Wake Up

Exploring the Spiritual Realm of Canine Spirit Guides with Heather Leigh Strom

Douglas James Cottrell PhD Season 1 Episode 92

Prepare to journey into the spiritual realms of Canine Spirit Guides with our extraordinary guest, Heather Leigh Strom. Known for her unique talent of communicating with these celestial entities, Heather takes us through her personal healing journey, detailing how she discovered the intergalactic versions of our beloved dogs that are here to aid humanity's healing. She offers intriguing insights into the profound messages these Spirit Guides convey and shares her experiences from virtual healing sessions.

Heather unveils the profound bond between humans and their canine companions, enlightening us on the energy systems dogs possess and their incredible influence on our life changes. Ever considered the spiritual advancement of dogs? Host, Douglas James Cottrell, and Heather discuss this fascinating topic, shedding light on how dogs have agreed to exist on this plane as part of a universal game. They also delve into the intriguing concept of dogs being able to sense approaching energy and individuals, sparking thoughts on the mysterious connection between a person's energy and their clothing.

Finally, we traverse the path of healing energy, exploring how a deep, divine connection can be cultivated and experienced with our loyal canine companions. Whether it's soldiers returning from the battlefield or individuals dealing with life's challenges, the therapeutic potential of this bond is undeniable. Heather also lends her expertise on energetic cleansing and how the audio recording from a healing session can be used to integrate changes. Get ready to embrace the future as Heather foretells of her career's trajectory, aiming to help humanity cleanse hidden pain, karma, and ancestral issues. Join us on this enlightening journey for wisdom and healing that you certainly won't want to miss!


Hosted by Douglas James Cottrell. This episode was produced by Paul Hughes, with co-production by Jack Bialik and audio engineering by Doug M Cottrell.

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Welcome to Wake Up with Dr Douglas James Cottrell, your source for helpful information, advice and tips to live your life in a mindful way in this increasingly chaotic world. For over four decades, Dr Douglas has been teaching people how to develop their intuition and live their lives in a conscious way. His news and views of the world tomorrow, today, are always informative and revealing. To learn more about Dr Douglas, be sure to visit his website, douglasjamescottrell. com, where you can download self-help exercises you can do right in the comfort of your own home. And now here's your host, Dr Douglas James Cottrell.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Welcome to the show everyone. I'm your host, douglas James-Cotrell. I have an amazing woman with me today who has an extra-special talent. You're going to love finding out about Heather Leigh Strom. She is a communicator extraordinaire. Her specialty is in dealing with our canine friends and she has written a book called Canine Spirit Guide. Hope you're as fascinated about what this woman does. Welcome to the show, heather. It's great to have you here. What is it you do and tell us about yourself.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Well, thank you for having me, douglas. I'm really excited to share about the Canine Spirit Guides. They're a whole new concept to humanity and I only learned about them as they instructed me to write their first book. I had no psychic ability that I knew of before last year. I didn't write at all before last year, so I'm not a traditional author. As they were instructing me on writing their book, they also led me through a journey of healing that I desperately needed.

Heather Leigh Strom:

These Canine Spirit Guides are actually not the spirit of our dogs. They are the galactic version, the intergalactic version of our dogs. They're like the spirit guides of dogs. People have spirit guides, but dogs carry these spirit guides with them as they interact in our lives and interact with us. The spirit guides are here not for the dogs, but they're here for humanity. They chose to identify with the dog, the Canine, because of the heartfelt connection we have with this animal. We just open our hearts up to them and we embrace them, we accept them, we love them unconditionally. This is a really big opportunity to interact with humanity with this open heart.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Would that be along the lines of therapy dogs? Everybody likes to have a little puppy and you can love that puppy. A puppy unconditionally loves you back. Matter of fact, that's one of the things about dogs. Dogs love you unconditionally, no matter how you treat them back, they always stand there wagging their tail, they want to be your friend and they are most loyal. As we know, some of the cliches are playing out here. This consciousness, these spirit guides tell us more about that. It's fascinating.

Heather Leigh Strom:

It is really fascinating. It took me a long time to understand exactly what I was dealing with. I just started writing the book. Just stories about dogs that I've had in my life. I've been a dog trainer for 30 years, or actually all my life. I've had a long history with dogs. I've owned probably 30 dogs over 50 years. They chose 10 of my dogs for me to write about.

Heather Leigh Strom:

As I shared stories about these dogs, they showed me where these canine guides were trying to communicate with me and trying to teach me and help me heal with certain situations that were happening in my life. The canine guides were drawing to me to draw my attention to them, to provide me an opportunity to heal certain things. Of course, I was oblivious to it. I didn't see what they were trying to show me because I didn't know any of this was happening. They just laid it all out for me in the book.

Heather Leigh Strom:

This is what I share in the book is this process. The guides have very specific messages based on what guided is, what specific things. They are here to help humanity heal and the energy that they wish to share with humanity. Ever since writing my book, my career path has changed. I've been a lifelong healer, but it's mostly for 30 years been about healing the physical body. Now, all of a sudden, I'm doing energetic healings with these canine spirit guides, based on what they focus on. I might have a person in session with me and the guides will tell me who needs to work with them based on what they need at that moment. Then we'll enter into a beautiful healing session with that canine spirit guide.

Douglas James Cottrell:

So laying on of hands, reiki, energy work people are familiar with those terms, but when the canines, if I can call them that, I hope they're not insulted if I say canine. But when the canines are communicating with you, is there kind of like an intuition that they're guiding you where to work on the person or what the problem is. How does that work exactly?

Heather Leigh Strom:

Well, I'm not doing anything in person, it's all virtual, like our call here today. So usually what I do is I just tune into that person's energy after I get their permission and while I'm in that person's energy, I connect with the canine guides and I inquire who needs to work with this soul today? What does this soul need to know about their journey? Some questions that they need answered at this moment, and then the guide will tell. The guides as a collective will tell me answer those questions. So sometimes they'll give people insight into their purpose. Why are they here? What are they here to do? What do they need to know? Maybe about the people in their lives or about the journey that they've been on? Is there something they need to heal from this lifetime or maybe other lifetimes? Are they from another planet? You know what do they need to know right now to help them on their journey? And then they will decide. They will tell me who's going to work with that person in this session.

Heather Leigh Strom:

One of the guides will come forward, describe to me what needs to happen in the session.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Then, when I meet with the person virtually, I share what I've been told and I give them the option to accept the offer or to not, and they all accept it.

Heather Leigh Strom:

And then we enter into a guided meditation type of session where I do, the guide comes in, the energy comes in, I channel the energy in and I just describe to the person, as we sit in a nice meditative state, exactly what's happening in their energy field, what the guide is doing, what they're removing from their energy field, what they're repairing.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Sometimes they're offering upgrades, so they offer really powerful tools, which they have told me is an advancement in what we've ever known before. You know, humanity has grown a certain extent here recently, and so now we have access to new I'll say new technology for healing energetically, and so they're bringing in new technology for us that works a lot faster than what we're used to at working. My healing process for many, many lifetimes was only six months long, and I healed from things that have devastated me my entire life, this life, and would have prevented me from ever stepping out into the public eye and delivering this message. So I had to heal all of that first before I could get to the point where I could offer myself, offer my service.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, that makes perfect sense. I mean, you know, the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and since you were doing poorly and you had this experience or experiences, my model's faith is built upon belief, beliefs built on evidence, and so you have evidence of this invisible connection, if I can call it that. You mentioned some terms that you know some of our audience members might not be too familiar with, and so I would just like to sort of explore that a little further, because it's extremely interesting and fascinating. When you were saying that you were given this information, I assume you, if I took it right, this was in advance of talking to the person virtually or contacting them.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yes. So I meet with their energy before I get on the call with them, because I want to make sure I'm in a clean space, a pure space, and I'm not influenced by anything else the person might say or do. So I connect with them before I ever get on the call with them. It's very it's usually right before the call so that things don't change before I actually get on the call with them. So that happens before the call and the rest of it happens in front of the other person, with that person.

Douglas James Cottrell:

That's kind of amazing. You know, like you never met somebody and you're about to talk to them and you have all this information coming to you.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, I'm blown away, absolutely blown away, especially since I never could do it before.

Douglas James Cottrell:

That's usually in my experience. That's usually the case. That's why my podcast is called Wake Up, because as you wake up to these events, you've not done it before, you've been kind of spiritually asleep and you wake up and you have this revelation of this source of information. So you know, as these spiritual guides are beings, can I call them that? It seems like they call them more like that than canine, because so they do operate through real doggies, right, canines? Yeah, I love my dogs A great thing, by the way. And yeah, he's got me trained perfectly. You know, feed him, walk him, whatever. You know all that stuff. So, but let's look a little bit into the spiritual realm. I was fascinated when you said you use the term they and there's a group and there's a consciousness out there. Can you elaborate a little more about what you think that is?

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, it's a collective consciousness and there's this energy system in golf, about 52 different varieties of what they have to share with humanity. My book is about the first four, which they call themselves the core four. They're core values and core techniques and principles that humanity needs to be familiar with and aware of before we can move on to the next stage. The next book will be the Elite Eight. They've already been feeding me the next few that are going to come in, but the core four work on foundation principles that we need to clear up and get comfortable with before we can escalate to the next level. But it is a collective, so I haven't met all of them yet. I've just met the first four. They're starting to introduce the next set to me bit by bit, because I'm a little overwhelmed with trying to get the word out about this book and get everyone familiar with them first, and then, once the word gets out, it's going to pick up pretty quickly and I do private sessions with them as well as group sessions with them.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Okay, well, at this point, let's tell everybody where they can find this amazing book and how they can get to your website.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, Canine Spirit Guides by Heather Lee Strom is available anywhere Amazon, barnes, noble. It's also an audible audio version. I recorded it myself so the frequency is pure and they can find me. You can find me at heatherleighstrom. com. In all of my services and offers. I have some free downloads available from the guides on my webpage, so check that out.

Douglas James Cottrell:

And people can come and have a personal consultation with you, right.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yes, they can schedule. And also I have my own podcast where we dig deeply into the messages, the channeled messages, from the Canine Guides.

Douglas James Cottrell:

What is one of the most remarkable stories? You know everybody has favorites. I have a couple, you know they just like they impress the heck out of you when it happens and you're participating in the event. What's one of the most well, not one of the most, but one of the remarkable stories that you recall?

Heather Leigh Strom:

About my experience.

Douglas James Cottrell:

About your experiences. Yeah, maybe something that was said or something that you met. You know one of those keepers, you know, you just remember. You go like, wow, that was amazing. Well, I'm sort of replying a little bit, but I think the audience would love to know.

Heather Leigh Strom:

So are you mean? Do you mean like with my client interaction, or with with the dogs that I've had come in and countered with?

Douglas James Cottrell:

I would love to hear about the dogs. I mean all the dog lovers out there are just panting, pardon me, at the yeah yeah. More of what's going on with the dogs, so let's talk about the dogs.

Heather Leigh Strom:

So the dog that's on, or the guide that's on the cover of the book, she's Oregon. She is a. The guides resonate with a dog breed, which kind of gives us the personality of the guide and the certain personality traits about us that we need to look at, and they also identify with a wild animal. So Oregon and the wild animal gives us the energy they wish to share. So Oregon is the Basingi dog breed and the Black Panther spirit, spirit, guide or spirit animal, and she's incredibly powerful and she helps us connect with our divine soul, which I had never met my soul, before. This whole process of healing, when, when she actually introduced me to my soul and I know that most people have never met their soul, because if they had there would be no violence, no hatred, no anger, no insecurity, because when you're in that soul space there is nothing but pure love and joy and you just can't experience anything else. It's impossible. So that's what she does she introduces us to our souls and the dog that she came through, that I wasn't aware of in my lifetime was a dog named Apache, and when she started out as a puppy she's a pretty bold dog. She definitely stood out to everybody that met her when she started out as a puppy. She was very insecure. She didn't like people, she didn't like to be touched, she didn't want strangers looking at her and she was.

Heather Leigh Strom:

It was questionable whether she would be able to become a performance dog, which is what I did at the time was I competed in dog sports with my dog, so I was very concerned about her future, even though I was very drawn to her and we had a very incredible bond.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Well, as I worked with her, she began to evolve and to come out of her cocoon and she became this magnificent butterfly that just bloomed out of her cocoon, incredibly confident, dominant. She competed with me in three different dog sports, knew three different languages and dominated the field in every sport she did. And what she explained to me during the writing of this book was that she was showing me my path that I was going to experience as I finally came out of my cocoon. While I was undergoing this healing process that they took me through while I was writing the book, I finally came out of my cocoon and I could finally see my greatness, just like she saw hers. It was beautiful and there is a point from her in that and her that part of the book because it was just beautiful.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Okay. Well, next question the audience is thinking intuitively, telepathically, picking is up. How do they give you those messages?

Heather Leigh Strom:

So I first learned to hear them through meditation, which I also learned to do just to write the book.



Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, yeah. So this is all new to me. So in meditation I learned to set up a recorder and as I got my ego out of the way and I learned to just trust with the information that was coming in, I would just dictate it into the recorder. And so as I was getting visual because I was getting visual I was hearing, I was feeling, I was getting all the clairs almost all at once and I would just dictate into the recorder everything that was happening, everything I was seeing, feeling, all the energy that was moving and what they were telling me. And so sometimes in my meditations I'm just dictating word for word what to put in the book. They would write certain chapters for me just by dictation. I tried automatic writing and that just didn't work for me. It's just a bunch of scribble, didn't work out.

Heather Leigh Strom:

So, I switched to the recording method and that worked really great. And now they just constantly download. I mean, they'll give me chapters when I'm on my bicycle and I'm like, okay, not now, I don't have any way to record that.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Just wait a minute, you know a lot of business people I know have are inspired, usually in the little room in their house somewhere. That's where they get their inspirations and they and they have the same let me call it methodology, where the thoughts come and they have a problem whatever, but also for those people wondering. You know, just thinking to your now saying this may be a little strange or unusual. I believe the entire Harry Potter story was like that. The woman was on the train and Harry appeared to this, the author, and out of that came this amazing story. So this, this pipeline of information that came to you, is as well established in different mediums already.

Douglas James Cottrell:

But, I was listening to you and you said it was not just you know thoughts, you heard clear audience, lee. You felt clear, sentient Lee. You were probably seeing things clairvoyantly, and so those intuitive abilities all wrapped up one. They're all the same, you know. It's gravities everywhere, but it's different, If you know what I mean, and this is the same thing.

Douglas James Cottrell:

So, as people are listening to this, it seems to you connect very deeply and, as you said, you were novice or a neophyte and you didn't have a clue what meditation was. I'm sure same as me, by the way, my mentor, ross Peterson, said he doesn't know the difference between meditation or vegetation. Of course there were, there were several people in the room, but he was pointing that out. So I was kind of like oh no, I need to go from an introverted person to an extroverted person. Is what you said. I was your journey.

Douglas James Cottrell:

A lot of stars that I've met have had that same thing. They've been very introverted and private, but when they get on or they're out there, they're over. They're not, I was gonna say overwhelmed, but this energy comes through them. So I'm drawing parallels here to the people are wondering how can Heather do this? Well, it's already established in various different areas, as I'm trying to trying to put forward here. But as as you had all these different, again being a neophyte and not knowing the terms or whatever, and you're having these things given to you. What a wonderful opportunity. No adulteration, no prejudice. No, I wonder what that's all about. Has anybody ever I'm going to ask you this, you know, because they might get it asked to has anybody ever said, heather, that's the dark side, watch out.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Something that to you, no one's ever said that to me. I know people think it, you know because I can pick up on it. I know people think it, but and I've had people ask me that in interviews or they've asked me so, what do other people think about all this big transition you had? And my response is you know, you, before I went through the healing, it would have bothered me. Before I changed, before I came out of the cocoon, before they healed me. It would have bothered me because my ego would have been wrapped up in it. Yeah, but now that I've I'm healed, I have no attachment to that and I don't really care what people think. I'm speaking my truth. I'm speaking what they're telling me to speak, and if that doesn't resonate with people, then I'm not meant to speak to them.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, you know, there's people that believe and the people that don't believe. The people that don't believe, well, they never will Right. People who have a curiosity for this, and that's why that's why I'm, by asking these questions, I'm attempting to provoke the audience into thinking has this ever happened to me? And I'm going to, I'm going to ask you this question, but I already know the answer. Have people ever come to you and you said you know, my dog told me they need to go to the vet. Or my dog told me they need to have more vegetables, or my dog told me they need to go for a walk like a dog whisperer. Have they ever inadvertently been communicating with their own pet and they need to talk to you to find that out? Oh, yes, you get this information. Is that happening to me? You know, of course it is, but, like I said, I knew the answer to the question, or at least I thought it, but I wanted to get your take on that.

Heather Leigh Strom:

I well. What's interesting is I've had some people want to talk to me like in an interview setting, and really it wasn't the best interview opportunity. But what I picked up on was that they needed to work with the canine guides. That's why they were drawn to me.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, you know, canines use the military, they're used in the police force, they're used as therapy dogs.



Douglas James Cottrell:

My dog Max, is. He's the master. I'm the guy that's trained, you know so, and I've always had great things. I've had other dogs as well, but I just love them to pieces. Either you're a dog person or a cat person, or you're a budgie person or something like that. But you know, I find that people who love dogs and are dog people, there's a certain trust, you know, there's a certain spirit around them already. So I'm wondering do all canines dogs in our, in our house, do you think? But they have a little bit of this influence from above and they're sharing their masters and that that dog is supposed to be with that person.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, absolutely, you know. I wondered that before all this happened I was like well, I wonder if, because all of the dogs I've ever had have called to me to come find them. So I've had dogs who called to me from Germany, belgium, and I had to go find them.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Really Wow.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, I've had and this is before I even knew that I had, you know, psychic abilities. I was locating these dogs that were calling to me. I had no idea that's what was happening, but I write about it in the book because now I understand all of that. But yes, all the dogs that are in our lives, actually all the animals that are in our lives, are there for a reason. They are all part of our soul family. So they understand our soul path and they understand why we're here and they know it's been pre organized that they're here to trigger certain activations in us as a bookmark.

Heather Leigh Strom:

So remember, this is when you wanted to do this at this point. They're here to trigger that, to get us to move, to activate us, to agitate us. All those dogs that rip up the house or constantly escape, they're here to agitate that energy, to get us to look at it, to remember, to make a change in our lives. Yes, they're all here for a reason and they remember us. Some of our dogs look at us like don't you know who I am?

Douglas James Cottrell:

Okay, let's leave it right there. We'll be right back after a quick break.


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Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, you know, Heather, just before the break you were saying dogs come to teach us things and whatever. My dog decided to redecorate my house, especially around the woodwork on the door. You know he didn't like the nice square, he liked to make them a little chewy up and, of course, when he was a puppy, he was doing the things on the floor and it took a long time and it was frustrating on one hand, but we always would say, well, just a little bit longer, he'll get out of this, and he did, of course. So when the animals come to you, I believe there's a spiritual connection. I've had the experience of dreaming about my future pets months in advance and then when they show up, it's like oh, it's you.

Heather Leigh Strom:


Douglas James Cottrell:

I had a Max the Wonder dog. I had a dream about him and I've always had black great Danes or brown great Danes, and I had a dream where I was a black and white grade Dane, a great Dane called Harlequin, and he had this black patch, like our gang Spanky from the 1930s, and it took a year. I looked several places, you know, looking for him, just like you saying he was calling me.



Douglas James Cottrell:

And I decided at that time not to have another dog. One day, after looking everywhere around, where I live, 100 miles away, I was intrigued to hear you went to different countries, but anyway, Well, I didn't travel there. Oh, okay, well, you found them in these places. Okay, that's cool. Wow, that's, that's it. I ended up finding this dog at the northern part of my city, about 20 minutes away, after looking far and white.

Heather Leigh Strom:


Douglas James Cottrell:

Casual way. So there he was, went in, and there he was, black and white men in the litter he had diffused. There were black dogs, there were brown dogs and he was the only black and white one. And so we, we paid a fortune for him or brought him home, and I've been paying ever since. I'm not sure what the lesson is there, but the bottom line is so that he did call out to me and other pets I've had. I've had a dream about them. Is that common or is that the?

Heather Leigh Strom:

is that the collective sort of thing, they're letting you know they're coming and the thing is you may not remember the dream. You know only a few of us will remember the dream, so unconsciously, you will recognize them on a soul level. Even if you're not conscious of it, It'll trigger you.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Makes sense.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah. So those of us who are really connected with our dreams will remember it and be able to make sense of it. We'll be like, oh, I know what I need to do, I know what's happening, I know who's coming, and that works not just with dogs, but everything.

Douglas James Cottrell:

I was going to mention that I've had dreams of when I was in the country, had horses. I have a dream of horses coming and other animals. When we were there, when the kids were little, you know, a calf was going to be born or something. So there's this spiritual connection with animals. And we've always been in our life, but dogs seem to have been. Even when we were living in caves, there were dogs.

Heather Leigh Strom:


Douglas James Cottrell:

I mean, I love horses and other animals as well, but do you think the dog has this like special connection? I guess you would in your book about canine spirit guides? I mean, they would be there. I know what they're guard dogs or watch dogs. You know they're pets. Sometimes you've heard stories about somebody passes on and the dog sits on their grave for months, if not more than that. So where I'm going with that is like somewhere in the Akashic and the Akashic field or the records there's. This place where these beings, these canine beings, are, is kind of like are they the watchers or they kind of, you know, like a spiritual hierarchy that we say, well, that's just a dog, but really it's a whole lot more.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, I know, I know where you're going with that and that's really exciting. What I've been shown is that number one. The reason I have this job is because I've had it always in other dimensions, other lifetimes, and I've always served as the guardian of these spiritual entities, these collectives that identify with animals In other dimensions. Animals are different than they are here. They're much more spiritually advanced beings than the humanoids are, and the humanoids tend to collaborate with them, sit in council with them in order to learn from them. And that's how.

Heather Leigh Strom:

That's why animals here on this plane animals, are kind of taking a backseat. They're undercover. They've agreed to be here as a subservient partner as part of the game, and they're kind of just waiting for us to. You know, they have the grin on their face. They're kind of just waiting for us to figure it out. You know, and that's why they're so patient, and that's why they're so all knowing, because they know the truth.

Heather Leigh Strom:

You know when, when you evolve spiritually and you know the truth, it's so much easier to take the bad stuff because you're just like, ah, you know, it's not that big of a deal. You know, that's kind of where they're sitting right now and they're hoping that we wake up that we see it, and this is. This is part of the push for the canine guys to come through now. They've been with us always, but they're coming through now because of all the transition that's happening with humanity. We need their help to move a lot of energy, to heal a lot of pain and to get us to that next level. And yes, they are much more advanced spiritually than any human I've met.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Right. Well, they certainly have a feel, a certain aura or a certain connection. You know, which pops my mind is you know, when I, when I was younger, there was always these, like you know, rintin, tin kind of things, and you know sky king and bullet, the wonder dog you know with with Roy Rogers, and it was here, sniff this jacket, go find them and the dog can take off. And I thought what the heck, how can you possibly sniff somebody's shoe, jacket, whatever, and then they take off and find a person. I wonder if that's some sort of you know, like the dissensing, the vibration of the person on the garment, and then they kind of you know, tune into where they're going. I don't think it's going to get, but they sniff a lot, so I don't know.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Well, they're playing. They're playing a role with sniffing. I mean, energetically, they know where the person is, but they're maintaining their cover by being a dog, right, having to rely on the scent, the scent track, to find that person. They're playing a role. But yes, you're right, energetically they know where that person is, they don't need to smell, right? Yeah.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, my friend George Carlin the comedian, I was in his house one day and he was talking about, you know, the cat just got up and he wondered well he got up, went in the other room and there's the cat you know, on on the, on a chair and he's like. So what was the urgency? That you both over there, and it was like.

Douglas James Cottrell:

I've seen that before myself and I've seen the dog do it. You know, and I'm just reminiscing a little bit, but you know, when somebody comes I have a man that takes Max for a walk or I have somebody to help around the house before they get here. Even my son coming home in the car, like he's down the street a little bit, max is at the window or Max stands up. So I'm wondering if that perception of that awareness it, it cannot be, you know, super hearing or super smelling or whatever. It has to be something that's intuitive like that.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, they pick up on the energy. Yeah, they feel the approaching energy.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Yeah, I'm going to ask you this question. Maybe it's a little bit off, but in some of my researches I found that they had dogs. They, meaning the medical researchers, had dogs. Sniff out diseases in people cancer.

Heather Leigh Strom:


Douglas James Cottrell:

Have you ever heard about that?

Heather Leigh Strom:

Oh yeah, it's very common Even detect COVID. Yeah, so it has a well, and the human version it has a scent, right, but in the spiritual version it's all energy. I mean, it's just energy. So they're picking up on the energy. Just like you know, when I, when I work with certain people, I'll pick up on the energy of Parkinson's and I'll know this person has Parkinson's Parkinson's even though they don't know, they don't have any symptoms. I can pick up on the energy of it.

Douglas James Cottrell:

That makes sense. So there goes. The extreme of that is if they, if the doggy can say this is the problem. Maybe if we were to put a bunch of chemicals or jars or whatever and say, okay, which one's the right one, that we can, I mean they can do it.

Heather Leigh Strom:

They can be trained to identify anything.

Douglas James Cottrell:

I'm asking that with a smile on my face because that might be a wonderful idea, but you know that place down there there's really hot would have to freeze over before they would get a chance to do that. Let's take another quick break, we'll be right back.


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Douglas James Cottrell:

We're back again and we're getting near the end of our interview time here. It's a lovely discussion we're having.

Heather Leigh Strom:

I'm learning a lot from you, heather, and it's how long have you been doing this, I guess, and yeah, yeah, I began writing the book in in March of 2022, so the book was written by September of 2022 and it hit the market in May of 23.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Where can people get a?

Heather Leigh Strom:

get a copy of that again that you can get the book on Amazon, barnes and Noble. You can also get get it on audible, give the audio version. You can get it on ebook as well and you can find all those links on my web page. Heather Lee, strong, calm. Or you can go to canine spirit guides calm K the number nine spirit guides calm.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Okay. So I'm gonna say, hey, everybody, if you're a dog lover or if you want to know more about how dogs love us, go get canine spirit guide. It's an amazing book and you know the interview today. I've learned a lot about how you got started and some of your experiences. But is there a profound Connection with the great divine? I mean, here we are going through, you know, the possibility of the world entering into another world war. The tinderbox the Middle East is is, well, you know, it's all all not so good. So as we, as we come to this time in our world, it would make sense that we would have some extra help. But if you had a profound Experience yourself, a closer you know, connection with God.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Oh, yes, I've resisted being part of any organized religion because I just felt like it didn't fit me. It didn't hold Everything that I knew the divine to be, and my father was a preacher, so I grew up in the religious realm. But, yes, so I never understood why I felt that way until this awakening experience. And through my awakening experience I have a direct connection now and I can feel it constantly. And as I've healed myself and I've elevated my frequency, it's almost like I'm walking above all that In the lower vibrations now. So all the war, the anger, the hate, I can't even feel it anymore because I'm up here, I'm aware of it, because I hear about it, but it doesn't hit a chord, if that makes sense.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Absolutely. I'm thinking right now Soldiers coming home who have been maimed, dogs that have been, you know, hurt, and there's a movement on where the veteran and they and they abuse dog get together and they're like therapy for each other.

Heather Leigh Strom:


Douglas James Cottrell:

I mean, here's some big, strong soldier who's probably been in battle and had the worst of the worst and Now he's got this dog that he loves absolutely, and the dog loves him back and it's such a bond that that post traumatic stress fades away. And whatever happened to the dog, well, dogs have this remarkable and resilient ability, in my opinion, to forgive or forget and just wag their tail. Yeah, that's another thing. You can't mix up. You know. You can't misunderstand a dog either. If he's growling or he's wagging his tail, there's no in, there's no fudging it, that kind of thing you know when people come to you for, for consultations. Let's talk a little bit about that.



Douglas James Cottrell:

What happens when they come to you. I mean, you've told you start off by saying you sort of pick up the energy ahead of time, but just describe it for our friends who might want to come to you.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Yeah, so I will connect with their energy. First, when they make their appointment, I get their consent to get into their energetic field and On the day of our apartment usually I will spend some time in that energetic field. Some of the clients will feel it. They'll notice like a different feeling come over them. It's usually a calming sensation and as I connect with their, in their energy and the energy of the canine guide that wishes to work with them in their healing session, I'd kind of download what's going to happen in that healing session. They kind of tell me what's going to happen, what needs to happen, what they need to know, and then when I get on the call with a client, I walk them through an energetic cleansing and healing and shift. And these people, whether or not they have any history with meditation or energy, some people have never done anything like this before and they don't have to have a dog, so they don't have to be dog lovers because the really no Seeing.

Douglas James Cottrell:

That's amazing.

Heather Leigh Strom:

They're here to help humanity heal, so they don't care if you have a dog. I'd say 75% of my clients don't have dogs, so yeah. So then when I get in the session with you, you'll feel the energy moving. You might even see what I'm describing to you and some of my clients see it before I describe it, because it takes me a minute to get it out in a word, right? So, and they'll feel the energy move and shift. And then afterwards they're usually pretty Tired and they need some time to integrate the energy shift.

Heather Leigh Strom:

And what is so unique about this process is I actually record the healing portion separately on an audio file and the guides will have the clients work with that recording because it contains the energetic frequency of the healing. So they'll tell me how to instruct the client to use that recording over the next few weeks to help Continue to integrate the changes. Because what's so Frustrating about healing is that there tends to be a rebound, right? We tend to forget the more time that goes by after the healing, we tend to forget that new frequency and we want to go home to the old frequency. So the guides have them work with the session we just did, per their instructions over the next few weeks to keep that level. The new energetic address Integrated into their memory. So that's really interesting. I've not seen that anywhere before.

Douglas James Cottrell:

No, I was just thinking that's an amazing support Love, because you know people go on diets and they quit. People decide they're not gonna drink anymore and then they do People, I'm not gonna eat chocolate anymore. Well, then they, so it's a sliding back and they get out of it. You need that reinforcement. So that's amazing that you brought that out and they also like that. You know you can work with people who, who, Don't have dogs.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Don't have dogs. It's amazing. So so as as we get to towards the end the interview, let me ask you when do you see this going in the future? Where do you see your, your career going?

Heather Leigh Strom:

They've shown me that this is going big, that this is going to become a movement, and just about anybody who's gotten into my energetic field has also said this to me and it kind of scares me a little bit. But this is going to move into Workshops, weekend workshops, week-long retreats, because the more guides that come through, the more energy is going to start to move and I'm going to be helping humanity cleanse a lot of hidden pain, karma, ancestral patterning that needs to just be ripped out of the energetic field so that we can be cleaned and move forward in the Energetic space that we were designed to experience earth in.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, there you go. That's amazing. I wish you well on your journey. I've been talking to Heather Lee Strom, who has written the book Canine Spirit Guide, and your website again is yes.

Heather Leigh Strom:

Heather Lee Strom at Gmailcom is my email and also my website is Heather Lee Stromcom. You can find book information at canine spirit guidescom and I do private sessions as well as mentoring, immersion programs and group sessions, so all of that information is on my website. I do have events Constantly going on and there's an events page on my website so you can sign up for a group event if you want to do that.

Douglas James Cottrell:

Well, I'm glad you got all this extra energy, because all these things you're doing you're good at need it. Listen, it's been a delight and a pleasure. We'll have you come back sometime and update us on what's going on. The journey doesn't end here as we close this interview. It's just beginning. Take care, and God bless.


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