inform future sermons? How can you create content based upon not just one sermon but chunks and buckets of sermons? So for us that's what we're really excited about is like, if a pastor so not just a one-to-one but a no, I'm going to upload the last 10 years of sermon audio.

Speaker 1:

All my stuff right, all my stuff, and it can tell me everything content-wise, but also like what's my average words per minute? What's the average length of my sermon? What's the sentiment of my sermon? Am I coming across really intense All the way down to? Do I lean more practical application or do I lean more pastoral and exegetical? So those are the questions we're asking, and we're really committed to just building what our users want at the end of the day, though, so I spend half my time talking to them and saying, hey, would this be helpful? Would that be helpful? What if we tried this? What if we tried that? Dude?

Speaker 1:

so sermon stats like oh yeah, that would be killer I'm gonna, I'm gonna say I'm like I it's like like strava for pastors yeah yeah, you know, what can you learn from everything that you everything that you upload put out?

Speaker 2:

there. Yeah, no, yeah, no. I think that's super. That would be super, at minimum. It would be super interesting for pastors to see it, what they did with it, or how it affected or helped or whatever. Like you know, hard to say, but it's good. It's like feedback that they don't get, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's good, it's like feedback that they're that they don't get. You know like yep, um, yeah, and the beautiful thing about building in ai is like tinkering is not hard. You know, even when we found that with pulpit ai, it's like, dude, you spin up a little, a little mvp of a feature or a little you know version one of something and just see, that's so. That's really how we're thinking about this, because it's so much of it is um, open source and and uh, it's just what you do with, with what you're building around. You know for what use case.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, then it becomes a training tool right with like sermon stats and that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Now it's kind of a training tool teaching teams yeah, teaching teams, what do you, you know, if you're a church with multiple campuses? What does that look like? Right? How do you, you know all that, all of that kind of stuff, um, and then, and then you know, essentially for preachers or teachers of any kind, so not just a senior pastor, but what tools do kids pastors need and young adult pastors and youth pastors and bible college professors? Like, basically, our goal is serve the church by reaching the people that communicate in the church. Right, you know, right, and building a tool for them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Dude, I love it, man. Pulpit, aicom, pulpit, aicom. Thank you, you'll get the dot AI someday, someday, someday. Where's the best place? I mean obviously, uh, where's the best place? I mean obviously the website pulpitaicom. But instagram, like, where can folks? Yeah, we're gonna learn more yeah, we're.

Speaker 1:

We're actually pulpitai on instagram. Funny enough, we're pulpitai on twitter. Um, I'm on twitter. It's pretty much all I talk about, you know, on there. So I'm at michael whittle and uh, yeah, we're same thing, pulpitai and youtube. We're kind of early stages of just creating a bunch of helpful content for pastors and church leaders and it's it's kind of public beta. So right people can go to the site they can sign up for it.

Speaker 2:

They can check it out. Um, what do you got like low?

Speaker 1:

hundreds of churches using it today or pastors using it today yeah, we've had about um like over 1500 pastors that have used it. Um, we've got close to 300 people paying to use it every month. Um, and yeah, that's just an all strictly from word of mouth. Right, right, us having some fun online, yeah, yeah, so try it out my my if you.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you sign up, you'll get an email specifically from me pretty quickly and we're just looking for feedback. We want to build what people really want and solve problems that they're really trying to solve. So that's really what we've been obsessed with and continue to be really obsessed with.

Speaker 2:

So go to pulpitaicom, sign up, give Mike and team feedback on its usefulness or not, what you want it to do. Man, give some feedback into the product and see if they can build something awesome 100%. Cool man. Well, thanks for jumping on the show.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having me on. Yeah, Anytime man. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

We'll circle back in, you know, I don't know 12 months, and we'll see where you guys are at yeah, if we own pulpitai, if we own pulpitai, by then you know it's worked and dude, 12 months from now. I mean that's like 20 years in AI kind of universe, so who knows what will be?

Speaker 2:

happening in 12 months. So we'll circle back, guys. Thanks for listening. Definitely spread the word about Pulpitai and share this episode online and help give them some feedback. So thanks for listening, guys. We'll catch you next week on another episode of Modern Church Leader, see ya.

AI in the Modern Church
AI and the Church
Enhancing Sermon Content Repurposing Tool
AI Tools for Pastors