Why not meditate?

91. Manifest your dreams with Law of Attraction Feng Shui - Jeannette Cieszykowski

Masako Kozawa / Jeannette Cieszykowski Season 2 Episode 91

We've all heard about Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice of arranging pieces in living spaces to create balance with the natural world. We've also heard about Marie Kondo, who has introduced us to the concept of only having things that spark joy around us. And then, there is Jeannette Cieszykowski, who is marrying the two and adding "intention" to the practice.

By now, we all know that everything is energy. Then, wouldn't it make sense for us to understand how the energy of our environment influences us and learn to work with it?

About Jeannette:

Resources discussed in this episode:

Ways to connect with Masako:

**Masako is now offering one-on-one coaching!**
Submit your application for a 30 min complimentary discovery call here: https://masakozawa.com/coaching

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