How to Create Killer Branding for Your Live Show
Live Better
Live Better
How to Create Killer Branding for Your Live Show
Nov 02, 2021 Season 1 Episode 2

A recognized branding expert Christine Gritmon will explain what it takes to make a memorable and unparalleled brand for your live show and make people want to see more of it.

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Here is a detailed description of what you will learn in this episode:

00:00 Intro
02:00 Welcome Christine Gritmon
03:42 Why red?
06:44 What made you so interested in branding in the first place?
08:05 How social media boosted the importance of branding
08:54 Why good storytelling is about machete-editing 
10:03 Why it’s hard to get a good story out of brand owners
12:00 How to grow a personal brand if you don’t have enough self-confidence
13:29 Why is branding so important for your live streams?
16:25 How do you identify good branding?
18:22 Secrets of maintaining your brand everywhere
21:12 Things you can’t do during live streams 
24:11 How can a company understand that its live streams need rebranding?
26:43 How do you choose the niche and a brand at the same time? 
29:53 Can you brand slogans and communication styles?
31:39 Top 5 top tools to use for live streams’ branding
33:10 Pre-designed templates for your live streams by
35:05 How to stay away from being on camera and do live streams for your small brand?
41:42 Giveaway
44:44 Did you see any brands that were not good?