BCF ORG Tech Talk

#7 - Frequent Maintenance

Brian Fisher

Because maintenance can be a significant portion in the cost of ownership, it’s important to consider the cost of maintenance in any purchase. 

This episode looks at Frequent Maintenance between different technologies.

Our guest is John Davis, President of Paul Davis Automation.

John’s varied professional experience gives him unique insight into not only the sales and marketing aspects of technical products, but into the engineering and manufacturing processes as well. John has been a Brand Planner, an electrical engineer specializing in PCB design, a software engineer specializing in Linux systems, and is now in a technical sales role as the President of Paul Davis Automation. On the personal front, John is a husband and father for the best family in the world, a part time farmer, and a “not current but will be again someday” instrument rated private pilot.

This Podcast series, focuses on the various subjects and topics, to help you choose the right Industrial Automation Solution for your application.  

It’s targeted to Engineers and Project Managers.