Global Industry Spotlight

57. Nick Heineman - Executive Director at Chicago Independent Venue League

Daniel Crane

Global Industry Spotlight is a conversational series focused on providing resources and insight for the creative entrepreneur.

Nick Heineman is dad to human Riley and pitbull Wall-E, an all-weather E-Biker, and has enjoyed playing the guitar, flute, and French horn. Being of service to social justice platforms that support communities has guided Nick’s entire career; including creative professional development for young adults who are court-involved or within social services. 

Nick first experienced the uniqueness of Chicago’s independent music community as a youth attending shows throughout Chicago. As an organizer at an independent bar in Logan Square, he saw an opportunity for shows to provide material support for Chicago’s hyper-local non-profits through organizing ‘community impact concerts’. Their modest successes and Nick’s leadership caught the attention of SocialWorks, a not-for-profit founded by Chance the Rapper. 

In late 2017, Nick was appointed SocialWorks Director of Programs and Project Director where he developed the hallmark event A Night at the Museum at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, as well as created national initiatives like My State of Mind. Subsequently, Nick served has also served with distinction at Trans Lifeline (the first transgender crisis hotline in the United States and Canada), Movement BE (an initiative empowering Southern California’s at-risk youths through creative storytelling), and Mindful Philanthropy (a program the develops direct connections between donors and mental health, addiction recovery, and community wellbeing initiatives). Nick has also enjoyed working to support music/arts education, life skills development, and family professional development throughout Chicago up until joining CIVL in 2022. 

As Executive Director, Nick's priority is to maintain CIVL's position as an advocate for Chicago's independent live music and performing arts venues. Nick has enjoyed serving the organization for one year as of May 2023.