Gone Fission Nuclear Report

S3E20 EM Young Professionals: Building the Workforce - 09/25/2023 - Ike White, EM Senior Advisor, Ken Rueter, UCOR President & CEO

Michael Butler Season 3 Episode 20

If you want job security and the feeling of doing something meaningful, the Department of Energy’s Environmental Management program is the place to be. That was the message of top government and industry leaders—and young professionals themselves—at the 2023 National Cleanup Workshop in Washington, DC. EM Senior Advisor Ike White says about half the federal EM workforce is eligible to retire now. And UCOR President and CEO Ken Rueter describes a novel program called Rising Senior Leaders that is preparing young professionals for executive positions. It’s all featured in this week’s episode of the Gone Fission Nuclear Report. #environment #workforce #podcast

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