Stance for Health

What on Earth is Grounding?

May 29, 2022 Rodney P. Wirth DC Season 1 Episode 27

In this podcast, Dr. Rodney and Karen talk about the benefits and ease of a simple therapeutic technique called grounding. There are scientific reasons why you feel so good after a day of walking on the beach or going barefoot in the park.

What is grounding?
Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice has been around for years and capitalizes on the electro-chemical response of our bodies. These electrical charges can have positive effects on our bodies.

This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.

Why are we losing touch with the ground?
You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system.

You rarely go barefoot or wear natural leather soles. In fact, for many decades now we wear rubber or plastic-soled shoes. The truth is, you’re disconnected. You’re ungrounded. You are not in touch with the earth. Could this disconnection be an overlooked factor in the increase of illnesses noted earlier?

What are the healing benefits of grounding?
Scientific research over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the earth. That is, when you are grounded. Here are a few examples of potential benefits that have been reported in these studies:

  • Decreased levels of inflammation and pain
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved circulation
  • Greater energy for those with chronic fatigue
  • Relief from chronic pain
  • Reduction of anxiety and depression through a greater sense of well-being
  • Corrected sleep disorders 
  • Improved blood flow
  • Faster wound healing

How can you reconnect to the earth?
Past societies went barefoot or wore leather footwear made from hides that allowed the energy from the earth to rise up into their bodies. They were grounded.

Walking barefoot
Have you ever been outside on a warm summer day and felt the urge to run barefoot in the grass? One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot. Allowing your skin to touch the natural ground can provide you with grounding energy.
Lying on the ground
You can increase your skin-to-earth contact by lying on the ground. You can do it in the grass by the park or on the sand at the beach. Sit, stand, or walk on soil, grass, sand, or concrete. These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s energy. Wood, asphalt, and vinyl are not conductive.
Submerging in water
According to advocates for grounding, water may be used to ground in the same way the physical earth is used for grounding. They suggest simply wading in a clear lake or swimming in the ocean as a way to ground yourself.

Using grounding products
For many people, however, there isn’t time in their current busy schedule to go out barefoot. So, there are also indoor options. Invest in grounding products—which can be used while sleeping, relaxing, or working.

Whatever route you take, get grounded and feel vibrant.

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