Stance for Health

The Restorative Power of True Rest

March 21, 2023 Rodney P. Wirth DC Season 2 Episode 24

In this podcast Dr. Rodney and Karen talk about the need to find great rest to prepare for deep sleep. There is restoration during the sleep cycle which can aid in your longevity.

Currently many are suffering from General Adaptive Syndrome duer to chronic stress that depletes the body's resources and diminishes your ability to adapt. In General Adaptive Syndrome there is an alarm reaction, a stage of resistance, and a stage of exhaustion. When this pattern is not corrected, you may become ill. 

Chronic stress causes the adrenals to pump out too much cortisol (stress hormone) which depends on sleep timing, duration, and quality for their release.
Cortisol helps regulate other hormones in the body.

Poor sleep causes cortisol to be high when you wake up in the morning which can disrupt the balance between estrogen and progesterone. This is turn slows down your thyroid and slows down your metabolism.

Lack of sleep also affects hunger hormones, appetite and food intake which can lead to weight gain due to insulin resistance - particularly around your middle.

Leptin (feel full), ghrelin (feel hungry) and insulin (blood sugar) affect:

  • fullness
  • hunger
  • blood sugar regulation
  • fat storage

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that’s associated with the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

It helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, so you can fall — and stay — asleep.

Disrupted or poor sleep can have impacts on melatonin and its role in promoting sleep in the brain.

Growth hormone
Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin or growth hormone, plays a vital role in:

  • protein production and synthesis
  • muscle development
  • metabolism
  • immunity

Sleep impacts the amount and production of growth hormone in the body. This in turn may make it harder to repair injuries and more likely to accumulate belly fat.

Missing sleep can lead to:

  • reduced immunity
  • more frequent infections
  • increases in illnesses
  • spikes in appetite
  • higher calorie consumption
  • weight gain
  • toxic brain or brain fog

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