Marathon Me: A Movie Marathon Podcast

Hostel (2005)

Rhys Marks, Kane Murcott Season 15 Episode 1


Moving on from the spawn of Satan entering the world of the living, to the living entering a hell-on-earth: a new marathon is under way, and it's Hostel.

Eli Roth's second major film, spawning from the wallet of Quentin Tarantino, this franchise sees the 'Elite Hunting Club' traffic human beings in Slovakia for the uber-rich to do with them as they will and explore the disgusting extremity of human objectification.

Rhys and Kane try to hold in their lunch and not pass out, as they marathon all three Hostel movies - a pillar in the cinematic canon of the torture-p*rn sub-genre. Maybe Rhys might postpone that Europe trip?

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