De Bookwinkel

Shiny New Future, by W.Laufs

October 07, 2023 ALLEGORY52A.COM

The Boss sings about their Glory Days: how one of his friends was a good baseball player and could stop talking about it when they met again after many year; how there was a girl in their neighbourhood that let the heads roll. The good old days! Blink and you miss them! It goes by so quickly but stay with you forever. It feels like yesterday. Problem, however, is that it is easy to live in the past for your entire life. I was oversees for 12 years. The time passed so quickly. During that time so many things happened. Life goes on. Life goes on without you. The past changes into the present. The question is where do you live? The past or the present? Be thankful for the past, but focus on the future. It could help to live in the present. It is not easy. Sometimes you first need to learn the lessons from the past before you can shift your focus. The next story I wrote to inspire myself a bit. 

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