Why not meditate?

80. Leaving the 9 to 5 in midlife and creating a life doing what you love - Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey

Masako Kozawa / Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey Season 2 Episode 80

Are you doing what you truly want to do with your life? 
Is the way you are currently living in alignment with who you are? 

If the answer is anything but a resounding "YES!," then it’s time to explore and maybe make some changes.

In this episode, an award-winning transformational coach, Dr. Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey, shares her personal journey of leaving the 9 to 5 and creating a life doing what she loves, which is creating art and helping others follow their passion.

**Sign up for the upcoming Vision Board Facilitation Class here! by Sunday, September 10th!**

  • Registration due: Sunday, September 10, 2023
  • Class date: September 22, 2023
  • Exchange: $97

About Clarissa:

Resources discussed in this episode:

Ways to connect with Masako:

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