Go M.A.D.

Making M.A.D. Choices in a Hollywood World with Ted Baehr, MovieGuide Founder

Doug and Brad Hutchcraft Season 2 Episode 18

Doug and Brad got to chat with Ted Baehr, founder of Movieguide at NRB. Ted offers a unique perspective as someone who has lived in the Hollywood scene for pretty much his whole life, and he offers valuable insight on how to make a difference in the world that you find yourself in. Be sure to check out movieguide.org after the episode. 

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Thank you for listening and Go M.A.D. today!

Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone on this episode of Go. Mad Doug and I are here at NRB National Religious Broadcasters Convention And we so. If you hear that little buzz in the background, that's people all around us, all of. Brad's fans clamoring To get his Wait you told me that was about here and there. Both of them. They're right there. They make a lot of noise for two people. They do. I pay them extra.

Speaker 2:

We are so excited because today we get to talk with Ted Bear, the founder and president of Movie Guide. Movie Guide is such an amazing ministry. I don't know about you, brad, but there are so many choices of what to watch these days, especially if you have streaming services. I just sit there paralyzed going. do I watch?

Speaker 1:

You haven't watched a movie in years.

Speaker 2:

because of that I just stare at the screen and keep punching the remote while my wife Anna gets more and more frustrated. But today on the podcast, you're going to hear a lot of laughs. You're going to hear a lot of wisdom from. Ted Oh yeah, not just hear as what to watch Don't watch this But actually some great stories and some great ideas about how we can, yes, be better ambassadors for Christ based on our choices.

Speaker 1:

He's got some pretty amazing stories to tell. He does Some pretty sobering statistics. You're going to get to hear it all on the other side of Jesse here. So everyone, let's go mad.

Speaker 3:

Hey friends, thanks for joining us again on Go Mad. We hope you're having an awesome summer. As you heard, doug and Brad got to chat at NRP with Ted Bear, founder of Movie Guide. Ted offers a unique perspective as someone who's lived in the Hollywood scene for pretty much his whole life. There's valuable insight on how to make a difference in the world that you find yourself in. Be sure to check out MovieGuideorg after the episode Ready, let's go mad.

Speaker 2:

So we are thrilled to be here at NRP National Religious Broadcasting Great conference, and we're here with Ted Bear, the head of Movie Guide.

Speaker 1:

This is a special guest. This is pretty exciting.

Speaker 2:

This is very exciting. Most folks who are listening are going to know exactly what Movie Guide is. Anytime I'm considering anything media-wise from my family, that is my first stop. Not just because there are websites where you can go that will say you know, put in black and white, this is how many swear words there are and this is what's happening in front of you, but Movie Guide is real unique in that it also shares the idea of what's going on, the themes of what's happening, especially your young person, but we all have to guard our hearts, so it's for adults as well What the movie is going to be trying to communicate to you. So I was talking with my brother-in-law last night and we were talking about how we have these movies that we grow up with, that we are just so passionate about 80's movies.

Speaker 1:

80's movies.

Speaker 2:

And we were talking about how we have this great nostalgia for them and we said I can't wait to show our kids these movies. So we showed them to them and we forget we're listening to them. We're like, oh my goodness, i forgot all of the sexual stuff in here. I forgot about all this profanity. For me it was back to the future.

Speaker 1:

Goonies is another. Goonies is another one.

Speaker 2:

I was shocked by We start showing them to my children. Oh, my goodness, almost immediately. Alright, guys, we're going to just have to do this later, i think. But, dad, there's your story. If you could share a little bit about your story with us, because from what I understand, you've gotten ear with Hollywood folks, the folks that make these movies, and said, look, if you're going to make something that's supposed to be for a family, let's actually make it for a family. So can you help us understand a little bit about how Movie Guide came about in your heart for it?

Speaker 4:

You just asked me a very long set of questions.

Speaker 3:

How much time do we have to talk about that?

Speaker 4:

Number one Movie Guide is built to help parents and help children develop discernment and by unpacking all those things that you were shocked by and helping people understand the worldview. We have 150 criteria. I was head of a department at City University in New York in the late 70s. We got 62 professors together, developed the first media literacy course. I tested it at a local church. We have a system and I've written about 40 books and half of them have been teaching their children to be culture-wise and media-wise so they don't succumb to the media. Because the average child, by the time they're 17 years old, spends over 65,000 hours of the media 12,000 hours in school, 2,000 hours of their parents and if they go to church every week and it's a normal regular church, not on fire church once a week for one hour 800 hours by the time it's.

Speaker 4:

So who has the dominance here.

Speaker 2:

Who's got the?

Speaker 4:

influence. I grew up in the industry and my parents were stars. My father was a big Hollywood star. He won the box office award in 1936. We didn't have the Academy Award until a little bit after that. So that was the award that everybody wanted the number one box office. And then after World War II, he starred on Broadway and I grew up you know I summarize it to be funny as a left-wing Kami Pinko rat. I mean literally.

Speaker 3:

I was a left-wing, Kami Pinko rat.

Speaker 4:

So please forgive me And my mother died when I was young, so I was really bad. And then four women had their eye on my father. One of them was single and she gave. They all came to Christ, to Billy Graham, and they'd take him to Christian meetings and I'd go along to protect him and keep him from becoming a crazy Christian. And I'd walk out and puff and puff because I'd gone to Dartmouth and Cambridge and all the I've got three advanced degrees, wow, my goodness. So you know academics were easy. The reason I went to University of Munich and Francis, because I said they're pretty girls in France. I'll put it They're pretty girls in England, so I'll go to England.

Speaker 2:

That's why I picked up the guitar.

Speaker 4:

There you go, i understand it was fun And so they take. And one of the women noticed that I just didn't like it. You know, the world has I mean Dartmouth and all those Ivy League colleges have set you against you know faith. I mean, that's what they do. They tell you it's a myth. They tell you everything else. So one woman was so smart and I asked her years later would you intend to do this? She said read the Bible. And every week my father would say Audrey wants you to read the Bible. Have you read the Bible?

Speaker 4:

I'm not going to read the Bible but you told her you would, i was lying, i'm not going to read the Bible. So, after months of this arguing, i started I'll read the little short part, the New Testament, and I started reading Matthew. And you know from your life that about 60 people, 60% of the people, come to Christ by reading the Bible. If you're embarrassed to talk about it, give them the gospel of John or the gospel of that.

Speaker 4:

And it'll bring them to Christ. So I said this is a true story. I'd always been told it was a myth. This is something that's real. Jesus is real And he'll give me John 1010 and more abundant life. I got to get this. So I went to somebody's house. I said I'd like to accept Jesus. My wife looks sick because she abandoned the Catholic Church and I didn't have the Catholic Church in the background And she'd become a feminist and went to rice. Architecture was on the cover of Madam Azel and all this. So then you know, she came to Christ five years later. It was not easy. And then my father came to Christ. Seven years after I came to Christ, and it's if the whole family was swept up in our own little revival. And I'd grown up in the industry. I'd finance five feature films Oliver Stone's first film And I, when I came to Christ, i said I made these lousy films. What can I do to help people? So we started doing movie guide and we started writing books on teaching your kids to be media wise.

Speaker 1:

What year was?

Speaker 4:

movie guy started. Movie guy started in 1985. Wow, the ministry started That's a great question In 1978. And I was head of the organization that did the lie in the witch and wardrobe on CBS television.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

We had 37 million viewers. But I said I don't need the MA award. I never collected it. They told me years later that I could still get it. My father got a lot of awards. I'm not here in it for the awards. I teach people how to make movies. I teach people how to teach our kids to be media wise, so I see myself as just a servant which is what minister means I just serve people. That's all, and this is just a tool to help people.

Speaker 1:

So 1985 was. I remember some of the movies around that time. Was there anything in particular, any movie or movies that triggered hey we, something's got to be done to inform people more about what's out there.

Speaker 4:

Well, to put it in another context, in the beginning there was only one movie with positive Christian content, and it was chariots of fire.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what's that with my kids?

Speaker 4:

Love it.

Speaker 2:

That song is going to be in my head the rest of the day.

Speaker 4:

And he just, you know wonderful, and I'm met, you know the writer and everybody else in that, because I was in the industry And then it went on that I got a call from Bill Bright. You knew Bill Bright.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, and.

Speaker 4:

Jesus and Azarus was preparing to come on CBS And he said help, you know they don't have a resurrection, bill was, you know, really wonderful. So I go and meet with Vincenzo LaBella and we go to the Vatican and I get them to put a resurrection And I show my class how we structured a resurrection when they didn't have the footage And everybody thinks it's a resurrection. It's actually scenes. I just revealed the trick Movies are tricks.

Speaker 3:

You believe that?

Speaker 2:

they're real, they're not real.

Speaker 4:

So we I got caught up in that. But then I said there's got to be, you got to reach a lot of people. Right now. We reach in January 83 million people a month. That were really strong.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

God Movie guy people. Now it's up to 89 million And I don't do anything to do that. I mean I'm talking to you and I'm sure somebody's going to listen and go to moviegodorg, But I hope so. I just see this growth because people like it. It's good and it's helpful and we're here to help them.

Speaker 2:

Ted. So we like taking road trips, our family like taking road trips And I we got this Ford Expedition. Ted is like where are you going with this?

Speaker 3:

We're not talking cars today.

Speaker 2:

I love driving this thing, but it has. I've terrified my kids a couple of times because I'll start changing lanes. And they're like dad, there's a car there. It's got an awful blind spot, So it doesn't matter how many times I try to look, I'm still going to miss the little VW.

Speaker 2:

So here's my question Here's. here's the amazing segue here. I feel like entertainment is is maybe American Christians greatest spiritual blind spot. There's so much power in stories being told. well, we love talking about on our podcast, our ambassadorship for Jesus. We're representing him wherever we go with our coworkers, our family, especially our children. How does what we're putting in our hearts what? because, obviously, when, when the stories told powerfully It's Leonard Bernstein said what he loved about music was It bypassed the brain and went straight to the heart.

Speaker 4:

That's the whole point. It's in the mode of medium. It doesn't teach you LM learning. I teach cognitive development. They're immediate literacy. Yeah, i was head of a department at Berkeley. Talk about crazy and And. Yeah, but the fact of the matter is, you know, because I deal with a lot of all of this Academic stuff, it most, if not all, psychiatrists would tell you, for those of you out there, that once you get the image in your mind in fact I show clips about this from Oxford you don't get the image out.

Speaker 4:

Yes so what you see is people who got an image of sex or violence. About seven percent of the kids Want to respond to the violence. About 30% want to respond to the sex. Really, about 60% of women want to go shopping, wow. So Movies touch the heart, but the person has to be susceptible. That then go off. I mean, i just talked to somebody's here who son went, was a wonderful son. He had, you know, the Hebrew name of Jesus and he was. He went bonkers And he went to Kansas from here and Got and stole a couple of cars and broke into a home and blah, blah, blah. But you know, all of that gets the media because he's he's susceptible, that and some people are not susceptible, which is another problem, and they say, well, i saw this movie, it didn't bother me Yeah yeah, that doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

I mean, some people can drink alcohol and look like they're sober and some people get drunk. You've got to know your kids. But you asked the most important question. The psychiatrist said you can't remove it. But God says if you turn to him. Yes that he will cleanse your mind and remove that image and you will be a new mind in Christ. Yes, so once you become a new mind in Christ, it's God living in you that takes over and helps you live through these Temptations. And that's what they are. We're sending eight dear Temptations.

Speaker 2:

Romans 12 the renewing of our mind. Prays God that we can hit the reset button.

Speaker 1:

He can, he can preset our minds and I love that perspective because the reality is is that all the time We hear people in the body of Christ who love Jesus, they, they truly, passionately, love Jesus. But there's come this compartmentalizing of It doesn't matter, it's not impact and you just completely debunk that with it.

Speaker 1:

with, i mean It's not only does the word of God support that, it impacts us, science supports that, it impacts us all, that the wiring of our brains It shows that it's Really important that with the old computer terminology, garbage in, garbage out, and if we're not good stewards of what we are watching You mentioned John 1010 before and Entertainment, the enemy Roams around like a roaring lion just seeking.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly once he steals he's got a kill, so there's no evidence. And destroy all. Yes, oh, i like the way you put that.

Speaker 1:

Ax, that's really good does well, and what I love about movie guide is, as you were saying, doug, it's the content side of it. So what I've been able to do because you guys have a great app too. So, thank you folks, make sure you move guide or or the app movie guide download that, because it's really easy to find the movie and you guys are always adding to it, even older movies. You guys are always adding things, and I've been able to, especially with my oldest daughter, say, hey, this is something you'd like to watch, go research it and let's let tell me what you see. And so it's not just about parents using it, because, like you said, doug, it is Adults need to be using this too. I use it for myself and my wife and I use it, but you can start showing your children how to have discernment, and I love that point.

Speaker 4:

That's exactly what we want to do one interview I'm probably gonna see the person tonight. When I was on, a caller called in and so my daughter wanted to go see this movie. Their whole, you know school class want to see it. It was a funny movie. But you know some of those funny movies that they get pretty bawdy. Yeah, she read the review and we put in the content section That you know the animals head got knocked off. It's supposed to be a joke, right.

Speaker 4:

But, it's in the movie, right, and they use it as a basketball or hockey puck or whatever. And she said, no, i love animals, i don't want to see it. And her friends said you come on, we're all going to see it and you probably know the movie. But anyway and there are lots of these movies that if you help the children understand, in fact, if they develop the standards, i teach all this. And you say, okay, your standard is that you don't want to see animals harm, right. Well then you don't want to go this movie. Your standard is that you don't want to see women harmed, then you don't want to go. Standard is that you don't want to see people blown to pieces, and you know all the rest of it. Well then, you, you read about it and you say I Made a decision, this isn't what I want to see. Unfortunately, christians go to movie more movies than non-Christians. That's the reason, really, for every ticket.

Speaker 4:

For every ticket That a non-Christian buys, the Christians by 2.3 times yeah three tickets and They're the biggest Film going audience and I'm trying to figure that out. I mean, i think part of it Before COVID was they thought, well, i can go to this movie and it's safer than sitting at home and watching TV, because then you got the ads and all the trash that comes at you. But even when you go to a movie, you're you're seeing something, just like you said, with Back to the Future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's got content that you didn't expect, so we try to help people so then, i'm 12 years old and I Don't think I've ever wanted to see a movie more in my life Rambo. Rambo comes out. All my friends, 12, 13. They're all seeing Rambo. Okay, they say they are, and I'm like Rock He's in this movie. I have to go to Rambo.

Speaker 2:

So I was bugging my dad about it every day. Dad, can I want to see Rambo, i want to see Rambo. So I remember we're out in the backyard and and he's surprised me. He says okay, doug, here's the deal. Now I didn't realize he was using psychology at this point I'm too young to realize this. But he says Look to me in the eye, doug.

Speaker 2:

I trust you, i love you, i support your decisions, so sure, i will let you decide to go see it because I so trust your judgment, and then, of course, i didn't want to see it at all because I don't want to disappoint Dad.

Speaker 3:

That's beautiful.

Speaker 4:

It's all about What a good dad. What a good dad was He?

Speaker 2:

was serious about winning our hearts, loving Jesus versus behavior, because I mean, when you're two years old, you have to try to control your kid's behavior at some point before they're 18, before they move out of the house. If there's not a transfer from behavior to, i just love God and I'm winning a heart. I bring that up because I'm curious if there's a personal grid that you have to determine what you're going to watch to. What I watch, listen to because you know the rating system. Anyone who trusts the rating system is in trouble. I mean you going.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's PG and The rating system is an evil ploy Before the rating system, when the churches were involved, through the Protestant film office and the Jewish Defense League and the Catholic Legion of Decency, which have been all mocked in time. But they kept movies clean from 1933 to 1966. What I mean by clean? they didn't have foul language, they didn't have nudity sex, the violence was not porno violence or whatever you have today. And then they withdrew and Lyndon Johnson's press secretary because people stopped going to movies, went from 44 million weekly attendance to 17 million people weren't going to movies. The movie industry panicked. We don't have standards anymore. They gave up the standards And the standards were that you wouldn't portray violence in a way that a young, susceptible person would commit violence. You wouldn't portray sex in such a way that. So the standards were very positive, but they all fell apart. The church actually left Hollywood. Hollywood didn't leave the church.

Speaker 1:

The head of the film pictures.

Speaker 4:

Jewish man said if you leave Hollywood, it's like taking the salt from the meat the meat's going to rot. But then three years it rotted And this guy Lyndon Johnson's corrupt press secretary came up with a rating system. But the rating system? think about it. You love road trips, right? So you're driving through a town and you see a blinking red light where you know what you know I mean on a store, not on the you know you get oh, that's alcohol, that's the place I can go to get something nefarious. And kids know that. They immediately know that if it's a blinking red light, it's going to or whatever the movie is, it attracts them And it's the forbidden fruit.

Speaker 4:

We know that from Adam and Eve, so we need to be so. The rating system became a way of deceiving people. And back in, i'm going to meet the man who helped me do this. He was the head of a network Tonight I'm meeting him for dinner And he did a program like Entertainment Tonight, talking about all the kids going to R-rated movies. And surprisingly it was seen by a president named Bill Clinton And he got concerned. And he got a call from a guy who was a writer and he was like why it was seen on a Sunday. He called all the theater owners to do a mass call on Monday to agree to card kids. Once they started carding kids which they had not done before in 1998 or whatever suddenly the box office for R-rated hit the bottom And that's why now our figures show that the more sex, the less money, because the biggest audience was always the kids audience.

Speaker 4:

Parents don't go to movie generally, they watch it at home. Kids want to go to a movie because they want to date. They don't want their parents to see them dating. They want to go to the movie theater They can put their arm around their date. They don't have to talk because they don't know what to say. They can go out to ice cream after work and talk about the movie Did you see that scene.

Speaker 4:

So kids are the audience And when you started carding them you removed the audience. 14 to 24 movie audience And the movie industry right now. Last year, of the top 10, 80% were really strong Christian content, 70% of the movie's overseas, and I've got all these statistics. Go to moviegodorg and you can get it I love it.

Speaker 1:

I have got an encouragement for you and then a question about just kind of the current trends. We work with Native American young people Excellent And we just this past year, our first year at the On Eagles Wings Leadership Center, where we got more time to equip them. One of the things we taught was entertainment choices And I just want to encourage you that we said, okay, choose something, choose whatever movie you want, check out Movie Guide, and we're going to talk about it. And so they kind of got into small groups, reported back on what they found And one young man in particular changed how he views entertainment in a big way.

Speaker 1:

He just even was talking to me the other day of saying I now know I have to look at these things And I have to see what's in it And it was a huge heart change for me when I started using these resources. But so you're making a difference in Native America. I want you to know that I love it. There is a lot of hope in Native America now because there are young people who are saying I love Jesus and I want to make a difference with my people. I just want to ask you the trends in Christian media that you're seeing in faith based films and everything. They're obviously coming out at a more rapid pace Doesn't mean they're all you know that they're all top notch or whatever else. Not criticizing them, but that's apart from kind of the number that are coming out. What are some of the trends you're seeing that encourage you in some of the media that's coming out?

Speaker 4:

right now. Well, they're getting better all the time, Yeah Amen The quality of their work. And you know, the Irwin brothers did a little interview like this at the NRB last year And they said well, thank you, because you kept pushing us to do better.

Speaker 4:

And their films are more, you know, cohesive. The trouble is and there's no trouble with Jesus Revolution, it's a good movie And the Kendrick's brothers movies you know, alex Kendrick used to be my radio engineer They're all getting better So I'm not complaining about it. But in Hollywood 60 to 70% of a movie is marketing And Hollywood spends $50 million a year on marketing. And my friend who's a left-wing, tommy Pinko, right, jeffery Katzler, who I love dearly, he lost control of DreamWorks because if he was going to pay $20 million to ABC to put on ads, who got the money? Disney, because they own ABC.

Speaker 4:

If he bought the time on NBC, who got the money? Universal Pictures, because they own it, if you do, i mean CBS, paramount Pictures. So he was funding, was shrieking everything His enemy, i mean his competitor. Maybe I should put that in more gentle terms. So when you're doing this and most Christians don't even think about marketing. But I've seen movies that are really good Christian movies They open to three or $4 million And meanwhile London is falling. You know which is Gerard Butler's worst film in a pack of bad films.

Speaker 3:

There are a few of those It's made $110 million that weekend.

Speaker 4:

Now, why does that happen? Marketing Disney, which some people don't like, now for a year is speaking to your children saying little mermaids coming out. And the rule in marketing is that six months out, you want half the country to know about it Little mermaids coming out And then, by the month before it opens, you want 90%. Well, christians don't do that. I talk to people all the time. Oh, i didn't know Nefarious was coming. I didn't know Jesus Revolution. I didn't know about these movies. So we've got to get with the program. It's a business.

Speaker 4:

There's a way to run the business And no matter how high quality, if nobody knows about it, nobody's going to go to the movie. That's good.

Speaker 2:

Ted, we have time flies when we have a great guest.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

And we know you've got other interviews today. I've got one soon. So let me ask you this last question. Here You're sitting, we're in a podcast booth here, But when actually you are sitting across from a dad, they're a mom who are listening right now. If you could look them in the eye and tell them one thing to encourage them about their choices, especially if they want their kids to be ambassadors for Christ so much affects young people when they're growing up What would you you're looking them in the eye right now, You're encouraging them. What would you tell them?

Speaker 4:

Well, the movies are getting, the Hollywood movies are getting more Christian. You know, if I told you there was a movie out about Satan trying to woo the bride of Christ and there's a movie where he's got a lake of fire and he's got people suspended above the lake of fire and he's practicing with his little demons his talk to the bride of Christ, you know, i'm going to be good If you marry me. I'm going to be great. I mean, this sounds like a biblical movie.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 4:

But it made a billion 200 million within four weeks as Super Mario Brothers.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, oh, that's such a good movie Oh my goodness.

Speaker 1:

OK now I just, I mean I got to unpack that one for a little bit. I'll circle back, But now you're listening to that. That's amazing.

Speaker 4:

You know, we've been encouraging, we do the numbers, We give it to people at Argayla And we see more and more of them. Like you know one Jewish producer who's a friend, a close friend God bless him And he came to the gala. He was making big films but you know, some of them were pretty sleazy. One of them was simple dumb and dumber. That's not clean, 100% clean.

Speaker 3:

So don't worry about it.

Speaker 4:

But he said I can make films for my kids now And he started making most of the Hallmark movies and how he's making more, most of the GIC movies. We had a Muslim who'd done 150 films. In the number one film on ABC miniseries He came to Christ at the gala. Oh, wow. So we have a lot of people come to Christ. We have a lot of people who change their attitude about what they're doing. A friend of mine who's one of the heads of Netflix They hired a woman to be a Christian to be in charge of the films And they hired a Christian to do those. Not all the films, but some of the films to have strong Christian content And some of the television. Another woman for that And I met with her And they did Blue Miracle, which is one of the best movies of all time.

Speaker 4:

So actually we see these changes taking place. The average movie in Hollywood if you think it's instant pudding takes 13 years. Wow, and you think about that top gun. how long did it take?

Speaker 1:

between the original.

Speaker 4:

You probably weren't born when the first top gun was out.

Speaker 1:

I think just by a few years.

Speaker 2:

yeah, I remember at Tom's place, and now they bring it out 36 years later, 35, whatever it is, and same thing with Avatar.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it took 30 years. Movies take a long time And they involve. And if can I go in one little more direction and then we've got a wrap and I've got to go Absolutely love to.

Speaker 4:

The problem is that a big budget movie let's say Dune, $200 million you're orchestrating the whole movie. A lot of the Christian movies don't have that budget. They have maybe a three-man dollar budget And they can't afford to take an extra shot. And you can't afford to do this. But what will happen is we go from an entertainment to melodrama. So Disney said, for every tear you have to have to laugh. So in Bambi, when Bambi's mother's shot, the next scene is thumper. It's funny Because if you leave them down in the tear and the hospital bed people get. My wife is on chemo, she'd watch. I watch a lot of Christian movies in the hospital bed. You know it's melodrama, it becomes artificial. So you need the money and you need to orchestrate the movie. You need to have laughs and all sorts of things. I mean the scene in Super Mario Brothers where Satan is hanging people in front of the link.

Speaker 3:

It's pretty funny, right Yeah?

Speaker 4:

All that is funny, but you're not thinking about it at that time, right. And same thing with Guardians of Galaxy. They actually it's pro-life, it's anti-abortion, it's anti-manipulation, and they just move and more rocket goes to heaven And they say there's somebody else controlling the universe, not this mad scientist. And it's not time for you. Interesting I'm still complaining about that, because my wife died last year and I want to go and I can't understand why, God is God. What are you doing here? He wanted me to be on your program.

Speaker 2:

Now I can walk out in the last minute or two. Well, I will say, Ted is way more up on the movies than I am right now. It's been a busy season, but this week we're in Orlando. I'm actually seeing both of these movies this week.

Speaker 1:

I've seen them.

Speaker 2:

Mario and.

Speaker 1:

Mario's a fun movie.

Speaker 2:

And we're also going to check out the Indiana Jones movie. I think So. I have not.

Speaker 4:

In Fast X. You've seen Fast X? Not yet. He's the most Christian person they've done.

Speaker 2:

Really There's gotta be writers, there's gotta be some writers that are jumping in there.

Speaker 4:

We just tell them they can make more money. That's all, there we go.

Speaker 2:

So we the name of the program Go Mad, with Doug and Brad. My dad would say we'd be walking out the front door to school and he'd yell. People thought we were crazy. He'd say Go Mad, mad is make a difference, so go make a difference, And that's what we love about Movie Guide about Ted Bear. Thank you for making such a great difference in so many families.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna pray for you real quick and then you can run all right. Heavenly Father, thank you for Ted, thank you for his ministry. I don't know if everyone views Movie Guide as a ministry, but it is, and it's a ministry to us. It has helped us along the way and helped our families, and we just pray that you would continue to have a hedge of protection around Movie Guide, around all those reviewers. You know it goes beyond Ted that there's people that are reviewing those that are seeking to see things the way you see them, and we pray that you would continue to help them to be a voice that helps people learn discernment, not just they go see this, don't go see this, but how to process it and how to think through the entertainment choices they're making.

Speaker 1:

We pray you'd be with Ted also. We know we saw our dad just with the loss of our mom years ago and that's hard And I can't imagine what all he's been through and grief is a long journey And we just pray for him as he continues to walk through that and that.

Speaker 2:
