Gone Fission Nuclear Report
Are you interested in the latest news about environmental cleanup at the Department of Energy's nuclear facilities? The GONE FISSION Nuclear Report is for you! This podcast covers all the latest developments across the DOE complex. More than just the news, you'll get commentary and insights to help you better understand the impact of developments.
Gone Fission Nuclear Report
S2E24 Gone Fission Nuclear Report 08/01/22, Wildlife on EM Sites-Part 4-Idaho National Laboratory, Sue Vilord
Michael Butler
Season 2
Episode 24
This week's episode is the fourth and final episode in a four-part series on Wildlife on EM Sites. In previous episodes, we visited the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, Hanford in Washington State and the Fernald Preserve in Ohio. This week we talk to Sue Vilord, Senior Wildlife Biologist and Wildlife Task Lead at Idaho National Laboratory. Learn about a toad on the INL site that burrows underground and stays for 10 years. Plus get all the latest news from DOE's Environmental Management program.
Visit the Gone Fission Nuclear Report channel on youtube.com for a videocast of episodes since November 7, 2022.